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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. More so in your system than ours, so I will suppress the urge to think of her as being naive to say that.
  2. I'd prefer to just slap them, rather than slap a label on them.
  3. Yet another idiotic hill to fight on, I guess.
  4. Not really sure what they find problematic, just reading a lot of pouting comments. Oh right, it 'trivializes' the plight of South Africans. Kind of weird bar to have, that, we don't even now how it is handled yet - I guess you can't have any parallel to real world suffering ?
  5. Saw some lady saying "transracial" with a straight face on TV, so perhaps it is spreading. Speaking of funny crazies on Twitter : https://twitter.com/Reeckensall/status/610992869470511104
  6. Russia not invaded yet ?
  7. That's one bulky jacket. I sort of miss the little potion handlers on the armour, not sure if those were in TW2, though.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZtLySyPbqw
  9. http://cityofdarkness.co.uk/category/the_city/ Article about Kowloon Walled City
  10. Dog will sacrifice himself at the end to save us all. Or is romanceable. WoW fans seem to spend their time hating the game.
  11. This is Ubisoft levels of cringe.
  12. Eh, the marketing is like HR, shooty shooty but the game isn't that bad. Probably will come down to pushing some button to blow up something or not.
  13. Hope to see some more stuff on Just Cause 3.
  14. Well, can't expect too much from the audience there, dumb yahoos whooped for everything even non-eventful standards of the series. Either that or Ismail is really ignorant of gaming pre-2005 or something.
  15. There is still Arma if you want slower paced and more methodical military shooter... Haven't ever tried America's Army, but I would expect to be fairly similar to Arma. It's true that the genre now will be missing a squad command game that Rainbow Six was filling nicely... Yeah, ARMA has problems too. There's always Ground Branch (watch that be another Takdeown Red Saber).
  16. WoW has that problem, the Horde and Alliance must unite...for the n-th time.
  17. Well, guess that's good - company will get revenue. Whoops, thought that was NEW not NON.
  18. So new Hitman game is called Hitman. Here's to hoping it won't suck or be like Absolution.
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