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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. ...It's not like society doesn't have a complex set of incentives and punishments aimed at enforcing exactly this "fascist liberal notion" (dafuq). Moreover, what I don't get is the notion that somehow the freedom to be not-good is more important than the harm caused by people being not-good. Well freedom always trumps sore feelings, not-good on terms of being jerks is preferable to having one muzzled from saying mean stuff. Mind you this is just people being rude rather than stuff like death threats or violence.
  2. Careful, he might register here...
  3. GTA V, mainly doing the side missions. Should go back and kill Josh though, boy did that mission chain get weird.
  4. Wonder what the guy in the first picture is carrying. Also, I think this is a good idea for a hipster gym - guys train by carrying big packages.
  5. One of these freelance guys that writes at Polygon, sometimes Guardian. Not so much a Twitter personality, I think, but he comes close.
  6. So Gamergate ran Moosa off Twitter, heh.
  7. Youtube needs to be more wasteland-esque.
  8. Shame our weather people are midgets, old white guys with TV voice.
  9. Passes the time at work, mainly. Oh and
  10. And I thought this was going to be about terrorism.
  11. Meh, even less interest after that line. Thought it ending with the commandos being butchered like cattle might be something.
  12. Well, sometimes pointing out hypocrisy is fun - like in international affairs when the US condemns anyone
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3hlRULLzDU
  14. Yeah Moosa is Kuchera redux. Seems to do nothing but post on Twitter every 5 minutes, heh. Even if you are some console writer, you should at least be aware of the GPUs in the things and how they perform, at a high level.
  15. Green or NDP.
  16. Wonder why someone would go through the tedium of getting an indie game, playing it and then getting a refund rather than just pirating it. Steam may cut you off if you make it a habit, I'd imagine.
  17. Not much of a problem, some customers will knee-jerk refund for sure, but barring the game being a total mess (in which case it's not a flawed gem) most people will find something worthwhile to slug it out. Assuming the vendor actually takes steps to fix things so to not waste the goodwill of those customers. Give customers some credit in that they will appreciate the situation on a developer by developer basis, that and if you release crap, don't cry about what follows.
  18. Busy week for the US Supreme Court.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zzoyQh5c_o Tories continue.
  20. I wouldn't take that website seriously.
  21. Seems to be getting worse each episode.
  22. You finished it that fast?
  23. Got attacked in GTA online, blew up his car twice. Dumb of me as that cost me 50k, oops. But what made it funny was him going off on me being a dumb ****, the reason girls shouldn't play games and a whole lot more trash talk. Been a while since I wound someone up so, was rather enjoyable
  24. Playing GTA V still, is rather fun to cruise around at night. Almost a substitute for a life! Might play more Door Kickers as well, taking too long on some missions
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