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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. That was a bit laboured.
  2. Latter, there's no place for sympathy on the Internet.
  3. Japanese keeper was irritating, really should have done better on the 5th goal. Japan did press well at the end, shame they couldn't do it. The commentators on TV here though, they need a good beating to convince them that not talking isn't always a bad thing - I think we have some English moron who's there for his accent and some Canadian former player for all the good that gives.
  4. Just get a plugin for your browser, found it to be the least of a hassle. Want one with scripting as well. Hardly a hassle to run a program
  5. Best part of that game.
  6. Decided to look into a new IRC program, have been using mIRC for 17 years.
  7. Most people understand what you mean when you use that though, hard to avoid that as they have it in their formal name. I guess I should have used USian, that always seemed to appease Euro pedants on Slashdot back in the day.
  8. You consider that a bug with the game ?
  9. Canadian culture is just delusion that they're better than Americans, for the most part, and obsession with a stupid bush sport.
  10. Funny as that is an English woman's body.
  11. Surprised people don't use adblockers already, to be honest.
  12. Well, that movie is regarded as a good piece of art or whatever, so perhaps he's trying to point out the reduction isn't that much of a weighty criticism. Not particularly as it deals with the Holocaust, seems clear enough. His argument was more that it was mature for them doing what they wanted regardless of worrying about being cowed by puritanical type thinking, rather than it being anti-Western in a shade. I'll have to wait to hear what you people consider maturity in a game, but I'm not sure you'll get one as you can always bludgeon it with 'power fantasy' as not many people want to play a game where they don't triumph somehow.
  13. Yeah, there's other cars on the road, smog is a thing here where I live. Join that with not really moving at a good consistent clip unless you're on a highway and the humidity meaning you just sit in your own sweat, the AC is better idea. Is probably overused though in some places, in terms of how low they set it.
  14. Finished off GTA V, well the storyline anyway, will putter around doing random things and doing the usual rampage but I guess that is it until my last friend gets off his ass and builds a new PC so we can play online. Will go through GOG backlog, Port Royale or The Guild 2 are striking my fancy currently, so will flip a coin.
  15. Did he compare them ? Seems he reduced the plot in a same way, not a comparison. Nor did he claim they are high art. But oh well, usual dogs yapping.
  16. Well, good for you, but opening the window in summers here when it is 35 C without humidity would really achieve nothing, wind is either pushing car exhaust or what feels like already super heated air. Cost of being in a city, I suppose.
  17. Time to invest in AC companies in Europe.
  18. Not really. It's simply a humongous waste of bandwidth, digital mediocrity of the most egregious sort. Hm, why do you say that?
  19. Yes, maintenance is important. But for Canada, they should have prioritized saving cash - we're a tiny dog in NATO and WW3 isn't likely to break out soon versus us subduing brown people over the ocean now and then. Think the Super Hornet was that option (also has 2 engines, which is some fetish in the Canadian military)
  20. ISIS are bad people.
  21. Fun place to troll. Read the soccer, some programming ones mainly - even if it is just to treat it as a glorified RSS feed.
  22. Thought they touted the setting for the game-level maturity more than the nudity, isn't that much in TW3, even the sex scenes are tamer. But eh, will have the usual dogs barking about that. Shame there weren't more ways to affect the political situation in TW3, speaking of the setting, though making Geralt not affect the big game seems to have gone done well for everyone else.
  23. *snort* Moosa's back, almost made it to a week. Nothing like a good flounce.
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