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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. It's getting like RPG backstories here. I'm just lucky in that most of my relatives, like my countrymen, are just disloyal snakes.
  2. http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1832282-WoW-Down-to-5-6-Million-Subscribers WoW down to 5.6 million
  3. Football Manager is pretty addictive, the match engine still messes around with me. But have managed to beat mighty Zenit and Lokomotiv with Kuban so far, as broke as I am.
  4. Hot water heater dead. As usual family has fallen apart over it, rather amusing to think of how we take hot water for granted.
  5. HitchBOT destroyed in Philly - http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/hitchbot-destroyed-in-philadelphia-ending-u-s-tour-1.3177098 Canadians get another reason to jerk it over how Americans suck.
  6. Have you slapped anymore women for wanting to hit your dog....you know its a quiet day if that hasn't occurred Nope, though some of these people need a switch to the head. Always a bunch who feel rules don't apply to them as they are special of something.
  7. Still more WoW and FM. Interesting how insults change, of late I've been told variations on a theme that I am homosexual, like to have sex with Jews and am autistic. The last one is pretty new, hm. Some day PvPers will get morale and not crap their pants at the first set back - in some BGs you can't win after a point, but these people just have a quick easy plan and then no back up one, is disappointing. Have Dreamfall ep 3 to play, though I am feeling dissuaded by people from doing that, heh.
  8. Beginning to realize that just staring and blinking at people does better to convey anger than cursing. Ah some day, the hipsters and yuppies in my area will learn to put their dogs on a leash (and not get angry if I block them off from my dogs with my knees).
  9. It would have been fun if the Garrison missions were scenarios you went on with your crew. I guess it would defeat the whole MMO thing, but garrisons took a step that way so might as well go all in. Also, boo to taking out scenarios in general, was nice to have quick content.
  10. Just hoping there's nothing like the garrisons again, might have been an interesting idea but it kind of gutted gathering professions and some crafting ones as well.
  11. Were supposed to get Farahlon and the Orge continent, those got cut. Garrisons were promised to be in any zone you wanted, they kind of did this half-assed with the towns you setup in each levelling zone. Tanaan was supposed to be a levelling zone rather than a daily zone. The capitals were to be Bladespire and Karabor, which in the latter was a shame as it was a well detailed temple (possibly a pain to navigate).
  12. Hopefully they deliver on the promises as opposed to WoD Harebrained Schemes is making a Battletech game - http://battletechgame.com/
  13. We still haven't moved off XP here.
  14. Trying to lead Kuban Krasnodar to good times in FM2015, not much luck so far.
  15. Wonderful heat here, 31 C and little wind and a hot sun sure make for a fun walk home
  16. Healing is easy, you don't need to do much usually other than keep idiots alive and manage your mana. In recent raids they've given you stuff to do, like healing the good water elementals/spirits in the Immerseus and Gorefiend fights. Healing bar blindness is something though, couple of times I'm surprised to note the fight ended so that was why no one was taking damage. PvP healing is a f'ing pain though, addons mean you get primaried easily and good luck on some PUG helping you out. Still, I can take a bit of punishment and sometimes opposition are pretty stupid and don't hit the healer. Does get annoying when some warrior expects me to babysit his inept ass as he just runs around, his resultant death and bitching does please me somewhat.
  17. PvP'ing in WoW, shame they have addons that auto-target healers, so I get nuked a lot.
  18. http://www.pcgamer.com/fallout-4-companions/ Preorder now Bruce, if you haven't.
  19. Eh, doing stuff back in vanilla an TBC wasn't that bad. I miss the old talent trees, was nice to get a mix of Holy/Prot as a Paladin and be solid in PvP (1.9 PvP was the best ever - my taking on 2 warriors and winning was the highlight of my WoW career). They certainly did improve things at least for ferals and Paladins (though that skillet has changed so freaking much over the years). It was fun to need CC in dungeons and raids, much so so that the Timewalking (where you go back to lvl 70, 80 or 90 dungeons as 100s) results in wipes as people don't CC, they overpull and so on.
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