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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. He was doing a good job of how they do it on Reddit at least. Just needed to use "Ugh" more often
  2. If it is true, it is rather funny, not that I really care if Pao gets turfed - but it'll just fuel further rage against the Reddit admins. One really poorly run site there though, administrators can't communicate at all or don't want to.
  3. Forget what studio used to do this, was a big one in the late 90s, early 2000s - but they used their AAA games to fund niche titles, so the latter's lack of immense profit wasn't too bad but the developers still got to express themselves. This was in genres that weren't as popular, not necessarily 'art' games, though.
  4. Someone has too high an opinion of the average person on the SJ reddits, heh. Also the ex-CEO Yishan is apparently saying things are not Pao's fault, so I guess they ran her out for nothing even if she and her husband have a sketchy history.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRHhXnQrRJ4
  6. Trying to avoid the criminal route this time in The Guild 2, but the easy money is too alluring. So just using a character's wife to provide me rogues as side income (and trying to produce as many kids as possible to be rogues). Perhaps being a tailor was a bad start, certainly less painful than Patron in my experience. Going to be a while before I get enough money to hire goons to murder my enemies (nothing like 6 guys beating a 70 year old to death on the road).
  7. Seems he does though, not much to understand when it comes to the people who make those comments on games. Which is who he's making fun of really, not people in that field of study or activism or what have you. Always strikes me as the kind of buzzword a PM will use, and justifies a punch in the nose.
  8. Helps feed your delusion that you are fighting injustice by making snide remarks about it, I think, from observing that kind. They are rather amusing people, even if trolling them is so easy.
  9. Our office finally got wireless internet service.
  10. Assuming that simulator is well made, anyway.
  11. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/iran-nuclear-deal-israel-to-try-to-hinder-agreement-in-u-s-congress-1.3151028 Netanyahu is upset, stating
  12. Well, probably because they'd take loonies. Hm, probably not I guess, you can't throw coins at them
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pRD40jQOg0 I guess it is CS. Also, a healing pistol.
  14. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2015/07/13/deus-ex-mankind-divided-interview/ Sounds fun.
  15. It wasn't, I was talking about my local PD, but apparently you have difficulties parsing that much. Don't get knotted up if someone shoots back, after all.
  16. Surprisingly this attempt at flattery failed.
  17. They don't need to, but I'm always wary of PR when it comes to organizations, especially something like the police, get the chance to put on a show. Also it was a comment on my local police department. No, I don't think cops roam around roughing people up (pretty sure the wannabe soldier ones wish they would), not sure why you think I would even if you are as close as we have to a bootlick for cops. Just that they routinely get away with crap unless there's video of them blowing away someone needlessly or have funny things like an idiot cop speeding with no seatbelt on getting a hero's funeral. . Eh, the Toronto PD don't have a stellar reputation with the public, what with their insistence carding black and brown people is The Way and leftover from their little adventures during the G20 here. Given that and Canadian police lacking élan, that's why they'd do some ham fisted staging.
  18. Lots do. People always look to be a victim rather than consider they just suck, after all.
  19. Doesn't seem like much fun, but that is a good approach for PR. Wonder if they have that here, though with our cops I figure it would be so blatantly staged. Maybe women cops aren't insecure hard types like the male ones I know.
  20. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2xqamg&quality=720 Hitman alpha footage
  21. More Door Kickers, finally got that embassy mission down - go go Point Man.
  22. Looks like a lot of work.
  23. Always found Pierre Burton was condescending in that interview.
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