They don't need to, but I'm always wary of PR when it comes to organizations, especially something like the police, get the chance to put on a show. Also it was a comment on my local police department. No, I don't think cops roam around roughing people up (pretty sure the wannabe soldier ones wish they would), not sure why you think I would even if you are as close as we have to a bootlick for cops. Just that they routinely get away with crap unless there's video of them blowing away someone needlessly or have funny things like an idiot cop speeding with no seatbelt on getting a hero's funeral.
Eh, the Toronto PD don't have a stellar reputation with the public, what with their insistence carding black and brown people is The Way and leftover from their little adventures during the G20 here. Given that and Canadian police lacking élan, that's why they'd do some ham fisted staging.