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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. That was some amazing advice by her dorm counselor there, hah. Interesting how sending innocent people up the creek is acceptable now. Hardly surprising I suppose
  2. You want to see rape culture, see the exam writers at my University.
  3. That and there are no female Astartes.
  4. I guess she identifies as one. For those not wishing to read the Fail - http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/12/civil-rights-activist-rachel-dolezal-misrepresented-herself-as-black-claim-parents
  5. Homeworld Remastered is 60% off, nice. http://store.steampowered.com/sub/70612/?snr=1_614_615_gta_616_3 Now that seems a bit odd, but whatever.
  6. They are fun with this playing in the background - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvRYVSQS2_s Playing GTA V, rather liking it so far. Did a random quest to help some lady who claimed another woman was being assaulted, surprise it was a trap. Shame she didn't beg or anything after I waxed the ambushers, but oh well. The new police behaviour is good change, too, slightly easier to avoid, but that may be due to the map. Maybe I will try some online too.
  7. Not really, some of them do have some issues which is why they do that, Reddit's no shortage of nutbars. But yes, maybe it is mainly just people being **** to be edgy or whatever.
  8. The world is safe for one more day
  9. I think a lot of them really do have some problem with fat people for whatever reason they have (could be ex-fat people that are insecure still or some incredibly shallow people, etc.). Never attribute to lulz what can be attributed to hate. Well ok, maybe not, but in a focused instance like this it probably is true.
  10. Nah, homeless people freezing to death is sad, this is just people being jerks online as they are pretty much everywhere. As for the lack of condemnation, that's pretty much it, not to mention it'd be useless to do so here. It is if you hate fat people
  11. Not really, it's useful for time wasting but large swathes of the userbase deserve a torture session (Chelsea fans, for example).
  12. We don't, you say ? Hm. Ah well, Reddit's admins are doing this half-assed as always, they've left other hate subs that don't leave their box, heh. Would be nice if this backlash led to the site's decline though.
  13. Christopher Lee's dead - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/11666316/christopher-lee-dies-live.html
  14. Certainly have some that act that way. But there is a line between politeness and treating someone as sacred lest they pout a bit. Why should be happy for that, by the way ?
  15. Apparently some subs are being votelocked so their posts can't reach the front page. Curious. Doubt that matters, it's ok to harass and brigade if the target is right, I guess their thinking goes.
  16. http://djangowexler.com/2015/06/10/abridged-script-to-blackhats/ Haven't seen Blackhat, but was an amusing read.
  17. Actually being charged for indecency. One of them is a Canadian, responded to this with "**** your culture" and seems to be a scumbag in dire need of a public flogging. http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2015/06/08/Sbah-quake-nudist-dismisses-superstition/
  18. They should count negatively.
  19. It's how my compa....err I mean. That's exactly the kind of thing a shady person would do.
  20. I know it's silly, but perhaps the folks at Bethesda would figure they don't need him in this hypothetical.
  21. Lord knows they desperately need someone who can actually write a character. Didn't FO3 get awards for the writing ?
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