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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Wonder what their stats will be.
  2. The top bun being out of alignment is unforgivable.
  3. Yes, you realize this is a forum and not court, right ? But anyway, the amount of gifts and offers of favours that goes on to get the privilege of hosting these events is sort of an open secret by now, no (Olympics as well). Think they tried handbags and sucking up to Warner (amazing how he pops up whenever there's crookedness about).
  4. Well, the UK's been pretty butthurt about losing to Russia - their bribery wasn't good enough - but then they are pretty sore about everything. As for the USA, well, there must be some reason they care about this (other than being concerned with Justice, heh). FIFA being investigated is fine, but a WC in Russia would be nice, change from Western EU (the funny thing when reading discussion about this is the idea UEFA should dictate the way things go, so small confeds' votes shouldn't have the same weight, heh).
  5. Well, it happened with Colombia, but that's Colombia and not Russia. I still hope the WC is there though, because f**k the English if they want it instead. If they do take it away from Qatar, hopefully they put it someplace that inconveniences EU audiences watching on TV (also I'd want Australia to host it). I suppose that is a problem with trying to be fair and letting each confederation have a turn hosting, the ME really lacks suitable hosts either for practical reasons or just the place being too risky.
  6. Good luck with the degree, all one can do is press onward.
  7. Rather amused at people outraged over corruption in Qatar when probably every country's WC involved bribery. But I suppose this is a good thing. I think they should give it to Australia instead.
  8. Someone must pay Fishburne to say those words
  9. Why not ? It's adding to the list of bad things ISIS does and why you should be ok with them being killed (I did have to laugh at an unrelated article saying that not every ISIS member deserves death, heh). Pretty sure BBC reported on the other horrors ISIS has done or has been reported as doing. Wonder how long this will go until US troops get comitted, seems the Iraqis can't do the job.
  10. Fighting that fog creature was pretty fun, who knew attacking smoke paid off (some of the time).
  11. Of course it is. Kill the Mutant. But if it's true, then call it what it is, people can cry about it if they like. As Hibbard said "Hillbillies want to be called Sons of the Soil, but it ain't gonna happen"
  12. Great, now you want lasers ? To honestly answer the question, peace and quiet and my PC.
  13. Waking up and realizing I'm not dead.
  14. Fighting drowners in the swamp is fun with swamp gas and Dancing Star bombs. Hah, almost like group style in W1 - http://gfycat.com/CrispOffbeatElk
  15. Some sort of in-game bank would have helped that.
  16. 1.04 Patch is out - Rebinding of all keys is now available after switching on the ‘Unlock Bindings’ option in the Options\Key Bindings submenu. - Corrects an issue in the dialogue system that might have caused dialogue looping in certain scenes. - Fixes an issue with incorrect behavior of Wild Hunt warriors after they were affected by the Axii Sign. - Corrects a bug that caused spontaneous combustion of gas clouds. - 1280 x 720 resolution is now properly displayed as a valid resolution option. - Fixes boat stuttering in cutscenes. - Texture rendering quality for the high and ultra presets has been improved. - Further improvements made in NVIDIA Hairworks performance. - A few additional gwent cards are now available in the Prologue area. - Fixes an issue where users with usernames incorporating non- - Latin characters were unable to import saves from The Witcher 2. - Includes a series of overall stability and performance improvements. - Fixes issues related to alt + tabbing and minimizing the game window. - Updates the game icon. - Enlarges the loot pop-up window in the UI. - Fixes an issue where, in certain circumstances, the comparison window could extend beyond the game borders in the UI. - Upgrading items included in gear sets no longer destroys rune sockets on said items. - Introduces small tweaks in the UI for gwent. - Corrects some missing translations in localized version
  17. It's just another thing ISIS is doing, nothing wrong with raising attention about it nor is it suggesting that this is the worst they've done. Frankly I've ISIS savagery fatigue at this point.
  18. Find it funny you can fight lvl 9 bandits then down the road there is a lvl 25 griffin. Just tidying up contracts here and there, those quests are pretty neat.
  19. No ****, that's because the circumstances of Muslims is in no way comparable to that of gamers. Muslim's exist in a culture of islamophobia where they can be subject to state sanctioned harassment, detainment and murder. Articles demanding an "end to muslims" in such a culture would not be tongue-in-cheek or mere hyperbole but instead contribute to the actually existing violent status quo. You cannot simply replace one group with another and treat it as if the implications are exactly the same. That said, who the **** cares that some random websites wrote some melodramatic articles on 'gamers'. I've been playing games all my life and quite frankly couldn't give a ****. Until we live in a world where employers are not hiring gamers, people are running around murdering gamers or the state itself has "declared war on gamers" you are just another tumblr generation kiddie desperate to be "oppressed". If we cannot change games journalism, then we might as well give up on everything. Explain. Compared to all other injustices that exists in the world, ethics in games journalism is quite a small thing in the grander schemes of things. But if this fails, how can people possibly be able to overcome anything bigger? But GamerGate has already won, so i am optimistic about the future. Just remind me again, what has GG achieved in the last 9 months? And I'm not being condescending, I want to see how you guys see the success of the movement Why do you ask ? Is there a deadline for it to achieve something? And if it inevitably falls short of the bar in your head, what is your suggestion? It has at least made talk of social justice issues, heh, in gaming a bit more in the forefront. Perhaps.
  20. A cynical reaction to it would be that the laws spawned to fight it and the wars launched over it are just a cover for government overreach or just money for the war industry. Or at least I would guess so.
  21. I kind of want to see how the NDP would do, but with a minority government (best kind in our system)
  22. You seem to confuse it with an extreme pessimist, here. Isn't being a cynic just being distrustful of others actions and so on? Besides it can be amusing to assail people's dreams and world view Given the posts about terrorists, war and suspicious government laws I am not too sure people raising those are cynical or immature for doing so.
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