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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Whoops, damn quote pyramids suck on mobile. Even so, how is that question complex in any way, hence the deception.
  2. New PC failed to post so need to spend time debugging that. Hope it is just connection problems and no need to RMA stuff. Bah. Also exploring the IRC server we are using as a backup and wow, lots of BDSM freaks or other creepy channels.
  3. Ah yeah I remember those, but was wondering if she got death threats or anything along those lines. Probably so. Still a good example of just doing it. And also why all the victims are nobodies in the industry or people who aren't even in it (scared off a field, pft).
  4. Amazing how you act like a **** all the time, yet act offended when others do. Anyway Obama is not that great peace wise, just heeding Gfted1's policy of drones and more drones, heh. But at least no major invasions.
  5. Wonder if it was bad as Wu or Quinn get. Good job soldiering on through it - of course when you're getting paid AAA rates, one can easily say "like I give a ****.." to that noise
  6. Nah, the cool thing is to just not point out how people suck at things rather tham encouraging people to be bad at them. Well at least SJW people, not sure what regular folk want. Cheat shaming in gaming is a thing.
  7. Wondering that if clients don't care about their issues then I can safely do the same. Ah well, symptom of clients end-of-lifing (silly term but it is what is used here) the product my company makes.
  8. Philosophy was chucked under the Arts (and Science) faculty at my school. Don't know why they tied the Sciences with that stuff. Bastards were subsidized by other professional faculties too, so their tuition was lower Does seem like a waste as there's not much consideration to the practical.
  9. So the stuff from the arts faculty, then ? Bashing SJWs is something everyone should enjoy.
  10. "‘I don’t think parents reading their children bedtime stories should constantly have in their minds the way that they are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children, but I think they should have that thought occasionally,’ quips Swift." Weird way to view things, they're not "disadvantaging" others - just trying to do what parents are to do, improve their kids.
  11. Not fringes, they just have to work with smaller parties and compromise in order to win the support of those parties and serve the interests of the people who support them. Minority governments work pretty well given that the Executive and Legislative are the same damn thing in majority governments. Proportional representation does make constituency a bit awkward, but I think a mixed system works around that
  12. Sure, no gameplay but...40k ships!
  13. Insufficient cleavage to continue.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQgKxIvHQSg&feature=share But, apparently the driver stalled it during a rehaearsal and needed a manufacturer employee to come aid it.
  15. Seems like random cranks. Expecting to see that kind of stuff here during our next election. Either done by people believing that crap or people wanting others to think they did, heh.
  16. Sort of a pot and kettle thing with Moosa complaining about shaming people online for opinions.
  17. A bit rude to immigrate to a place and then castigate the locals for living in a way that disagrees with the way you want it
  18. The lady TIE Bomber pilot in this vid (at 4:10) did make me feel kinda funny in my chair: I couldn't take that seriously with the TIE Bomber being so agile and with that Macross Missile Massacre (but yes, he was aiming to make an anime intro). Still impressive work by that guy to make that by hand. That blaster rifle seems a bit too short for her grip on it.
  19. Galls me to think Freespace IP was sold for $7500 would be nice to continue the story, perhaps find out what the Shivans were up to. Ah, dreams.
  20. Well, you could always scrap the weapons or sell the deadly stuff to client nations nations in need of security
  21. Linux version is 'soon', I believe.
  22. I'm guessing the article refers more to the $4.2bn worth of military aircraft, MRAPs and other hand-me-down hardware. edit: btw, that comes 100% out of tax dollars. Ah, duh, forgot about that, my mistake. If I recall right, not all the stuff was weapons and armour, but wow that is some scary lack of oversight - I like the redneck chief preparing for an NBC attack
  23. To hook up to an existing network, they are having problems so am looking to see if I can help.
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