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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. You would be surprised at people trying to be **** by being clever. Definitely is worth looking at it on a case by case basis when someone uses a word like that. And never know people's background, might be reasons to be touchy on words. But I guess that's just the insidious left to you.
  2. Ahh, Derek Smart in the replies.
  3. https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/02/the-air-forces-secretitve-x-37b-space-plane-may-or-may-not-be-about-to-land/ Mission patch reads NOYFB.
  4. Plushenko is the best
  5. Never underestimate people trying to be clever and leaving themselves an out. Trevor was wrong, edginess is the blight of the age
  6. What is a "guerilla effect" ? Dude should choose his words better (and stop trying to be edgy) and how is ESPN racist here? You can argue they see it where it is not, but doesn't make it racist. "She misses a first serve and Venus is all over her. You see Venus move in (and) put the gorilla [guerrilla] effect on. Charging.”" http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/01/19/did-espn-announcer-make-racist-comment-about-venus-williams.html
  7. I wish they would do that with the education department. The Department of Education & the EPA both gone? NOW we're getting somewhere!What's wrong with the EPA existentially?
  8. That's just what the crypto Stalinists want you to say.
  9. Banished
  10. Playboy only went non nude in print no?
  11. Ah whining about whining, references to nebulous groups..must be a Murdoch paper
  12. Time to fish for some scorn
  13. Consultancy, my friend.
  14. So trends over time is relevant, you say?
  15. My plans are to work late.
  16. Well, adios Flynn. Talk radio here he comes?
  17. Some "journalist" from the Sun, I believe. Or maybe its high class cousin, the Mail, I forget which.
  18. Theoretically they do have an obligation to be- non ironic usage- fair and balanced plus factual in how they handle the news. If instead they are being hysterical, exaggerating and pandering explicitly to an anti Trump base then they aren't fulfilling that theoretical obligation. Some have already headed towards direct incitement as well. I should probably mention again how much I utterly loathe the use of anonymous sources as the sole basis of news articles, which seems to be the popular methodology for stoking outrage at the moment. Yeah. But nothing so far as being irresponsible with a right. Well as long as they're using accurate darts. I have not noticed incitement but is believable. Anonymous sources are kind of funny after a while. I suppose the US civil service is in revolt, heh.
  19. How is the media being irresponsible with their free speech? Onus is on Trump to deal with it as he's part of the State and (in theory) the media is to be an adversary of the state. Other than that, he should be a bigger man as he just surrenders initiative otherwise.
  20. Ah, thought they were going to dose him with polonium or something with the URL truncation there. Isn't that a case of live by sword though?
  21. Maybe go back and reread my post for your better comprehension? I also mention "you" and "your ancestors" as possible motives for deserving to be on the receiving end of terrorism. I'm sure we can come up with a few more too! Still holds. While seeing someone upset at victim blaming here is a bit amusing, at the level of a state it isn't all that bad (given the abstract nature of it). Suppose you have to look at the attacks at a high level as well.
  22. Arvid Axelsson is a cool name, will use that for my next burner identity
  23. The "west"? Isn't the party line to trot out the ole "the majority of terrorism happens in ME countries". What did they do to deserve it? Oh yeah, slightly different interpretation of the scripture. I guess pretty much anything is a valid reason huh? Well you were bleating about Crusades and others so you weren't looking at the West? Isn't all that hard to understand things don't reach a point without a lot of hands involved. Ah well.
  24. Is that you, Arvid? Way over my head there. Had a feeling when I backed it that I was getting suckered. Ah well, was only $100. Means less hookers and blow for a month.
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