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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Or both.
  2. Seems like you should have replaced it a while ago, Intel CPUs weren't -that- bad to you,surely
  3. Nice weather of late so can resume hanging with my dachshund out on the front step.
  4. https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-telescope-reveals-largest-batch-of-earth-size-habitable-zone-planets-around
  5. They're not linking to it as proof, they're linking so you can read more if you want to without having to repeat themselves in every article. It's commonly done on the web. Well in that article, they are. I get they like the clicks but is a bit of a time waster to subject me to another of their articles to find the source of Swedish police wanting to leave their job for example. Cops whining about political correctness hampering them is always fun, on the side.
  6. Her dad is Zbigniew Brezinski used to be an advisor to Carter I think. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zbigniew_Brzezinski Neat he founded the Trilateral Commission.
  7. Dubious depiction of Trump as well.
  8. Breitbart linking to Breitbart as sources is pretty funny. Nothing like meaningless intermediary sources, I guess.
  9. Nah, he'll just pimp his Patreon. Plenty of suckers for him around
  10. Plenty of other things that could have pushed Manning to attempt suicide, at least in prison.
  11. Broken Sword 3 almost makes me want to quit and I'm still in the plane. Go go UI designers.
  12. Yeah but again you are equating it with a boob job but trans people have an argument it is something more necessary. Not just to make them happy. But oh well. I find it funny I spend the same amount per week on transit that Gfted1 does on gas
  13. Yeah I posted that two pages ago. Like I said, it's a non-existent problem. There are many and more miles of beach in that state with affordable and even free accommodations once you get it through your head Santa Barbara, LA, San Jose, etc are going to be expensive and Cosa Mesa and other small towns are not. I grew up in Florida and I can tell you for a fact it is a hell of a lot more expensive to stay in Miami Beach than Crescent Beach but when you are standing on the sand looking at the ocean they both look identical. Didn't notice the link at the bottom of your post, weird. Well, not a non existent problem, just not that severe to the people affected and not like you give a toss. Partly aimed at improving existing low income housing, anyway. Price of being in a society I guess (added bonus of spinning up libertarians as well )
  14. Kind of a low bar for great. Of course, opens one up to have that turned against you when you tell another "When in Rome.."
  15. Well sex changes aren't like boob jobs, really. This is the outrage du jour? http://m.ocregister.com/articles/beach-743100-beaches-people.html
  16. Kind of funny to read that from Cheong. Not sure there are so many as to not be able to be counted. Is tempting to think of Africa as some sort of nightmarish land of war, but that belies reality I feel
  17. Well ongoing ones. Am on mobile so is pain in rear with my eyes Probably figure all ongoing ones aren't low level insurgencies though.
  18. Will have to check later but also the level of the conflict matters as well.
  19. Not quite tonnes or every second country, it seems, but also out of date anyway https://warisboring.com/these-are-the-wars-that-will-rage-in-africa-in-2016-aa3d792954d5#.7hybwd4yn
  20. Governments and courts I would imagine. Various cases here where someone has argued they will face death if sent back for various reasons, ethnicity, sexuality. Did find one case funny where a Jamaican used the high crime rate - though I think that is viable.
  21. Sorry but tell it to the rape victims. Honestly I understand that statistics can be interpreted differently but if you go to individuals your view will change rapidly Yeah, emotion is a good place to start. Apparently there was rioting in Stockholm after a drug raid. I guess Trump was right
  22. What the hell is the president doing holding a rally. Campaign never stops. Not much of a surprise
  23. Finally saw John Wick 2. Failed in counting his shots with the 1911 though. Was a fun film, didn't try to tell too much as was my worry
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