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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://radio.garden/ Listen to some radio stations from around the world
  2. You mean leftist fascism
  3. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/sean-spicer-citing-unknown-atlanta-terror-attack-times/story?id=45364173 Orlando does sound like Atlanta.
  4. I still like this dude for a cherry picked interview. Granted, he's still a moron. https://youtu.be/kjuNuqIev8M
  5. But the Mail is a paper that basically asks the question "ARE YOU NOT OUTRAGED OVER THIS?!" or at least the times I've read it
  6. I think if, and I strongly emphasize IF, Emperor Kumquat (love this name ) will start bombing Iran then there won't be millions to take refuge.Vastly overestimating US might and intention in any conflict, there.
  7. Spicer in on it, apparently, as well http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/sean-spicer-imagines-atlanta-terror-attack-defend-travel-ban-article-1.2967096 Easy to work in a sports joke I suppose
  8. http://www.mediaite.com/online/bring-it-on-alisyn-cnn-interview-with-gop-congressman-gets-heated-and-strange/ They really should only let Senators on TV.
  9. Your post was better than that linked article. Looking at the author's past entries was a bit of a laugh. Here everyone is fairly liberal so political talk is rather boring as it's just going over what idiocy Trump has decided to spout overnight. Well except for one guy that is constantly bashing on everything being fake news (Rob Ford fan).
  10. Explaining why you slice the pie on entering rooms doesn't make one seem less weird.
  11. Burnt out on D3, so returned to FM2015 for a bit. Injuries in this game are rather annoying, though. Should probably resume grinding in WoW. Needing 80 items when I get one per heroic is going to tax my sanity though.
  12. Loyalty is its own reward I see.
  13. Until a guy shows up and ****s them over, at least
  14. That's certainly an inspired reading of that article.
  15. In Volo veritas
  16. it will be interesting to see how trump spins this. am expecting a couple boardies to defend the list no matter how alternate fact based it may be. kinda cheating the thread as it is actual a full week o' tweets, but... http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/factcheck/what-trump-got-wrong-on-twitter-this-week-supernumber4/ar-AAmzHtq?ocid=spartanntp HA! Good Fun! https://twitter.com/Kevinliptakcnn/status/828770708524244993/photo/1 Someone's one something with some items on this list. Well at least they thought Charleston got enough coverage, or wasn't terrorism, heh.
  17. http://www.npr.org/2017/02/06/513777052/trump-says-media-fail-to-report-terrorist-attacks-white-house-promises-list Should be a good list
  18. Well that guy exists, the Mail is getting better. Also, that's quite early for just in time. Seems like there is push back http://m.dailykos.com/story/2017/2/5/1630229/-Retired-NOAA-scientist-feels-slighted-sets-world-afire-in-revenge
  19. I liked the Budweiser one better. Of course when Adolphus Busch actually came here there were no immigration laws. Apparently people are in a tizzy over the Coke one, where it is sung in other languages.
  20. Really? Seemed pretty well done, even if one sided, seems like a plausible way to use a pistol in those situations. Forgot the sequel is out Friday, time flies.
  21. Obvious evidence of left-wingist indoctrination of our youth
  22. Sudden death OT is rather stupid to have, why not just another period?
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