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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Not very memorable, but was alright to play.
  2. Still wringing your hands over The Left, huh? Eh, nothing nasty there. Usual Twitter "banter", oh no!
  3. Always get a laugh when some one touts their objectivity. Same situation as 'honesty' or 'expert in Excel'. If only Trump had access to agencies that could verify what things he hears. No such luck I guess.
  4. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/02/19/516097504/trump-says-look-whats-happening-in-sweden-sweden-asks-wait-what
  5. Fox convinced him of that, I believe. What with vast unreported crimes apparently.
  6. Going to try Broken Sword 3. How bad could it be
  7. Heh, that does seem to be pretty much it. Cops as usual play no role in people distrusting them.
  8. Don't think they're exactly no-go, but they're hostile to the police, and have become a lot more hostile thanks to Obama's demagoguery and lies. Europe didn't have them though until mass migration. So the causes are different but the result is the same, ethnic-cultural enclaves hostile to the society at large. How did Obama make them more hostile? I keep reading that as if cops and minorities were cool with each other before. High profile events and everything being recorded probably are more impactful.
  9. More like LSD facts
  10. Hm....retort will be something along the lines of how the Catholics treated natives long ago or something, I will guess.
  11. Looking through old code and assignments from school, wonder what I was smoking making a GUI from Win32 API calls, while it is interesting and I did learn about the WndProc handler, that seems like pain. Definitely have regressed as a coder though!
  12. People are really buying that he meant 'guerilla' as if 'guerilla effect' is a commonly said phrase, followed by 'charging' ? Huh. Somehow I'm not too surprised.
  13. Well he is a disappointing pick for them. Will have to look up what kind of questions he was asked, might be amusing.
  14. http://www.csmonitor.com/Environment/2017/0217/Where-is-Zealandia-Geologists-say-they-have-discovered-eighth-continent I prefer Tasmantis.
  15. Well wouldn't be my first Sierra adventure game, imagine it could be trickier than the PQ games
  16. Heh, who said he did nothing wrong ? Foot in mouth, isn't murder, but it's still something one should say "Ah nuts, sorry" for. And ta-da that'd suck the wind out of any fuss.
  17. http://www.haaretz.com/us-news/1.772303
  18. Well context matters. I have been around people using words in a weasely way so it pays to look at it case by case. The ESPN clown should not have said that and not try the weak dodge he did try after. As for him getting the sack, such is life in entertainment. Maybe he just handed some rope to managers waiting for it
  19. If this place teaches anything is that everyone is trying to be a **** until proven otherwise
  20. Laura Bow games added. I never played these or knew about them until recently. Might give them a spin
  21. Reminds me of Liverpool supporters arguing that Suarez wasn't trying to be racist at all.
  22. I still remember how the third game acts as if the second never existed
  23. That damn skeleton puzzle in The Dig. Had trouble with the reactor puzzle but that was just me being (more) stupid back then.
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