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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Grinding my way to the end in Broken Sword 3. Kind of makes me apprehensive about playing BS4 - but I might as well finish off the series.
  2. Never really understood this snobbery about the degree of cooking a steak. Honey mustard does taste kind of neat with steak though.
  3. http://www.pcgamer.com/mass-effect-andromeda-is-totally-softcore-space-porn-following-full-nudity-esrb-shift/ Pretty sure only Bruce would be interested
  4. Hard to ban misinformation. Just need people to be calm when reading things and be suspicious of things that fit perfectly with their views. That'd make for a good start. Internet can make you hate people what with scumbags being emboldened online and all but isn't too bad.
  5. Usually. Already have Cruz in there
  6. In a way that makes it more likely to be false. I like the Jew remark there, hilarious kids these days. Is some fuss about them offering rebates to IT departments on Reddit. Not quite sure it is Jihad time yet for that.
  7. It seems they let any moron in the House. Senators aren't usually so wacko, I notice.
  8. Tell that to Armenians Also some brave soldier was ready to fight against them in Kansas but wasn't able to tell difference between people with Indian origin from people with Middle Eastern origin. "At least one witness reportedly heard the suspect yell “get out of my country” shortly before shooting men he thought were Middle Eastern. Both men, engineers at Garmin, appear to be originally from India." http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article134459444.html https://apnews.com/3a570dfdf2254db697fabc0e120bdbb1/Witnesses:-Shooting-at-Kansas-bar-may-have-racial-overtones?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP http://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article134876169.html
  9. Worthy of merciless extermination, regardless.
  10. BS3 is trying to defeat me with these crashes and freezes. Unskippable dialogue in an adventure game is a crime.
  11. Argh, more wanking self linking, bastards. Wonder why he didn't think to reference that then, is a bit more meaty than FOAF BS. Might also be for other reasons, you'd need to see which regions sent less people and other things - the data sheet they have up for 2015 is pretty meh and 2017 isn't up, bah.
  12. https://theintercept.com/2017/02/24/mayor-paris-trolls-donald-trump-friend-jim/ Hah.
  13. Wouldn't mind seeing Maher burn as well. Getting better and better
  14. Reminds me of my boss
  15. Well you live as you fight.
  16. Tasty outrage.
  17. Another band that kind of went meh after a member died, damn drunk drivers.
  18. I still boggle at what they did to Ashley, she was okay in ME1.
  19. Cutting into the domestic rape industry. Bastards.
  20. That switching between sets is neat. Combat looks like it might be fun.
  21. https://www.gog.com/news/release_hidden_dangerous_and_hidden_dangerous_2 Hidden and Dangerous and sequel added.
  22. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&nv=1&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.at&sl=de&sp=nmt4&u=https://www.computerbase.de/2017-02/nvidia-geforce-gtx-1080-ti-name-termin/&usg=ALkJrhhAkl9Dn4BEb7yOZGxH_yzx2c4kYA Original article is in German, so pardon the Google translate
  23. Well, pretty much any media as well. Youtube has such gems of that these days. F**king Internet.
  24. Well, figured it'd be something ideological. I've gone with Intel for the last 3 builds as they were better than the alternatives at the time (though one was just because I couldn't find AMD when I wanted to build, bastard Bitcoin miners I think).
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