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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. British courts already were involved.
  2. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/meals-wheels-sees-spike-online-donations-after-trump-s-proposed-n735266 Well there is that. But those are probably not the same people who bought the Bernie figurine.
  3. Seems like something to get on sale, at least.
  4. Encountered a puzzle in BS4 I still don't get. Escaped from a chair where I was tied up by fiddling with some Rube Goldberg like set up with the aid of a Murphy bed and some dude hiding in a box
  5. Kind of want to get the game just to see how bad it is, based on all this fuss
  6. Side effect of stasis, that's all
  7. Huh, I thought he was already dead.
  8. Well the downcast look is more like he got shot down.
  9. Wondered who thought The End would be a good song for the radio in the morning
  10. You're going to get "**** you, I got mine" in fancy dress.
  11. https://gfycat.com/OrganicExcellentAmbushbug Cherry picking perhaps, but still worth a snicker.
  12. Space Moses, more like it.
  13. Seems like freezing their budget while they optimize would be a good idea if they are unready with the current huge budget.
  14. Muahahaha, if only it were that easy. Give me absolute power and I will make America great again. Gfted1 2020
  15. Hopefully PBS endures.
  16. http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2017/03/16/trump_s_budget_proposal_guts_just_about_everything_but_defense_and_border.html Pentagon must really need that money
  17. Doing anything he doesn't like.
  18. Wow... who does that remind you of? Everyone online?
  19. I envy that collection
  20. Nah. Obama hadn't even been elected yet when Nugent said that. Much lower impact. If he had done it during Obama's presidency, I can see it. Meshback trash have their uses.
  21. Nugent might gain from such a thing as well.
  22. Walker is painful as ever to read. But at least he will wind up some people about how he's wrong, etc.
  23. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/14/520123490/vibrator-maker-to-pay-millions-over-claims-it-secretly-tracked-use Come up with your own puns. But it does sort of tangentially highlight why the IoT isn't all that great a concept.
  24. Saw Zulu Dawn (Hooray for Youtube) I can say I liked Zulu better. But at the very least it is an interesting gateway into learning the history behind the events. Edit : Dawn not Wars. Zulu Wars would be a crappy RTS.
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