Well there is that. But those are probably not the same people who bought the Bernie figurine.
Encountered a puzzle in BS4 I still don't get. Escaped from a chair where I was tied up by fiddling with some Rube Goldberg like set up with the aid of a Murphy bed and some dude hiding in a box
Pentagon must really need that money
Nah. Obama hadn't even been elected yet when Nugent said that. Much lower impact.
If he had done it during Obama's presidency, I can see it. Meshback trash have their uses.
Come up with your own puns. But it does sort of tangentially highlight why the IoT isn't all that great a concept.
Saw Zulu Dawn (Hooray for Youtube) I can say I liked Zulu better. But at the very least it is an interesting gateway into learning the history behind the events.
Edit : Dawn not Wars. Zulu Wars would be a crappy RTS.