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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. What a choke artist.
  2. Love that voice acting
  3. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20174-18-starcraft-and-its-brood-wars-expansion-are-now-officially-free SC&BW is free, if you don't have it already.
  4. Have you got a larger ship yet? Yeah got the Sealot. Exhausted the tech tree so maybe will ditch the science room and try hauling passengers. Might finally get some gun as well.
  5. "Someone somewhere said something stupid".
  6. Cosmonautica still. Finally got a kitchen, my crew can live off other stuff than Space Doritos
  7. Just another Sunday. Edit : That's not meant to be some atheist edgelord crap, it's just that for me it's so low key it's just a Sunday
  8. Not quite, the hands aren't that needed as seen with Ozzel.
  9. Apathy is death I am hoping Rey loses a foot to Kylo Ren as she finds out he's her cousin.
  10. Domino's Vult
  11. Not that surprising, is so heavy and far more powerful than needed looking at some of the conflicts the US has been. Probably was overkill for this, but this will sell well with the "bomb the **** out of them" meshback jerkoffs
  12. So US used a MOAB https://origin-nyi.thehill.com/policy/defense/328684-us-drops-largest-non-nuclear-bomb-in-history-report Wonder if the DoD video will come with Drowning Pool soundtrack
  13. Cosmonautica is a fun little game, near scare of failure so am just grinding out cash shipping around garbage, cigs and fertilizer until I get a bigger ship and can do passenger runs. Well worth $2
  14. Mine is Peter Gibbons.
  15. Wheres the cutoff for whining? Did you know that my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandpappy, Augustus Gvtedus XIVIIXIII! was fed to the lions in Rome for being a Christian? I tried to get reparations from the Italian government but they told me "così pisciare su un recinto elettrico". Nah, I'm just kidding. I suppose I feel that once the event is over and the threat is removed, people should stop acting persecuted. Well, Italian government now has nothing much to do with Rome, I don't think they are the same ethnic group after the fall, etc. Not sure it is 'whining', in a genral sense, to take issue with someone denying, diminishing or making light of a tragedy that matters to you - especially one fairly recent and impactful like the Holocaust.
  16. Trump is giving a painful speech about NATO. Apparently only now does NATO fight terrorism and is not obsolete, due to him. Leaders these days are terrible orators. Harper was a soulless lizardman and Trudeau always speaks with a jerky flow.
  17. How are they acting as if they have a monopoly, though? It is a significant thing to them so they spend their energy on remembering it. How do you want them to "let it go", as well?
  18. Don't think it was denying, just a foot in mouth moment. Holocaust centres was sort of weird though, sounds like some bureaucrat's soulless term for it
  19. From past experiences giving those, don't answer with "Sup, man", have techno on in the background or breathe heavily into the receiver
  20. Poor Spicer gnawing on his foot again today. I get what he meant though, poor guy must be cracking dealing with Trump.
  21. Hah. I kind of hope they didn't. I will play some more, have been distracted by grinding in WoW (doesn't count as playing - that's a job )
  22. Hah, nah I like metal. Albeit 80's metal mostly. Coworker is a metal fan so we talk, which is nice as he's not That Kind of Metal Fan, you know the dude for whom metal is a 'lifestyle' which might as well be OTT macho nonsense 24/7 (or the complete metal snob for whom all other music is crap, as well)
  23. Yeah but then I'd have to listen to Slayer.. ick.
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