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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Rebel Galaxy key on GOG if anyone wants it...though most of you will get it from GOG anyway.
  2. Trying to make my city fun in Skylines but I end up making habitation blocks with services laid out as needed. So you have a grade school near a cemetery and a hospital. Or a police station near a park and a bus terminal. Bah.
  3. Think only Holland would qualify based on that list. Lundgren wasted his potential!
  4. Don't think you can do called shots unless they are knocked down. Makes some sense. Perhaps its a pilot ability as well? The AI seems to get nothing but CT hits on me though
  5. Yup http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Autocannon
  6. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/05/531584651/alex-honnold-scales-el-capitan-without-ropes-and-the-climbing-world-reels First free solo climb of El Capitan
  7. Could also be the program being un-optimized so it thrashes hard trying to fetch data, doesn't know how to gracefully handle failures in dependent processes - say a driver crashes and it just waits for a response that will never come (ok, showing ignorance on driver interaction here ). But definitely something to read up on on my lunch break
  8. From some study a decade ago, I recall most people waited 9 seconds before deciding that the program/PC is hard-locked. One handy thing to do is hit num-lock, if that doesn't toggle the light then the PC is truly is hosed. Though, I suppose in practical terms it can be long before that.
  9. Or they did tell him, and he just assumed it was fake reports from Obama's people designed to make him look crazy when he tweets about it.
  10. Alternate universe would have the porn star as PM. She was good in the Prodigy video
  11. I like Buckshot's personality. Got beaten easily on 3 skirmishes so far, damn melee is OP (because I lose to it).
  12. Battling a cold the last couple of days (HOORAY for coworkers that show up to work with disease ), so my weekend was pretty much a waste. Almost have it licked, have a 'productive' cough which is pretty nasty but good, I guess. Sure have slept more in the last couple of days than I have ever done so. Almost a shame to go back to the regular working routine
  13. Why is he murdering librarians ?
  14. Doubt either of them is. India at least has significant poverty.
  15. Brian finally got his revenge on his dad for liking the books more than him.
  16. Heh just saw some dude on CNN bemoan the climate change industrial complex. That's a new one
  17. Thing is at the scale of the entire planet, that's not as insignificant as one would think. http://digg.com/2017/misspelled-porn-searches - I am so not surprised by Washington's entry
  18. More info on Bannerlord - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1377363 That is at least one nice touch, wonder what was mistranslated as 'submarines'
  19. *insert a teacher jab here* https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Liberation_Front_of_Corsica Ah yes, reading wikipedia makes us all experts on everything. I do like the insinuation that teachers are supposed to know everything on everything. Why would I be well-versed in Corsican politics, exactly? Because you are an unthinking libtard. Well or that's essentially what he'll bark at you with
  20. Or it could have been mislabeled by the researchers, or were undereported if they were minor or....I swear to God I can't tell the difference between the politics thread and the funny thread. That is true, we don't know the source, but I'll assume it is somewhat accurate and I just had an idea that the Years of Lead were more widespread. The politics in this thread is funny though, in how forced and laboured it is.
  21. Anyone try Rising Storm 2?
  22. That was passive aggressive ? Hm, HR training lied!
  23. Surprised Italy has that many, was expecting more. Must be a fairly long timeline given NI's markings.
  24. Kind of hard to work that into slang (which will then go on to the dictionary). I am hoping grep will one day become regularly used, is catchy (sort of).
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