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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Anyone try Rising Storm 2?
  2. That was passive aggressive ? Hm, HR training lied!
  3. Surprised Italy has that many, was expecting more. Must be a fairly long timeline given NI's markings.
  4. Kind of hard to work that into slang (which will then go on to the dictionary). I am hoping grep will one day become regularly used, is catchy (sort of).
  5. Well it's all you do with your hard man act all the time. Such is life online.
  6. Media coverage wasn't all about that. Also walking and chewing gum applies I imagine. But I suppose you have to bark about something.
  7. I wonder what went on to make molestation of alligators an issue lawmakers had to look at
  8. Spicer's appraisal of Trump's speech was hilarious. Trump united civilizations
  9. Gotta get rid of the "&feature=youtu.be" tag at the end for it to automatically embed...and because you already posted it, you have to remove the bbcode in BBCode mode (or just remove it entirely and re-paste the link without the aforementioned tag) because the forums automatically hotlink it with the original link that you posted. See above. (e): I might as well take this opportunity to complain about the BBCode mode being broken again, because yes, it's still broken, and yes, the default non-BBCode mode is terrible, and so the current state of affairs is also terrible. It sure would be nice if it were fixed. Always a good idea to scrub the POST/GET stuff off URLs anyway. Amazing the amount of junk in there sometimes.
  10. Hard to tell these days.
  11. Great for servers. Lord knows we could use one of those at work
  12. Working from home when I realized I have literally no issues to work on. Tad problematic now
  13. News Hour is worth it.
  14. We have Rememberance Day here that does all. I think we're getting cheated of a day off somehow.
  15. Ah. Always thought Veteran's day was for the living and Memorial Day was for the dead.
  16. Are veterans who die outside of combat included ? I think you guys need another day off for those if not
  17. The new Cities Skylines expansion is enjoyable. Though I wonder at blimps for transit, but seems like my citizens agree as they are not using them
  18. Arsenal won the FA cup, so that was fun. Rest of the day doing mundane things.
  19. Getting weirder looks more than usual, my dog's limping bad due to a leg injury, so I carry him to the park and around the block. It is funny to see him ogling women passing by and barking at them Poor guy's coat hasn't grown back either, bah.
  20. That's just due to inflation Hookers are expensive these days. I read that in a paper
  21. Hasn't it been one since the 90s? The Jamaat I mean.
  22. Might be a good idea to have those for people in your cultural circle. Isn't it very tedious to immigrate into the US anyway? Certainly wasn't easy in Canada.
  23. You deport 3 generations back and 3 generations forth. You don't deport only those who informed authorities about activities of the criminal in their family.Collective punishment is great. So some dude's grandfather is a terrorist threat and he gets booted? Interesting what kind of state that approach will make in the long run.
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