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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Seems a bit low. Granted winter here is proper winter we have it running at 73 here.
  2. Amusingly simplistic view. Well unless you believe the West isn't reaping a bit of what they've sown.
  3. Hah, I backed this. Well, got hosed I guess.
  4. http://streamable.com/9u1hc Kept waiting for him to fall
  5. Is it that new? Recall people judging others by their political stances a lot in the past. Mostly people picking on liberals for being hippies but that is just the crowd I dealt with. People can be defined by what groups they back. Sports clubs is a bad comparison as that seems like an example of loyalty gone insane as for the most part people's minds follow "my club right or wrong". Also nothing wrong with hating Chelsea FC fans. Maybe it is due to excessive flaming online warping people's minds.
  6. Back on D3. Doing the same thing over and over for crap rewards hoping one time it'll be something worthwile. It's like an office job.
  7. Ah, tales of woe and persecution. The injustice. You should have just posted the article in the languages, surprisingly people would get it translated or the array of languages understood across this forum might be used. Also, is fairly ignorant to use that as a marker of intelligence, but ironies abound. But also, yeah, the Daily Mail was fake news before it was cool, they're like the Sun minus the **** (though, Joey Fisher IS nice, it isn't something one reads a paper for)
  8. Does that make sense? Having different as a descriptor seems to require at least one to be different from in addition to the number in answer to your question.
  9. Hopefully he faces some challenges this time.
  10. Yeah, I always go with Charybdis.
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/10/trump-travel-ban-new-policy-japan-shinzo-abe They need speed for security reasons, apparently. Well there goes my hypothesis they rushed it like typical corp folk
  12. Interesting metric there for victory, some of his cabinet nominees have had some fuss over them, but not as if they'd torpedo their chance for a good job and the Republicans kneel as ordered anyway, so.
  13. Didn't seem they consulted with her. I guess there was a rush just to show stuff being done. So a new EO is in the works. Should just run it through Congress, heh
  14. Wonder if we'll ever find out why they didn't wait until they had an AG at least.
  15. Yeah, so ass pulls or "Everyone knows..." type of reasoning then, for the most part. Huh, he really is the final form of Rob Ford.
  16. I think they concluded that the government didn't do a proper job of justifying such an emergency measure, or at least that's what the news here summarized for me. Anyway, might be interesting reading to some - http://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2017/02/09/17-35105.pdf
  17. We'll see bull**** the likes of which mankind has never seen before.
  18. Well, I guess fear is the drum to bang on. This whole thing is so private sector it's funny, going off half-****ed with like 20 minutes of thought by about half the people that should have been involved
  19. Wonder what online hardman speak Trump will use to respond to this.
  20. Wasn't like those under Bush or Obama were any good either. All press secretaries are awful- it's in the nature of their job to be terrible, they have to lie, obfuscate, embiggen, spin and generally be untrustworthy- and the Bush/ Obama ones at least had the advantage of a more orthodox approach from their boss, and a far less overtly hostile press- even term 2 Bush. Then again, when I see 'alternative facts' I know that it isn't a new phenomenon- Obama's PR blithely defended the murder of civilians with drones, massaged the numbers, 'forgot' to include a significant number of them in stats (only for them to be rediscovered once he left office) etc. Sure, that's different from Spicer overestimating the numbers at Trump's inauguration, Obama's underestimation of the number of civilians he killed was greater than Spicer's overestimation and was referring to people actually dying as opposed to turning up to be bored by politicians talking for hours. I guess there are professional lies, i.e. almost every government statements, and then all this nonsense from Trump - inept dishonesty is disappointing. Well and trying to be shifty about stuff that doesn't matter.
  21. http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/02/sean-spicer-press-secretary-donald-trump Related.
  22. Can't wait to be disappointed
  23. Canadian fast food chain variety sucks. But at least we have Harvey's
  24. No kidding. I despise all of you (except Amentep).
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