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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Reminds me to buy Yes, Minister on DVD
  2. A jump to conclusion mat would sell well here.
  3. am thinking the scumbag % for women is same as men. even so what do we win? HA! Good Fun! Well, the comment was about Trump, nothing to do with women in general
  4. Meh. Find a woman that's not a scumbag.
  5. Kind of ironic from the hard men types that back Trump to whine about bullying or insulting (consider their idol for that one), but threatening to attack ? Was there some movement to have Trump supporters packed up in body bags ? Also, do you really think there'd be some sort of major assault of people during the inauguration where the POTUS is ? No faith in the Secret Service or the myriad of agencies involved, no ? Have to think, given where DC is, not all that surprising there was diminished turnout, just from travel logistics.
  6. So they've trolled Trump over the size of the inauguration crowd.
  7. Right, next time I will just assume someone doesn't even know what they're talking about. Nothing sneaky or passive aggressive about taking the main meat of your post.
  8. I think you need to read again the last couple of posts because you clearly lost the topic. No I don't. The topic, if you mean the thread, may have moved on but your post stands by itself. Really not seeing how you're missing your own point, or is that we need to interpret your posts as if they came from the Oracle.
  9. Grinding through D3.
  10. Was a warm day, so decided to go sit with the old dachshund in the park (and let him act like a creep towards women passing by, apparently). Was a good little walk and time, so that's at least one thing done this weekend. Shame was out of wifi range on my phone, else I could play that 2pac playlist on Youtube.
  11. Not really, "let Canada do it". Your comparison was nonsense.
  12. Should be pretty clear, unless your own post is a mystery to you.
  13. Blessed is the slave that learns to love the lash
  14. So you think the Canadian state is behind this? Real sharp.
  15. That data-trawling app, I think.
  16. http://thehill.com/policy/finance/314991-trump-team-prepares-dramatic-cuts Always wonder what hair Republicans have up their ass over PBS.
  17. We need the hot chicks thread back. At least the wanking in there would be for a better reason than here.
  18. You really should apply for work at The Sun.
  19. And every weakness must be culled. Oh you guys.... I know we're talking gaming but I feel the need to drop some unsolicited wisdom. Love, irl, is a definite strength. Case in point.
  20. Love is a weakness.
  21. Yep, you're a sucker I gave near 300 and feel ripped off
  22. We desperately needed another garbage thread?
  23. Yeah I will pass as well.
  24. Thought we were aiming for the zenith of passive aggressiveness.
  25. His sentence was 35 years. Arguably he should've been put to death for treason, "aid and comfort to the enemy". And? How is this sending a message it was OK? Ok means no punishment is warranted and not like Manning had it easy in some country club prison.
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