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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Don't be sore Don't rely on stupid examples. Be glad you get any sort of evidence from this place, man.
  2. Hm, Carrie Fisher had a heart attack mid-flight.
  3. How would you jam a TOW, isn't that wire guided ?
  4. Oby is missing some good material, it seems
  5. Spent too much time abusing people on Reddit. Now have to go do errands with my mom.
  6. Thought it was closet sociologists.
  7. Ah, I had forgotten those guys' names. I just called them Donnie Yen and the dude with the support weapon - kind of a neat gun, kind of an MG-shotgun hybrid. Shame he went out like he did though.
  8. Fair enough, I didn't get the ending I had originally wanted. Coworker kept talking up to me how badass Vader's scenes were
  9. Saw Rogue One. It was ok I guess, tie ins and references to Ep 4 were neat. Didn't really find it as gritty or dark as people were saying but it was an ok war film. Even with the Imperial military idiocy at times
  10. This place has too many weirdos.
  11. Well, decided to gamble $30 on playing Division with my friends being fun, doubt that will hold as one has played 20 hours in the last 3 days or something and so is ahead of us. But it does soothe my itch to shoot people with a SCAR.
  12. That makes a disturbing amount of sense xD It would be more subtle than that. They would force the EU to become a federation, effectively eroding the borders and then Brussels will impose directives to move refugees into zones/districts areas in need of "human development". Same result, different methodology. Not necessary, we're already in the middle of the execution of the sinister Kalergi plan... I feel like I am on some (additional) watchlist from clicking that site.
  13. Mankind Divided is 67% off on Steam, nice. Almost worth it
  14. Fire. Desk is metal, it can take some heat.
  15. Not indicative of much, really.
  16. Kind of stupid bad guys - this guy goes one a rampage after they kill his dog and steal his car and then they think to blow up his house ? Tsk.
  17. Huh so Russian ambassador to Turkey got shot.
  18. Needs R6 style kills though.
  19. Stellaris, I guess
  20. Kenyans are impressive people. He is not Kenyan, he was born in the USA...surely you must be aware of this? With some of the crowd here, one never knows.
  21. Playing The Division as it's free. I am not that enthralled by it.
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