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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Hah, seems they shamed Trudeau into not going to the funeral
  2. Protecting the publisher's files, not mine.
  3. It would prove that leftism is genetic. Not really. But at least it would be a change of abuse at him.
  4. Nailed off ROTR and Tropico 5. Lara is better than Sam Fisher
  5. Suprised right wing hacks here aren't running with this.
  6. Lesser of three evils is the plan going forward then.
  7. Seriously ? I was going to post a thread about this last night but held off due to figuring it would be a bilious (always wanted to use that word) one
  8. I never did send him a birthday card. We share the same one.
  9. Finished the Covert Ops campaign for SC2. It was alright I guess, those last missions were pretty damn hard for me - gave up and just did the last one on Casual rather than Hard, pathetic but I realized my limit there. Ending was pretty meh, but what else does Blizzard deliver
  10. Well you can hope he's just trying to be funny.
  11. That sounds pretty terrible, to be honest. Maybe I'll wait for bargain bin
  12. Busy day sadly. Always some **** going wrong when I say to myself "Today will be a good day"
  13. Mankind Divided needs to go cheaper before I'll bite on it. Still plugging away at Rise of Tomb Raider, rather enjoying the tomb puzzles this time around.
  14. Well, it's a bit different from doing it before the vote as opposed to after.
  15. Seems to be effectively one.
  16. Metallica is in town so might try for tickets. Of course mentioning that had some guy at work chime in that they are crap since Cliff died and newer bands are progressive, etc. Metal fans sure are tiresome. Is a small venue - 400 people - so will be interesting to see what scalpers sell them for
  17. All about teaching about football fans. That they are various degrees of easily led trash
  18. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/blizzard-working-on-unannounced-first-person-proje/1100-6445640/ Hopefully something new, but probably not.
  19. http://www.pcgamer.com/solid-snake-and-femshep-voice-actors-cite-reasons-behind-sag-aftra-strike/ Hale and Hayter (oddly enough a David Hayter works at my company...) on the VA strike.
  20. There is no excuse. Replace Spencer's words with that of any oppressed minority and you have very same argument used by SJWs. Well by this place's definition of SJW, am not sure that holds. Black people saying looney stuff like this get castigated. Shame people are either too stupid to think a Nazi salute is edgy or actually buy into that nonsense still.
  21. Playing Rise of Tomb Raider. Was 50% off so worth the shot. Even if it is same old, should be a fun 10 hours.
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