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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. One of those cases where it's hard to see past the bloodline
  2. Think I'll get that after it's released.
  3. As usual, everyone forgets the Welsh
  4. I imagine this is worst case analysis, when it comes to worrying about what the pipeline can do. Simple, really
  5. "Open borders cartel". Sigh, damn articles with crank style writing
  6. Well, those failures by the billionaire may impact more people due to scope. And what's wrong with expecting more from your leaders?
  7. Brilliant satire. Right? Wonder what effect this will have on wildlife, though I doubt any of you will care that much.
  8. So basically it'll be like Canada under Harper
  9. Always find it odd how people sneer at protesters so much. Almost as much as people hating unions for some reason - though sometimes it does get amusing when it boils down to envy. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/316216-trump-cited-pro-golfer-as-voter-fraud-example-report Ah, FOAF
  10. Probably, just being pessimistic about SWAT being used for reasons it doesn't need to be. Good pun though, I will have to steal that for use at work tomorrow.
  11. With cops in the US as they are now, mass deportations is going to have a lot of people killed by SWAT teams, heh.
  12. OMG Hurlshot is an illegal Mexican immigrant!
  13. Ah need to make tshirts with this on it.
  14. Apparently people do that to every kid, not all that surprising that people will be jerks given a chance. Ho hum.
  15. Well should be interesting to see what any investigation turns up. Well assuming it won't be biased as hell ( hahaha ).
  16. I forget what the appeal of her is. Wonder what she'll do in the administration, maybe keep her dad on a leash?
  17. Woah. Don't say anything you can't take back: Hey, that game made me a pro at Rogue Spear amongst my peers when I knew how to clear a room properly. And shotgun an old woman. Was how I ended up playing SWAT, got the PQ pack for a birthday when I was 14 or so, went through them all - even the Daryl Gates inspired LAPD propaganda of PQ4 - thought SWAT was going to be in the same vein as the PQ games, was a bit of a surprise.
  18. I liked SWAT 1 before that!
  19. Well, by that mark no one would give any aid, I think. Might be interesting to see how that goes, but yeah, the US isn't really giving that totally for charity - those nations may look to China if not the US, for example. Might be interesting reading - https://www.usaid.gov/results-and-data/budget-spending/congressional-budget-justification I kind of feel sorry for Senators/Congressmen and others who have to read these mammoth reports
  20. Idea that aid is influence is elusive, I guess.
  21. Lively chat with walls today.
  22. Swat 4 is on GOG, w00t.
  23. Think they want to close those in the US too
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