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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Always need bodies for rear echelon activities, as well. Skimming Wikipedia he did agree he would have died on front line, though. Well Kalibrs and Iskanders aren't cheap, and they've fired a lot of those. Their 152mm stockpiles must be immense, read accounts in east of seemingly endless barrages, assuming it's not fear mongering for free weaponry.
  2. https://www.gamesradar.com/the-great-war-western-front-is-a-new-ww1-strategy-game-from-former-command-and-conquer-devs/ Petroglyph with a new game, WW1 certainly hasn't been done too much
  3. Well the old fans that are not "retro fascists" anyway Another game worth grabbing on a sale for maybe 9 bucks.
  4. https://www.pcgamer.com/return-to-monkey-island-arrives-on-international-talk-like-a-pirate-day/ Horse armor joke. Guess we'll see a fresh joke like AYBABTU as well.
  5. Office Space warned us about this
  6. Well you can calculate losses via material and use of weapons. Hard to know for certain for the Russians, but it is something to wonder about. As for what they lost, I think the Oryx guy online handles that, or some other OSINT can help. Well and you can trust the Pentagon BoJo back in Kiev, things must be bad in UK..
  7. It's not a strange question, really. The war has an economic dimension. And also it wasn't equating anything beyond what the US and others are giving Ukraine and Russia spending. Strange to turn him back, why give up free bodies.
  8. Almost near the end in Andromeda, sort of disappointed finding one ark is in a side mission but oh well. Some of the banter is a bit funny, like asking why we're whispering after a stealth mission has gone **** up already. Understand the gripes about open world syndrome - dumb grindy quests and wandering all over the place. Really is best to handle it like a single player MMORPG (reminds me of playing TOR, somewhat). I should have played a melee or shotgun/melee character, seems like it'd be fun to be an assault marine type with this combat system. Definitely not going to replay this for quite some time, heh. Characters don't really seem like anything worse than we got in the main series to be honest, either. At least considering it's one game vs three. After this, think I'll waste my bonus money on Farthest Frontier
  9. Going to be hard to translate dead and wounded into dollars, so I think the Russians are probably worse off.
  10. This will probably suck.
  11. Another $3B in aid from US today. Don't think anything sexy in it. Massaro probably upset they are not donating a Nimitz class.
  12. Never seemed worth more than a sale price to me. Probably still is though
  13. The weaponry fetish in this war is hilarious. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/22/russian-security-service-accuses-ukraine-over-darya-dugina-killing Estonia is next, obviously.
  14. Japanese corporate culture is pretty crap yes. Good to know about that particular boss, though. I've been lucky, never had bad bosses - well was the one drunk that'd complain about working until 2100 when he came in at 1200... - just really awful management in some places. The former makes every day a sucky experience, the latter just draws out the misery over time
  15. Or just warped by NA corporate culture. Complaints are more on duties rather than hours, which is fine, I think - hiring support but making them do DevOps work is a bit much. Good way to get free things like kudos and praise, at least. Sounds like something a **** boss would have on their door, heh.
  16. Settled all the planets in Andromeda. Must have settings wrong but the game blinds me a lot - go to menu and come back to sunlit scene, white out. Disappointed to find a giant worm in the desert and just have it be background scenery though.
  17. Always found it interesting how they never seemed to show For a Few Dollars More on TV as near as often as the other two. As if they wanted to cover it up or something.
  18. At least there's something to make wild ass guesses about now.
  19. Just anticipating deductions about Russian society and people at large, hence the amusement.
  20. Will be interesting to see the extrapolation that goes from this
  21. Well for me it's no wonder I got the grades I did. I talked to myself in the comments, pretty sure the TA's thought I was schizo..
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