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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well not sure Ukraine's win condition is that, hah. Or at least I hope not - Yugoslavia's dissolution was fun and all but the RF's hypothetical one is going be fun, as well...but with nukes around. I can see their condition as retaking land - maybe not Crimea - but at least everything before this year. Definitely not the situation like you'll see a lot of people speaking of, a Marshall plan type situation where the forces of the Light Western countries rebuild Ukraine to glory, etc. Yah, as Sarex noted, I mistook you.
  2. Queen Elizabeth died. Didn't get to top the Sun King, after all.
  3. Well a bit optimistic yes, but can see the US sticking with them just as part of the game versus Russia. That and well the money going in isn't going to be aid, it's going to be "aid".
  4. Surprised she didn't say he was the leader of Iran.
  5. Coincidence this happens after she meets Truss ? I think not.
  6. Yes, avarice will evaporate before the glorious light of the dawn of democracy.
  7. I am still unsure of what Russia's victory condition is. If Ukraine wins, I don't think they'll be rebuilding on their own, should get a lot of money pouring in. Granted, great opportunity for corruption then.
  8. Just being a bit mocking at the peanut gallery in the war, that was all. Although, this would be something worth betting on, it's a spectator sport for a lot Well why go with the banal explanation when it must be something else. They quoted him commenting on that moron Truss becoming PM in the UK about 2 days ago, the bombing in Kabul, etc.
  9. So let's take bets on when this ends. I say November.
  10. You write this as if this was the wrong way to do it.
  11. I recommend making a burner identity. It's not enough to withhold information, you must practice disinformation
  12. Why do you have to lie about having a real passion, though ? Doesn't seem like it'd be a necessary followup
  13. Or just don't tell your boss about things you do to improve your work. At least until maybe 2 weeks before EOY reviews.
  14. See what happens when you do more than the bare minimum ? Work is fun for me, not having any teammates within the same hemisphere, makes training and onboarding fun.
  15. What are you basing your belief that he believes what he's saying on ? Seems like lying is more likely, especially looking at your example of the phone call.
  16. Was hoping McGlynn would be in it, hah.
  17. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/cyberpunk-2077-phantom-liberty-expansion-brings-back-keanu-launches-in-2023/1100-6507124/
  18. Will be managed by making people work harder. Apparently 48 hours a week isn't enough.
  19. Friend mentioned he was playing DAoC, I recall a lot of friends loved that game back in 2001 or so, so giving that a go. Is a bit awkward to go to a pre-WoW MMORPG given I've never played one, hah. Also noticed there's a revived WH:O as well, may try that sometime.
  20. I generally think you don't trust anything called Pravda. Sort of like how if a country has "Democratic" in their official name...
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