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Everything posted by RazielDERF

  1. This is a known issue and there is no word when they'll fix this. What I did was create barriers between the ground level and the boxes containing the valuables. I made a "safe room." Placed scaffolding or a wall under the container and this seemed to have worked for me. I have multiple bases and I did it a bit differently in each so I would try this.
  2. There's a patch coming out soon that will fix this issue. I had the same happen on pc. I just threw bombs in there and used the mallet to kill them all. Once they were all dead the problem went away.
  3. I don't think it's a hardware issue. I would instead take a look at your NAT settings to your router. Go here https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026770/xbox-open-these-network-ports-for-xbox-one These are the ports that should be opened or forwarded. It also goes without saying that all drivers on the pcs should be up to date. Also any updates to windows is never a bad thing. Besides this there is a known issue with Steam and connecting with other players. There will be a patch coming out soon that will address this I hope. Hope this helps.
  4. Das Problem mit dem Lady Bug ist, dass sie in Felsen am Teich stecken bleiben. Manchmal hört man sie und manchmal nicht. Dies geschieht auch bei Weivels und Ameisen. Die Art und Weise, wie ich sie töten konnte, ist mit einem Gaspfeil. Sobald sie sterben, können sie wieder im Freien laichen. Probieren Sie das aus und sehen Sie, ob das hilft. Die Ressourcen, die nicht laichen, sind seit der letzten Aktualisierung ebenfalls ein bekanntes Problem. In ein oder zwei Tagen wird es einen Patch geben, um dies zu beheben. Ich hoffe, das hilft. Translation: The issue with the lady bug is that they get stuck inside rocks at the pond. Sometimes you can hear them and sometimes you can't. This also happens with Weivels and Ants. The way I was able to kill them is with a gas arrow. Once they die they can spawn in the open again. Give that a try and see if that helps. The resources not spawning is also a known issue since the last update. In a day or two there will be a patch to fix this. I hope this helps.
  5. I agree this bug isn't completely fixed but this workaround does work. Unfortunately it does require a lot of running around and making sure ALL the ants are dead. If even one is left alive they won't respawn accordingly. It may not be worth the hassle and probably better off being patient until it's fixed.
  6. It seems to be just for show so I agree. For now at least. Can't wait for another update I want to see so much more of this game.
  7. Check out this video, it shows off tons of up new bugs (insects) and items. *Please keep in mind that many of these things are still in development and under consideration. Nothing official as of yet.
  8. Ah, this would make sense if the armor suddenly took on a "rotten" look. I was messing with my rotten bee armor when this occurred. After rebooting my PC my armor went back to normal too.
  9. This may help you with the any egg issues. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/115943-ant-eggs/
  10. I am not sure whether this is a bug or not, but my armor suddenly turned black while playing. It never changes back to original color anymore. Most of the armor I have it now black for some reason. I mean it looks cool but take a look yourselves.
  11. You are definitely onto something here. I went out and looked at rocks that may be harboring ants that are stuck. Sure enough I found several areas with ants clipped inside of the rocks. I must have had at least 4 areas where (all rocks) they were stuck at. I killed them off and will find out soon enough if they respawn. *UPDATE* I found this to be helpful enough that I was able to respawn the worker ants on just a single in-game night. I went back to ant hill after tracking/killing off all ants I could find. Sure enough in the ant hill there was nothing but worker ants and in the nest area I found a total of 18 ant eggs. If you stick around the worker ants start to respawn even more eggs.
  12. This is on purpose. The depth of field is replicating what it would actually look like of you were that small. Give the appearance of how large the world is. Your eyes would be a lot smaller hence less light being perceived at such a small size. On pc you can shut this off and see everything in the background clearly. No word of they'll have this option in the future but they might.
  13. How about looting the neighbors back yard DLC?
  14. Yes I agree the heads are a rare drop for the lady bugs. I've killed literally dozens of them and was only able to get a few heads maybe 4 total our of 30+ kills.
  15. If one of you two have a pc you can cross platform play it together. Or wait for the cloud service to have it? Other than that there doesn't seem to be any plans for a split screen. I would think the game would run awful considering all the resources it needs to run.
  16. It's a bug. Some claim when they display it on a dummy it disappears. If you recycle the dummy the armor falls to the ground. After hearing about this I removed my armor from the dummy and placed it in a container. So far I still have mine.
  17. Queen ants, fire ants, more kinds beetles, fireflies, bees (since there's a bees armor in the game), worms to dig up, mantis, mosquitoes, ticks, wasps, flies, grasshoppers!
  18. My game never respawns worker ants. They are completely out of my game. Only the soldier ants respawn and they are stuck in the walls like in your game. I have also never seen an ant egg. I can't seem to get this at all. Especially now since the latest patch which doesn't respawns anything including water and valuable resources. It is now losing its gamers since the latest patch fixed other things it created a worse problem. Game is practically unplayable. *UPDATE* There is a post here which talks about what may be happening to the ants getting stuck (clipping) inside of rocks. A good tip offered is to use gas arrows for those ants you can't reach. After taking this advice I was able to locate 4 different rocks where I was able to kill off worker ants. *ANOTHER UPDATE* I was able to get ant eggs. Follow the prior discussion and you will see that I was able to get them with ease. Here's a picture to prove it.
  19. Submit the bug here https://support.obsidian.net/contact just trying to get as many complaints as possible so it can be fixed sooner. This is a major bug that renders the game unplayable. The resources are the point of continuous game play. If this isn't fixed no one will continue to play this game and it will lose its audience fast.
  20. Submit the bug here https://support.obsidian.net/contact the more who do this will push for a hot fix, hopefully.
  21. Go here https://support.obsidian.net/contact fill out the form and submit.
  22. Unfortunately I am still having the massive spawn of larva in the game. There seems to be about 50+ larva all concentrated in one area causing slow down to my game. Also experience the resources not respawning like the water and mushrooms. Weeds are also affected along with most other things. This breaks the game and is very discouraging to continue playing it. Please fix this problem as soon as possible because I really do enjoy this game and want to continue playing it. But I can't like this.
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