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Everything posted by RazielDERF

  1. You're correct, Obsidian has determined the issue is with Direct X12 which happens to affect AMD Gpus more than Nvidia Gpus. They are still investigating why this is happening in the first place. Since you're obligated to use Direct X12 you may have the option on windows to downgrade to Direct X11. But before going that far make sure your PC drivers are all up to date. By this I would include bios for motherboard, cpu, gpu, etc. I have yet to experience this since updating my gpu drivers, yet the issues with Direct X12 still exist and are not resolved.
  2. I play on Xbox Game Pass PC. I understand there has been issues with the Steam client with this game. If Steam has a cloud game save sync option like Xbox you can attempt to desync the cloud saves and resync them. I know this has been an issue with some other games on Xbox where the game saves suddenly disappear although they aren't. What helped me fix this issue in the past was reinstalling the game. However since you already have done this with Steam I would say try and research your cloud saves on Steam unless the game saves are local. In which case contact Obsidian and send them your save file. Hopefully this helps you.
  3. This issue was fixed on the patch that was released Friday. You shouldn't have this issue anyhow. If you do submit a ticket to support team.
  4. I've ran into the sand issue several times. The workaround is the only way to save you from redoing your progress all over again. It's a small process to pay instead of having to grind it all over again. Just make a container that's just for your inventory. It sucks for now but eventually they will fix this issue as it's a cookbook issue on multilayer.
  5. You may be suffering from an over spawned and or larva bug. You'll need to kill off the ants or larvas down to where your game starts to respond normal again.
  6. Have you tried loading a prior game save or an auto saved game?
  7. Yes you'll have to kill them off and the gas arrows will definitely be your best bet and fastest way to do it. Have at least 5 gas arrows to make sure you get the most kills as possible. Also don't forget to equip the gas mask on yourself so you don't choke on the gas yourself.
  8. Try creating a gas arrow or even 3-5 gas arrows. Use a gas mask and gas them all until they die off. Once you kill them you'll get plenty of any eggs to gather. Make sure to save game prior to exterminating them. Keep enough resources to keep yourself healed as well.
  9. Have you tried loading a prior game save before submitting the chip? Also if you already submitted the chip or unlocks the Shovel+ and the pebble foundations. If you have those to purchase from Burg.L I would just abandon the quest and move on.
  10. Check in the ant hill all the way at the bottom level where the human bones lay. There is now a mint that spawns the from time to time.
  11. I initially had this issue as well. It was more prevolent when around multiple light sources (sconces, fireplace, etc.). Since updating my drivers and to the latest game update this has stopped...for now. (Radeon 5700tx 8gig)
  12. Considering how low staffed you folks are I am astonished on how responsive and relevant your updates have been. I want to say thank you Obsidian for putting together and continuing to support this awesome game. You all are doing a hell of a job and should be recognized for it. Thank You Obsidian!
  13. You likely missed some ants. You'll have to search for them. They can glitch into rocks at times but supposedly this was fixed. I find them often trying to feast on spoiled meats, usually several of them at a time.
  14. I did too, however one of them did not register any unlocks for some reason.
  15. Sure thing, I only was able to get rid of 1/3 of the soldier ants in my ant hill because it's such a grind. It took me about half an hour to even get to that point on my own. It was brutal! Again, bombs don't help as they aren't as powerful as you think, at least not anymore. For one thing the bomb going off may crash your console or PC. The other thing is that I used 2 bombs and barely took any health off the soldier ants. I had to grind my way with the Mint Mallet and as you know it's been nerfed since the last update.
  16. Only way I know how to deal with it is by killing off the ants one by one. Or in small groups. If you can find a way to slowly pick them off you'll be able to play the game again. A piece of advise though, don't try to blow them up in a large group. You'll waste a valuable bomb and it will also crash the game. Once the numbers become manageable you and your friends will be able to play the game with no issues. I'm playing on the pc and both Xbox and PC pretty much have the same issues. Give this a try and see if it helps. If you can't manage to get close enough to pick them off send me a request and I will try and help you clean the out. I've done this for others before.
  17. No way, I was just not about to take the spider on in such a small confined space. I knew we had no chance taking him on. @tecknotot was too brave I was too chicken.
  18. Haha that's happened to me plenty of times. But has this ever happened to you? https://youtu.be/NfG5SfnuKpc
  19. I feel we should all be considerate to what we expected in the first place. This game is barely on version 0.2.2 and ver 1.0 will be out next year. Because this is a game preview it is meant for us to help aid the dev team in getting it completed. We should give them constructive feedback rather than complain about something we expected wouldn't be 100%. Don't give up on the team they are working hard to fix any bugs we inform them about. Let's just keep reporting what we see.
  20. Since the update I have all my weeds come back. They spawn fairly quickly too. Prior to the update I wasn't getting weed II respawning but now they are. I have plenty of stems now. My clay always spawned too so I don't know why some people experience this differently..
  21. At times this can be due to the cloud saves not syncing correctly. If you're on Xbox and using cloud saves the only workaround is to reinstall the game unfortunately. Once it's installed it will attempt to sync again from the cloud. This has happened to me with other games and reinstalling fixed the issue. Perhaps this may work for you?
  22. Good to know. I'll make sure but to set the bed as a respawn point.
  23. How were you able to unlock the meat shield? I think my game is bugged since one of the chips don't unlock anything.
  24. Negative, I didn't get anything either. So no unlocked meat shield and breathing lungs as you claim.
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