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Everything posted by RazielDERF

  1. I found a new SCA.B called "Bugged" when I tried to see it in my menu it showed up as "SCA.B LCD"! You can see in the attached images that SCA.B LCD is fourth on the list and also at the bottom. When activating each of them they display the exact same. Making this SCA.B duplicated. Poop...
  2. It's happening to just about anything that should be respawning. Report this bug so that they can hopefully release a hot fix for it.
  3. Last patch has made this an issue with respawning items like the Dew Collector, Mushroom Garden, and Weeds. Send Obsidian support a bug report about this so we can try and get a hot fix for it.
  4. Ever since the latest patch many things have not respawned. The quartzite always respawned for me but now this bug is affecting Dew Collector, Mushroom Garden, and even weeds don't respawn anymore. Submit a bug via Obsidian Support, hopefully this will push them to send out a hot fix for this.
  5. Yes I am experiencing the same issue since the latest patch. I was able to recycle the Dew Collectors I have and it started to work again. Then suddenly the mushrooms stopped spawning as well. So rebuilding them may temporary fix the issue but it will happen again. As I continued a few days with the "new" Dew Collector it stated to happen again. Let's partner up with submitting this bug so that the can try and do a hot fix ASAP.
  6. If you're using a Radeon (AMD) GPU this could be the reason why. It could be because there are many light sources trying to calculate the real-time lighting. The AMD Drivers aren't the best at all so I was experiencing crashed every time more than 3 lights were on. I would take the FPS drop any day over the crashing.
  7. If you're on PC you can shut it off completely and have a nice sharp image even far away. Look it up online how to do this. You can also reduce or turn of motion blur to aid a bit.
  8. I found this funny glitch where my arrows went up to "normal" size while trying to kill a glitched out Spider.
  9. I can't seem to find the ant eggs either. I looked for hours for them but I did end up finding a SCAB watch because of it and human bones.
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