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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Doom adds a lot of damage to Critical Hits (normal attacks and abilities) while Will adds to the base damage of abilities. So yeah, for that particular build, going for Will over Doom seems like a better choice to me.
  2. Technically, if you get block and Stamina/Armor high enough, you won't even lose Focus when blocking. But yeah, that's a formula that probably won't work long. I find blocking to be most useful against some of the nastiest long-range attacks from bosses and mini-bosses, like the homing missiles of Rajani or the damned electrical bolts of that Enhanced Automaton in the Crypts of the Sacred Blood. In fact, when I first met him, playing with a Lucas that was badly built up (first thing I do with that new DLC is respec him) I died constantly and I never tried blocking because of a bad experience with Mara Yatum (his green missiles are unblockable). When I finally tried, I discovered that blocking worked against those bolts and from then on, I simply when into the Defense stance whenever I heard the robot charge the bolts, and pouf, a much easier fight!
  3. You gain some of it back by taking damage, too. One of Lucas' passive powers has a proficiency that increases the amount gained when taking damage, which means that he often recovers two orbs when taking enough damage to die.
  4. Attack drives the damages of her normal attack (the firebolts) and Will sets the damage output of the abilities. She doesn't use the staff when in her fire form, she uses the two pieces of equipment at the far right of the screen. And vice-versa for her human form.
  5. Is his name, Manx, another reference to cats in Stonebridge?
  6. Just finished my second playthrough. Jeyne's sentence if she stands trial is very chilling, the part where they mention her hands almost made me regret my decision. Also, I was surprised to see a 'good' ending for the Dapper Old Gent, since I heard that he only had 'bad' endings : he had to leave Stonebridge because the people there still resented him, but he went to Gunderic manor and restored it to its former glory, and the Legion will have new training grounds for mages in the future.
  7. It is also weird to see Parker like that, totally not in control and 'wrecked by guilt and fear'. This is, like, the contrary of what Parker is in the game we actually received. Albatross too was kind of different : going on the field himself, working with SIE, apparently heavily involved in drug trade, wanted for the murder of 52 civilians. Nice to see the first iteration of the RPG system, apparently it was divided between weapons and attributes rather than having only 'skills'.
  8. I think all of funcroc's recent discoveries hinted at the development of a 2D game, or at least a game that uses a lot 2D backgrounds and environments. With all the people who are putting their work on that project on their Linked In profile, I wonder if we are near to an announcement or something of the sort?
  9. I feel like an item DLC for that game would have been destroying any reputation you had for no good results. The loot is not good in that game and weapons lack personality. That's not the kind of game you do an item pack for!
  10. Good news! I hope we will get to learn more soon! The way it sounds, we will take the Causeway to that new place. It's far enough from the regions seen in the original game to imagine that we can't see the various consequences of our choices, so I see no reason why it couldn't be set right after the game has ended. I hope the new abilities will be for the existing characters and not the abilities of a new character. They're different companies, so that explains that. I think one of those only sells the activation code for Steam.
  11. If something was up to Square Enix, it's probably the multi-platforms development and nothing more specific. The rest was the team at Obsidian's idea.
  12. Dunno, maybe it works as in DS3, and the DLC items have a monetary value of zero?
  13. Small critique to Nathaniel, I think he tends to ramble a little. So just to be sure, the core reason why they didn't make DS3 a party-based game is because they didn't think that a console could handle the kind of party-based gameplay they would have liked to use, correct?
  14. I'm not sure I'm getting the 'german' thing . Still, nice to see that Tess has found a new job. When did those lay offs happen again?
  15. So, there was still some work done on Dungeon Siege 3 as far as August 2011, hey? Maybe we will have those patches or DLCs after all.
  16. The funny thing being that despite that, Steven is probably still the craziest character he's voiced this far in his career .
  17. What I find interesting about Alpha Protocol is that although it randomized 'normal' fighting way too much, it completely took away the random element of the random element by excellence : critical hits. Heck, I even wonder if those big spreads weren't meant as an incentive to use the critical hit mechanics of each weapon, and indeed someone playing those games should learn how to use them the most effectively.
  18. Which blonde? The first or the third one?
  19. Now that I think about it, I wonder if the 'independent' comment means that the franchise is the property of a big publisher, kinda like Activision, EA or Ubisoft.
  20. You don't need to dodge his 'killer breath', you can just hide behind the rocks around the battlefield. I admit, this one I knew because of that interview Nathaniel did with Suicide Girls.
  21. Most likely, though officially I'm thinking they will announce it at Gamescom. Or whatever that German event is called. GameScom, yes, that's the name. For many, I think it has become actually more important than E3 as far as revelations and new announcements go. That link funcroc provided us with seems to indicate that if DLC there is, it's story-content DLC.
  22. Dunno, according to one testimony, in a multiplayer game, you can perfectly have only one guy play, let the other characters follow him with no input from the players, and the characters will do every thing by themselves, including attacking and leveling up. If that's not the epitome of 'playing itself', I don't know what is.
  23. Wait, you mean the Adamantine Golem isn't always in Firkraag's dungeon? That thing is immune to magic and to everything lower than +3 weapons, and it shreds melee characters as if they were made of paper. There are also the major werewolves or whatever they're called in english (I only ever played the game in french).
  24. That quest where you recruit Mazzy is probably the first one I do after the slavers quest, the Thief Guild quests and the serial killer quest. It's clearly the easiest of all exterior dungeons, I'm surprised someone would need 'cheating' to get through it. If memory serves me right, Haer'Dalis requires a romp through an Illithid dungeon and then a quick visit in a planar prison that counts a few demons among its jailers. Definitely harder.
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