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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. So what you are saying is all those people at NMA are totally in the wrong when they point to FO: BOS and its low sales and deem it a failure. Thanks for clearing that up The point is that when it comes to sales, its not the business of the gamer to care or know about. That is for the game companies to care about. Not us. Only thing we should care about is if the game we spent money on is worth the money we spent. No more and no less.
  2. I use to get so hung up on canon and what should make a true sequel or something to be true to the setting and all that assorted nonsense. Still am on some things but in the end the only thing that matters is if the game is fun or not. If the game is fun, then play it. If the game is not fun, then don't play it. That is the only thing that really matters. Fallout 3 is a fun game. Is it true to the originals? Nope. Was it ever going to be? nope. Don't like it, then don't play it. Problem solved. I am just sick and tired of all this useless arguing about one feature over this feature, over games that are over a decade old, and so forth. I guess that is probably why I don't visit the forums as much any more I guess.
  3. Its baseball. Who cares? Its not like its a real sport.
  4. Where did I explicitly say that I was trying to talk for other people?
  5. Hmmm... That never really annoyed me too much. I always seemed to have almost endless supply of weapons and armor to use for repairs when I play the game. Also I tend to spread out my points on weapons so I can use a multiple weapons. Such as I would use a missile launcher til I run out of missiles or it becomes useless then ditch it. Same with shotguns and pistols. I simply rummage what the next bad guy has and use it. When its useless or I don't have any ammo for it I drop it and use something else. Its the wasteland with all sorts of junk. Use the junk and when the junk is junked then use different junk.
  6. Lord of Flies, that is the difference between an action oriented CRPG over a traditional CRPG.
  7. At least for me what makes a good CRPG is a set of things in no particular order: 1) A precise and consistent rules system that governs game mechanics. 2) Strong character development, both in terms of story and game mechanics. 3) Well developed environs to explore. 4) Have the choices I make in game have meaningful consequences through out the game. ToEE had the game mechanics right, but everything else wrong.
  8. I have to say that the 4e rules are the worst of the bunch of the various rules sets of Dungeons and Dragons, and I have been there since the original Red Box. No, I will not get a 4e computer DnD game. NWN2 is my last. I don't even bother playing DnD any more. The only 4th Edition I play is Shadowrun. A 4e Shadowrun game would be sweeter than a 4e DnD game, that is for sure.
  9. Hey, Walsh, next time you go to Sweden take me with you. I could use a vacation. Don't worry, I'll walk back. REALLY!
  10. You can in Mass Effect. I've never played Mass Effect... What's the draw for choosing to play a Sniper in that one? Its all real time combat and the sniper skill your character has is governed not only by the skill of the character and weapon, but also the modifications you place on it. Such as I often traded out back and forth between a sniper rifle set up for multiple rapid shots for easy targets with a sniper rifle geared with high explosive rounds and accelerators that makes "one hit one kill" work quite nicely, especially in the end game. Its like a portable tank gun when you use it against heavy turrets when you make the end run. If you haven't played Mass Effect then you should. Best story driven CRPG on the XBox 360.
  11. I think that the fading of the Republican party is definitely a good thing. While I do agree with many of their fiscal conservative policies they want to put in place I am definitely against their social conservative mentality. I would vote for a fiscal liberal before a social conservative. With the destruction of the Republican party, maybe parties that have their fiscal minded principles coupled with the Democratic liberal social views can rise.
  12. \Hey, I can aim. Especially with a nice sniper rifle, but I personally like VATS that allows me to play with my enemies. Cripple a leg here and there, shoot a grenade in midflight or in someone's hand, and the like. Also the enemies still move and shoot back in VATS, just at the slomo speeds.
  13. I call Fallout 3 puny because I hit max level after playing only 30 hours. Maybe not puny, but the leveling is way off kilter. I hope Vegas has better leveling design than FO3 did. After 30 hours I should only be level 10 tops.
  14. Just because a country might have WMDs does not make it right to just up and invade them. If that was the case why haven't we invaded Russia, China, or Israel yet? On the issue of torture, if you use techniques that your enemies use then you are no better than the enemy.
  15. This is one major kickarse news! I hope it will be done in the true sense of Fallout, and if not be like Fallout 3, in terms of game mechanics and setting.
  16. The Iowa Supreme Court did its job. They saw a law they viewed unconstitutional and struck it down. That's their job. They didn't make a new law. They didn't fforce anything on the people beyond their power. They simply did their job, no more and no less.
  17. The difference is that Neo-Cons want to force their views on others and take over, while I do not. I think the world would be better off if everyone just left everyone else alone and minded their own business. I am a fiscal conservative, but on many social issues I have a liberal bias. Of course, placing a label on a person is a lot easier than actually doing a breakdown issue by issue.
  18. This world is a cold and callous place, Krezy. If you are in dire straights then the only one who can get you out of it is yourself. Expect no one to help you. If you cannot then you are to blame. Not the government. Not your neighbor. You, and only you. This applies to me, Walsh, Volourn, and Somalia. No one is innocent, Krezy. Innocence is an illusion.
  19. So we kill all the pirates until there are no Somalians left alive? And here I thought economic and developmental aid was the path to victory. My bad! You don't aid the enemy. If they do not wish to be enemies then aid can come, but if they act as thugs, criminals, and terrorists then they should be treated as such.
  20. Then they can die as well. The only people who can truly fix the situation in Somalia are the Somalians.
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