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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. I bought some clothes. 5 pairs and blue jeans and 5 green shirts, two of them workplace durable. I feel better.
  2. Funny. Now AMD and Intel can fight over the midrange/notebook/mobile or whatever whilst Nvidia remains on top, as far as gaming goes anyway.
  3. No not really, it's just way past time for a socio-economic, political, and cultural overhaul that's all. We've come a long way internally since 1945 but "Official U.S. policy" remains more or less the same.
  4. Should be good but 2013 components runs the risk of significant bottleneck. If you don't mind spending a little more you could go with a cheap AM4 Motherboard, a Ryzen 5 3600X cpu, and a RX 5700XT. That should bang out high 1080p gaming for some time, plus AM4 has plenty of use left so you can upgrade to a higher end GPU and CPU on the fly later on if you want to go higher res. That's probably your best bet right now, unless Ray Tracing is very important for you, then you're probably better off waiting for Intel's new MB's this Spring and going with an i5-10600k and a 2060 or 2070 Super.
  5. Which is why I'd like to see AMD pull out a flagship GPU that can hold its own against nVdia. Until that happens, meh, Intel is still great for gaming (The CPU being of secondary importance anyway). I have tons of fun with overclocking Intel CPU's, but at the same time, I wouldn't mind just installing a stock cooler and a monster card and letting it fly. I suppose turning Yellow is an option (AMD, Nvidia) but it doesn't strike me as very appropriate.
  6. I was hesitant at first but now that I've purchased, downloaded, installed and played it, this is easily one of the best RPG's I've played. Everything just sort of fits together almost perfectly. Some of the dialogue is bizarre but that's small potatoes. Recommend it with your drug of choice, of course.
  7. Team Cyan (Intel, Nvidia) is the safe bet, but I am also curious to see what AMD throws out there. I maintain that they should laser focus on 4k 75hz performance, it's the only chance they have of standing up to Nvidia's Ampere. Done much tinkering since November 17 and slapped a RTX 2080 Super in there, installed a 2tb SSD , and overclocked my core i5 9600k to a reasonably stable 5.3 ghz. Should hold me off until Spring.
  8. Just like we here in America deserve another horrible Civil War for all the wars started in the Midde East. Nations, like people, pay for their trangressions.
  9. So is that a confession that AMD is garbage when it comes to high end GPU's and shouldn't even bother?
  10. Yes they are using TSMC and Samsung for their 7nm and we can realistically expect a 30% increase in performance. However, I would like to see Navi 21's performance in comparison to the 3080 ti before I make a commitment, as would be open to "Turning Red" if they actually ever manage to outperform Nvidia's flagship cards. The Ryzen 3950X is a beast and comes with a sound stock fan w/o even having to worry about overclocking, and should pair up beautifully with the Navi 21. What AMD should do is focus on 4k performance. Their Navi architecture looks great on higher resolutions so if they can manage a card that achieves at least 75fps 4k on anything then they've already caught my attention. It would force me to choose between 144fps 1440p or 75fps 4k with the respective cards.
  11. I have a 5700XT and a 2080 Super and I can say w/o bias that the 5700XT definitely looks more "washed out" color-wise but one thing I did notice on the 5700XT that distances seem to look a bit sharper so I'll give it that.
  12. Personally I don't think Ray Tracing is all it's cracked up to be....yet. I mean to me it's just another graphics option like anti-aliasing, just new. We'll see how it evolves, though.
  13. Their current cards are advertised correctly as "mid-ranged", however later this year they're releasing Navi 21, 22, 23 which they are proclaiming to be their "Nvidia Killers" so we'll so what they produce. They're probably a little dazzled with success right now with their latest sleugh of CPU's being Intel Killers so they probably think they can pummel Nvidia as well, even though Nvidia is calmly planning their 7mn 3000 cards to prevent an AMD outflank. This "Red Offensive" is a Godsend for us Intel and Nvidia users though, as it's forcing them to release better quality hardware at lower prices! Thank you AMD!
  14. Disco Elysium (I caved) Oh my goodness what a great game. The style/theme is really what knocks it out of the park. Awkward at times sure but you don't get much better than this as far as crpg's go. The Outer Worlds is the best streamlined RPG of the year whilst Disco is easily the best niche RPG.
  15. Consumer goods are literally the only thing that's keeping a large segment of the U.S. population inactive at rebelling against this pitiful regime that has been been in power since at least Clinton. I would know, I've fell back into the addiction of computer hardware assembly. It's literally a drug. Silicon Valley is doing a phenomenal job at keeping American left-leaning people docile. Whether this is all for the better is yet to be determined. Either consume and destroy the planet and start a family or rebel and offer alternative solutions with uncertain certainty of success. The post-modern world really sucks. I guess it'll take a collective sledgehammer and to have things start falling apart before a new collective conscience takes place. Until then, pay your bills, learn to love, and remain cautious. It's the small things that matter, stuff the history books don't write about, that generates good...
  16. You could move there as a translator! Unfortunately modern Russia doesn't have the consumer benefits of most Western countries what with sanctions and aggressions and all but the people are decent folk. Russian workers are a protected class so you can't just go there and reap unlimited benefits, would require a spiritual transformation of sorts.
  17. CoP is the best in the series, Clear Sky is meh, and SoC is great with the right mods. CoP has some great mods to but vanilla holds up best out of the bunch. Happy stalking, comrade :salute:
  18. Only if there's no strong 3rd party candidate to challenge both him and the Democrats. Nothing is confirmed yet so I don't want to spill anything but we got something big coming if not this cycle then definitely next.
  19. My horoscopes are becoming strangely accurate lately. I've always had a sort of vague/passive-but-not-important interest in them but lately they've kicked up a notch.
  20. Yeah I used to think like that. You know, settling for a mid-ranged cpu overclocked as Hell. Worked great for a while but unfortunately modern games require more cpu juice, especially if your goal is 144fps 1440p max settings.
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