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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. Yes the strangest shift since...WW2! Think about it, the two most anti-Communist countries (America and Britain) cozying up comfortably to Stalin and the USSR to stop Hitler. That doesn't just happen on a whim, that's a test of fate and the eternal definition of time and space at work going on. These next few years should be fun.
  2. 1. He's the last gasp of the two party death trap that has engulfed U.S. politics for a long long time. I understand how he got elected because many poorer strata saw him as a collective middle finger which is understandable but not acceptable considering the racism and sexism and raging anti-leftism he's sowing, not to mention his absolute love affair with Zionism and Israel. Perhaps a decade down the road I'll see him as a necessary pivot towards something better once we elect a new Party into office but now will simply grin and bear it. 2. He's the end of an old era and not a beginning of a new one. We have a mess to clean up and I'm still uncertain how difficult it's going to be.
  3. And yet Westerners seem to have very little problem with this at least until recently because 70% of the American economy is based of consumerism of goods mostly made in foreign countries.
  4. Yeah I don't put much stock into crowd-funded projects anymore, especially now since the quality of games in general has gone up a bit since 2011-12 when the KS craze "kicked" off.
  5. Yes there's something very strangely "Soviet" about Trump, at least as far as tactics go. I've read somewhere that he used to get potential business partners drunk and coerce then into signing deals that greatly benefited himself at the expense of the victim, which may sound normal for Trump, but thing here is that's exactly what the Soviets used to do, a favored tactic with Stalin especially. Just instead of individual business deals for the Soviets it would have been business treaties between nations.
  6. My point being that I'd be generally happy with 3 parties that typically represent the Left, Center, and Right rather than a mishmash of several conflicting and contradicting ideologies. But then again being an American I'm used to only Center (Democrats) and Right (Republicans) who typically lay in bed with each other when it comes to pillaging the world to make their corporate donors rich so adding a more left leaning party into the mix would be seen as a massive improvement and I doubt I'd ever feel the need to expand on that.
  7. Mass Effect is Canadian. However yes I think someone mentioned that having only two parties leads to a case of seeing an election outcome as good or evil winning. On the flip side: That's the German Bundestag. Perhaps a bit overkill. eh?
  8. Yet they can't seem to grasp the fact that Trump comes from a privileged and very enfranchised background and also seem to misunderstand the very nature of demagoguery. Let's state the obvious here, it's the failure of Obama that led to Trump. IF you study history, fascism always comes at the onset of a missed revolutionary opportunity. Obama had a great window of opportunity from '08-'10 for economic reform and he blew it.
  9. My favorite aspect of Witcher 3 is the character leveling system. One of my favorite of all times with the color coding scheme spiced with mutagens. It may seem simple but believe me your color traits define you spiritually. What bothered me most about TW3 was that I couldn't marry Keira Metz. I mean I got to sleep with her, which is dandy and all but still, she runs off with Lambert Yes, Witcher 3 is so great that they've actually managed to karma bitch smack me for criticizing the silly xenophilic romance **** from Bioware in the past xD Yes, it's very obvious at this point that CDPR sees Rockstar as their business model as they are copying lots of what they do. Sometime after GTA Vice City Rockstar declared that making games drag on for an eternity whilst upgrading the turbo realism was the way to go. Not necessarily a horrible thing but sometime halfway through GTA4 I was thinking "Now let's wrap this up with a grand finale and go home" only to have more copy paste missions thrown at me with more quirky dialogue (which is always good, but still).
  10. This. Trying playing Metro Exodus on a Xbox One X and then trying it on a 2080 ti, ouch for consoles. Anyway I don't think PC gaming is "better", it's certainly expensive and definitely worth it in the long run and once you know how assemble components yourself it's a blast. It's just most console gamers don't really care about that stuff and just wanna play something with their buddies and derp around and don't really put much mental stock in hardware components and their relation to performance. And then you got those pc gamers that have general knowledge of hardware but don't have the aptitude or desire to keep it up to date and are happy playing old stuff or new stuff with old stuff system requirements. I find that the former and latter tend to get along great, as they are both minimalists and probably in the upper double digit IQ range. Again not saying it's "better" just different, as people with triple digit IQs and enough disposable cash tend to refine their hobbies to a certain ideal.
  11. Wow seems like ages ago playing that as a teenager and thinking "This has actually better RPG elements than KOTOR, but something doesn't quite add up" -or something along those lines- now I know the full story! Real talent and ability getting shortchanged, what else is new? Anyway: https://www.thegamer.com/reasons-excited-elden-ring/
  12. How the Hell did you beat that so fast? I found TW3 to be a very easy game but it still due to sheer amount of content took me a while to beat it.
  13. Ummm the Greens would not take over from the Democrats, they are an Independent Party. Why can't we have three major parties instead of two?
  14. Once the Green Party goes mainstream in the U.S. (It will, trust me ), I'll probably vote Blue in local elections and vote Green for National elections because let's face it, Democrats absolutely suck at National/Global politics. The Greens would implement subtle ecological programs that would trickle down to local areas and perhaps overseas for foreign aid, it would all be nationally funded and locally controlled. Greens would not start any wars, and would cut off all aid to Israel. I can smell the win already!
  15. Yes we have the exact same dilemma here in the States, the Democratic Party is way to corrupt and Clintonized to "reform" as the lingering idiots in the progressive wing keep trying to cleave at. So, likewise, the only solution is to.....go Green!
  16. Corbyn is quite good, I am impressed with his tweets at least and would definitely get behind labour were I living in the U.K. At least he doesn't come off as a kook like Bernie Sanders.
  17. I'm not gonna get into who the Hell to vote for because let's face it, everyone has their own cognitive understanding of what's transpiring in the political climate and someone with a different opinion usually comes off as dumb or retarded, but I have noticed that there's people who didn't like Trump during his campaign and election who are now faithful supporters, and people who loved him and voted for him now do not like him and are committed to getting rid of him. It's like we're witnessing the strangest sort of bizarre alignment shift since WW2!
  18. Escape From Tarkov beta (still in beta!) Love it but there's still a ****ton of work that has to be done, like adding a compass and fixing the buggy map system. If you're a newb the game is literally impossible to play without a map and a compass so you find yourself wandering around aimlessly and looking for things to shoot and loot and trying to find some kind of exit. The physics, survival aspects, and heck, even the RPG mechanics are totally sound but there's still so much work to do! Let's hope the final product comes soon and well put together because there's so much potential here, especially people like me who are tired of ****ty western FPS games.
  19. I've read plenty of sources on the Civil War and I'm not wrong! It was just another case of reactionaries trying to resist against modernization and the dirty word "slavery" happened to be the underlying kicker that launched the Civil War The Republicans nominated Lincoln because he was, at the time, considered a moderate by their parties staunchly anti-Slavery and pro industrial platform. I'm not a Democrat, I absolutely despise their neoliberal approach to globalization and economics, and their "progressive" wings limp wristed attempt at curbing it, so I cannot speak for them, but isn't it modern Republicans who are more obsessed with keeping the upper strata white and proper and keeping the lower strata poor and dependent on their fiscal program and not offer any sort of alternative government jobs, and educational program?
  20. Republicans are delusional racists and Christian Zionists through and through so of course they would say that! Any cult leaders followers would say that of their Messiah. He's an embarrassment to U.S. history and just an offshoot of Reagan. Also it's anachronistic to judge Lincoln with a 21st century lens. The slavery issue was deeply divisive and agonizing politically at the time and someone with an iron fist had to rise up and deal with the situation once and for all. War is Hell.
  21. Now I have to buy a controller and play this again! Damn you! If only they would release a remasterd version like they did with DS1 and I could mouse and keyboard it but hey it's Dark Souls, worth a new piece of equipment!
  22. 1/2 of Americans are fed up with both parties so let's just say that if we field a candidate that can attract most independents and half of the Democrats, we win! Now with Bloomberg in the race it's becoming even more crowded. It'll be like the 1860 election all over again. A crowded field with the clear champion coming out on top. Oh and young people, you gotta grab the young people en masse. Something Ron Paul was never able to accomplish, despite his spot on foreign policy approach.
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