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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. Thread inspired me to delve into Dark Souls III again. Trying as a Caster/Thief build and showing great early success. But then again I'm reminded that once you hit triple digit character levels, specialization becomes irrelevant and you can just equip or customize anyway you see fit. Tis the bane of Soulsbourne games,
  2. Dark Souls II is like Mario II. It's got some interesting elements but it's -all in all- the weird one of the bunch.
  3. I don't think I've ever agreed to disagree more in my life. I never wanted or expected TOW to be like Arcanum or New Vegas so in essence I was not disappointed (in fact the opposite) but you make quite an interesting antithesis to its design philosophy.
  4. I'm am waiting for the full specs of the next gen consoles to be released so I can upgrade my PC accordingly. If your pc doesn't perform at least 15% better than the current gen console, you're doing it wrong. If they focus too much on 4k crap than uprgrading should not be a sweat!
  5. And yet people can't name any CRPG that fulfills their bloodthirsty playstyle to their preference. Not to mention someone with "PUBG" in their username.
  6. Yes having two women play as heavy tanks in highly tinkered heavy armor and weapons is every males wet dream and this game definitely accommodates that playstyle.
  7. It certainly has that Russian "survivalist" atmosphere that became prominent in the immediate post Soviet era, however I do not like the steep system requirements, as I can play pretty much everything else on High+ w/o difficulties whilst I have to tone it down to medium on this one. Still worth it though. My favorite part of the game is when they are on the train and Miller orders his crew to shoot the infiltrators and someone (forgot who) responds "Shoot them? What is this, the Reich?" xD good times. Anyway still playing Code Vein, this game has some tough boss battles that's for sure! I do love the character creation though, as I can make myself look like the ultimate Comrade and semi play the part to.
  8. Nope did not know but thank you for clarifying, I always saw Obsidian as a small team that is the frontrunner in trying to improve the travesty that is the Western RPG scene and I absolutely suck at studio lore.
  9. Ha, the ink isn't even dry for TOW and already announcing a new IP. Welcome to Microsoft, get crackin' on a Destiny clone with a few dialogue options
  10. Nobody is arguing against Democracy and mixed economies. That's the proper evolution of leftism. When someone calls themselves a leftist, chances are that's what they're referring to. The problem is that here in America, Silicon Valley globalist corporatist types actually call themselves "leftists" when in fact real leftists see them as right wing neoliberals. So calling yourself a "socialist" is proper the American neoliberal context, due to the American political spectrum being tilted so far to the right.
  11. Nordic supermen/women sure know their marxist-leftism. Don't you just love dialectical materialism?
  12. We'll see how Elden Ring turns out. Whilst I'm certainly not a G.R.R.M fanatic, him teaming up with Miyazaki could potentially produce something that breaks the whole industry. Will remain cautiously optimistic.
  13. TBH nothing beats Bloodborne though, I think it's safe to say that it's the apex of Miyazaki's career. Really too bad it's a PS4 exclusive.
  14. Well what do you expect from a company that's owned and operated by Anglo-Zionist imperialists? The human race is flawed but there's a gem in there to...
  15. Well they thought the premise was good but at the same time they felt the game played out like a cluster**** and was trying too many angles all at once. Basically sounded good on paper but was poorly executed. If Pillars 2 didn't chew any fat and was just a copy paste of the original then they wouldn't like it.
  16. Dark Souls 3 is the best in regards to character building and creativity but some hardcore fans of the series were put off by the less nuanced approach it takes towards completion. I beat 'em all but have the most hours invested in 3 so that should be telling.
  17. Didn't Richard Spencer praise Israel as a good example of an ethno state and that keeping the Jews contained in Israel was a good thing? Funny because what do Zionists and Fascists have in common? The absolutely HATE Marxists/Leftists of any stripe. Remember the Nazi's didn't target the Jews first, they went after the Socialists and the trade unionists, so it makes sense for Zionists and Neo Nazis to form a strange bedfellow these days xD.
  18. I feel bad for Zelensky. The Ukrainian people voted in anti-war pro-peace Jew who wasn't towing the "Putin/Russia EVAL" line common amongst western elites yet the Ukraine has its own "Deep State" mostly consisting of Neo Nazi filth.
  19. Most Democrats are extremely pro-capitalist and big tech-o-philes so enslaving people with their corporate filth may not be too far off the mark. But then again the far right thinks that Democrats and Communists/Socialists/Greens are the same thing so people like that are a generally a waste of time and oxygen and certainly need to be 1865'd and 1945'd all over again.
  20. Personally am waiting for the new Radeon cards (Codenamed 'Navi'), will probably buy the best mid grade option once they launch, as I am staunchly a 1080p pc user. Not sure of the pricing yet, but I'm sure I will be able to play Cyberpunk 2077 high-max as I can currently play Witcher 3 on high max with my rx580.
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