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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. https://news.cgtn.com/news/2022-02-24/U-S-Justice-Department-ends-controversial-China-Initiative--17UHkbtYWoU/index.html U.S. Justice Department ends controversial 'China Initiative' Not only racist against Asians but Un-American as all Hell. Wonder what compelled them to pull it especially at this time.
  2. Caitoz offers 12 fair and balanced thoughts on the whole ordeal.
  3. Normally I would say 'No', the Chinese are far too cautious and mature for that right now but I never expected Russia to invade Ukraine like it did so at this point everything is up in the air (missile joke!) However, geo strategically I think it would make sense to let the Ukie invasion run its course and then when public opinion succumbs to its usual amnesia, China then invades Taiwan as Russia plays the passive supporter. Makes sense right?
  5. The death of a few civilians is a tragedy, the death of a million soldiers is a statistic.
  6. Still though, 10's across the board? 97 Metacritic? If they got the sales figures to back it up this is bound to be some kind of industry wrecking ball of catastrophic proportions. Nothing to scoff at. The usual caveat of course that it should actually be a good game and not fake good games like Bethesda
  7. Holy crap guys is this for real? Am I reading this right? I did warn a while back that Miyazaki was going to crush the industry but I never expected wrecked levels of this magnitude.
  8. Not to mention Ukies do in fact have closer ethnic and historical ties to the Ruskies so not a simple case of white colonialist Americans "civilizing" brown skinned heathens halfway across the world. I mean yes, many Ukies are Westernized but I think this fact could ultimately win out in the end in Russia's favor.
  9. Russia has permanent Zombie Apocalypse economy for centuries (aside from the heyday of the USSR) so Russia stock drops won't affect it much, they've already made all the key investments in military hardware that they need for the short term.
  10. I think he's comfortable in the "East is rising and the West is declining" narrative. Hubristic U.S. government severely underestimated the prospects of a Russia/China strategic partnership. Nixon and Kissinger were not idiots.
  11. http://www.customs.gov.cn/customs/302249/2480148/4198208/index.html Translated: China to see lots of wheat imports from the Russian Federation. Whole lotta wheat in Ukraine so the timing of this announcement is not a coincidence. Heh
  12. Whelp, if this leads to radical socio-economic and positive change in U.S. policy, I will be the first to jump on that bandwagon. U.S. politicians remain terrible and arrogant and condescending even to their own citizens. CHANGE DAMMIT
  13. They just blew up the AZOV (neo-nazi) battalions headquarters. WTF more is there to say? Russians Nazi's killing is the sweetest thing on the planet.
  14. They've tried every other way to resolve them for, uh, 8 years now and to no avail. Neither Russia nor NATO was willing to budge on the issue of Russia's security interests. While China is officially shocked at this it is highly unlikely that China will stab Russia in the back considering the Beijing Olympics speech they gave. China is playing good cop here. Yes though, U.S. had a chance to work with Russia to deter China but they blew it utterly with their Russiagate crap. LOL
  15. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-business-vladimir-putin-europe-election-2020-ac251d00b8979cebd0496374fc622a1b?utm_medium=AP&utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter Suck it libtards
  16. Elden Ring getting perfect scores across the board in early reviews. https://www.gamerevolution.com/review/702562-elden-ring-review-worth-buying-playing-ps4-ps5-pc-xbox-one-series-x-s https://www.ign.com/articles/elden-ring-best-reviewed-games-modern-history We may have a doozy on our hands.
  17. Oh great Uncle Sam and his corporate media attaché is going to go even more ballistic and inflammatory now. Just what we need. Russia's big **** energy is greeted with severe menstruation and it's really starting to annoy me. Also, Putin can't help himself with his anti-Soviet jabs, can he? Whelp, younger Russians are warming up to the KPRF (It's mostly Gen-X Russians who support Putin) so perhaps KPRF will finally grow a spine (AND also support and recognize the LDNR). Curious to see China's response to this.
  18. Elden Ring does look pretty awesome but I'll probably have to hold off for a while. Stupid real life priorities you know (I hate real life). And yes! Beware of Paradox games! I remember playing Victoria 2 constantly just to try to build forts on every U.S. state. Would like to play as China an another playthrough and stop the Century of Humiliation. Also @BruceVC Hearts of Iron 3 playing as South Africa and building TONS of high quality infantry divisions, sailing them over to Sicily and beating the crap out of the entire Wehrmacht as the bad AI kept sending their divisions across the Mediterranean to be destroyed piecemeal.
  19. Christ. I thought this current wave of BS was hilarious.
  20. I always liked Gothic 1 the best. I mean yeah it is kinda "Prison Pimp" and virtually no women to speak of other than sex slaves but I always liked the atmosphere and the leveling. The pacing was also good. I liked Gothic 2 but Night of the Raven was too hard for me. Gothic 3 could have been the best in the series if it had another 1 year of development time for polish and even PB admitted that they tried to do too much with too little time and budget hence the somewhat broken release. I think if they removed the whole desert area and just focused on Myrtanna and Nordmar it could have been a much better and more focused experience. Love the soundtrack, one of my all time favorites.
  21. Oh cool. The 1st one had lots of potential but real bad balancing kinda hampered it quite a bit. Hopefully they've addressed these issues. You gotta hand it to PB, they never give up even when they stumble aka Gothic 3.
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