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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. And notice how it's all liberals leading the charge here. Liberals absolutely HATE Rooysha for some reason, which is strange because FDR and JKF were also liberals and they never took such a fanatical stance.
  2. Might explain why American cops like to shoot first and ask questions later (Other than the fact that they're having manpower shortages and will hire virtually anyone at this point). With professionals like these running government institutions...
  3. On the domestic front: https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/27/economy/us-fourth-quarter-2021-gdp/index.html?utm_source=twcnnbrk&utm_medium=social&utm_term=link&utm_content=2022-01-27T13%3A45%3A06 Impressive growth, even bigger than China's, but not impressive inflation, and also like China, problems arise in 2022. Half the public is still obsessing over Omicron, the other half wants newfeeds about these things to just go away and pretend like it's not even happening, lol.
  4. Correct. Russia is not going to invade Ukraine, they are just trying to create panic and destabilization and their troops are in a defensive position, almost comically like WW1 style deployments. Anyone freaking out about this is, oh how would the psyop complex put it? "Playing straight into Putin's hands" EDIT: Both Napoleon and Hitler actually invaded Russia in the summer, so I never understood that long running joke. Like at all.
  5. And cows, so McDonalds shall remain our national treasure , regardless of what happens. https://www.mashed.com/169000/the-truth-about-mcdonalds-meat/ Everyone in Zone A is economically interlinked and there's no way out of it, despite the MAGA claims to the contrary.
  6. Correct, they are an appendage to the 2nd largest corporation in the world now and have great life support so if they can't secure the funding to make a great game, well, we may have call capitalism in question once again
  7. Does nationality matter a great deal in this modern hyper consumerist world? As long as it's not in Zone B (Russia, China, Iran, N. Korea etc) I'd say the tech sector in particular is largely integrated. There's a reason the U.S. can't allow China to retake Taiwan you know, most of our chips come from there.
  8. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/25/business/flying-car-aircar-dual-mode-vehicle-intl-scli/index.html Well, I guess Back to the Future Part 2 wasn't off by a longshot after all. Leading industries always hold of mass production of new things though to protect their turf. It's capitalist mafia gang wars up in here.
  9. A 1st person game with the mechanics and setting of Deadfire minus the ridiculous amounts encyclopedia-style dialogue would be perfect and borrowing the 2 companion mechanic from ToW would also be a good idea.' There's fine line that I hope Obsidian is able to achieve with future iterations.
  10. While it's true we don't live in a Tolkienesque society with hobbits and wizards always trying to do the good Christian thing, throughout my existence I've noticed that respect and some selfless acts can go a long way, even in a society that promotes individualism and personal achievements over general social welfare.
  11. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/hunter-biden-aide-invested-chinese-company-communist-party This is front page news for Fox. Does any registered Democrat who posts on here support Gomyoonist China? I'm not getting the impression that any Democrat supports the CCP like at all so how can anyone take this nonsense seriously?
  12. Yeah that's like everything with a 'Good' alignment check, if it's a good deed that's not reported or well known, chances are it's genuine and not of the sinister in nature. If you wanna be a "good" guy, donate your shirt to a neighbor or spare some food to the shelter, 1 million positive small things outweigh 1 horrible thing. Like Invisible Oedon from Bloodborne, you may not notice any major buffs at first, but they do add up tremendously if you stick with it...
  13. For every crappy story I hear about a cop, I hear another one that makes them heroic. If American police could curb their aggression just leetle bit I think it'd go a long way to building public trust again.
  14. Interesting. Real life prisoners have debunked TIS on several occasions but based on all the Intel I was able to gather it seems Chinese and American prisons both suck but in different ways. American prisons seem more "gang" orientated, you got your black, hispanic, and white gangs who all kinda run the show in their own gangs on the inside. Chinese prisons seem more militarized, everyone has to march rank and file and sing government inspired songs and are all basically under the dictatorship of the guards and have no independent sects. American guards are trained and expected to take some degree of crap from the inmates, not of that is tolerated in Chinese prisons. At least in American prisons you can get money sent from the outside and buy decent food (prison food sucks if you can't afford the name brands and have no money). Chinese prisons don't have that and you survive off of rice with turnips and pork fat and two rolled cigarettes a day. So yeah, everything points to not wanting to go to prison in both of these countries but at least American prisons seem to have more options, I can't say I'd like to be surrounded by that stupid race gang atmosphere though. I guess Europe wins the award for most humane prisons? Canadian and Australian prisons aren't as bad as American prisons I also hear.
  15. On the other side of the world, China's GDP up 8.1% in 2021 which is quite impressive for having a Zero Covid policy and well above the 6% predicted by Chinese analysts (Yes I checked both Chinese and Western sources and they both agree so no propaganda here) but problems do arise in 2022 like Real Estate prices and other things, as the last quarter of 2021 they slowed down to 4% so they're setting a modest 5% for 2022. We are approaching the Year of the Water Tiger and leaving the Year of the Metal Ox so do expect 2022 to be quite a wild year! Where Ox is quiet, hard working, tough, and diligent, Tiger is bold and aggressive and hardly adheres to structure so expect political crap to get heated up again.
  16. Well if American whites stopped acting aggressive, loud, ignorant and fascistic perhaps crap like CRT wouldn't be necessary. For every action...
  17. Sure why not? Some people may like them? I personally don't really care for them but I'm not gonna say 'no' just be a moronic edgelord.
  18. Why is everyone always trying to Balkanize gaming? Always online actually works great for the new Hitman series because you get a sense of being part of some Hitman agency with new contracts and stuff. Speaking of Balkanization: https://venturebeat.com/2022/01/12/stalker-2-heart-of-chernobyl-delayed-to-december-2022/ LOL how very "Cyberpunk", hope dies last after all.
  19. Why does everyone always leave out socialists? They were literally the first people persecuted immediately when the Nazi's took power. "Etc" doesn't cut it here considering Nazi's sprang up as a fierce lashback against the socialist renaissance springing up in Europe at that time period. Many westerners conveniently overlook this fact.
  20. Not to mention America is a breeding ground for someone like Trump to win anyway, as the constitution forbids too much government interference in local educational standards, does it not? It was only a matter of time before before all these yokels got a champion to represent them, the bittersweet irony being some known con artist and shyster from New York City xD.
  21. Probably because DL1 was so poorly put together and overrated I can't say I blame them for skipping out on it. I know I got bored and irritated with it fast! Typical modern Western game, great on paper but poorly executed.
  22. I think I can get behind this, though every RE before 4 is playable and has aged pretty well. REmake 2 also was not bad and REmake 3 could have been lots better if it was given another year of development time. However yes, anyone who started out with RE2 or RE3 and considers themselves hardcore fans need to get smacked or something.
  23. I did like how they were shouting "Treason!" during the insurrection, though. Like they represent the forces of treason! If they shouted things like "Freedom" or "Liberty" I may have taken them more seriously. What is it that these people want anyway? Their objectives are non-sensical, the person who said it was just butthurt over their preferred candidate losing sums it up perfectly I think.
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