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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. When laptops are your platform of choice, controller support is very helpful. Considering it is being released on consoles as well I'm reasonably confident Steam version will have controller support. In my personal experience controller support may be detrimental in online shooters (which I do not play but did in fact have l33t Battlefield skills back in the day) but not PvE shooters, they are just different. In Resident Evil Village, for instance, I found using Magnums and Shotguns to be more nicer to use with controllers but M/K more precise and consistent firing with the Assault Rifle (WMX) was better.
  2. I just hope they don't screw it up, and they better add controller support this time around. They wanted to make it a NFT blockchain type of game where contributers received special benefits but huge public backlash compelled them to politely walk back on it (stuff like that seems to be hugely popular in Eastern Europe, I am into crypto personally but I think it's a stupid idea for video games, Paypal is quite sufficient). Sequels to games released over a decade ago are almost always a dice roll, and it doesn't matter what region its from, and the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has quite a cult following but it definitely wasn't perfectly optimized or coded. Minimalist to the extreme.
  3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2, Elden Ring, Avowed, TOW 2 The former two I'm quite skeptical of, the latter 2 I have a good deal of confidence of.
  4. @kanisatha you seem to posses some form of academic proficiency. Would you argue to the progressive assertion that U.S. military budget is largely bloated and not very effective? I mean the CIA, NSA, and FBI clearly posses some powerful surveillance programs, according to whistle blowers, and I'm unsure as how effective all these VPN's and Onion directories are at deterring them but military analysts don't seem very convincing for some reason.
  5. So Pillars of Eternity without all the useless filler that slogs gameplay to grinding halt and sometimes feels more like an academic field study than a video game? Sign me up! I love Pillars 2 but man the game drags sometimes..
  6. You'd be amazed what the determined can procure on a tight budget, as opposed to the U.S. congress who just kinda blow billions on the military budget without any kind of plan. Just keep printing those bills and tossing them around and it'll all be fine. Dolla dolla bill y'all. However though, the Russian government itself isn't nearly as strong as some would believe, corruption remains quite rampant and it's population is getting kind of fed up with its lack of concrete results. They see Stalin as a bad person in their history BUT. AT LEAST. HE GOT THINGS. DONE (How familiar!)
  7. I know a guy who spent 40k on that Arnold Schwarzenegger mobile game. It's very rare I call someone out for personal decisions in life (I usually like to mind my own business and let people do whatever the f* they want) but I flat out told him he was an idiot.
  8. So Republicans were cooler when they gave free stuff out of pocket only to people who joined organizations that kill people. What are they now? No free stuff for everyone equally? I think I'd prefer less discrimination.
  9. Does Gorth follow my every post? Everytime I post in a thread he immediately posts right after quoting another poster and adding his own stupid dorky insight, like an attempt at one upping or something.
  10. Like The Brotherhood of Steel? I mean the faction reeks of "path of least resistance" pansies hiding behind ridiculous OP weapons and armor and blowing **** up. Also, never forget JFK
  11. https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/videocard/ I don't see too many high powered GPU's on that list, I mean the closest one is the 3070 and it's still not on the top 10 so yeah, looks like the enthusiast class are the cave dwellers of the story.
  12. I think you know full well that I do not align with the American Republican Party because of their love affair with Israel. Like a good communist, I stay over there (In Russia, KPRF, 1st sergeant tech com, sworn to protect you).
  13. It is what it is, things are gonna get worse before they better so yeah, even hostesses should be proficient in some level of self defense and concealed carry I imagine.
  14. This. If everyone's carrying, that'll keep the Rittenhouse's at bay. Stop being being a bunch of sally's and at least carry a concealed handgun. I admit I am quite shocked at him being acquitted on ALL counts, but where there's a crisis there's an opportunity, and should encourage everyone to not be afraid to use deadly force if you feel your rights are being violated by anyone
  15. Whelp as long as you make a living, that's what counts! Meanwhile I'm rotting here in the U.S. as society is falling apart, good fun.
  16. Eh, I just don't see much hope for either party tbh, at least alone. I generally agree with Dems on social issues but not on issues like gun control and excessive government meddling. So maybe that 3rd party I've been bringing up for *looks at watch* over 2 years now to form a reasonable coalition could actually get some things accomplished? Yet people still seem to have partisan sticks up their butts.
  17. Yeah but the Democratic Party is that same thing, there's the real kicker. as members of a party that is now exhausted by its failures, cynical about its own ideology, authoritarian by reflex, controlled as a personality cult by a failing old man, and looking for new adventures to rejuvenate its fortunes Can that not also describe Biden and his cohorts? Both parties are f*d tbh
  18. Same. I mean the first game basically mined Halycon to death so a whole new system would be best, especially if they can apply what they learned from the 1st game and expand on it.
  19. Yeah but the Germans were the first to deploy lethal chlorine gas. It was so haphazard and prototypical at the time that the first attacks actually caused large amounts of friendly casualties when the wind shifted backwards. And I have a hunch that if half of these Republicans actually knew what Communism was, they might be a bit more interested than constantly throwing the accusation at aging aging old fart Democrats. It reminds me of someone calling everyone gay all the time, it comes to a point where it says more about them than the target...
  20. https://eng.belta.by/society/view/russian-communist-party-condemns-polands-policy-towards-refugees-145206-2021/ Very interesting, and contrasts heavily with Die Linke (German communists). Last I checked Die Linke actually took a more tougher stance against immigration, in an effort to curb the rise of right wing extremism. Yet interestingly enough, Die Linke isn't doing so well in the German elections recently, yet the KPRF seems to be gaining steam so who knows. Bad time to be a European all-around I guess xD
  21. Wait wait wait, Lexx has something to do with the ARMA team?? WTF?? In other news, Phil Spencer is proving to be quite based. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/phil-spencer-says-xbox-is-evaluating-relationship-with-activision-blizzard-in-wake-of-kotick-report/1100-6498170/ https://gizmodo.com/microsofts-phil-spencer-wants-the-gaming-industry-to-em-1848081784 Not bad for a suit!
  22. Yes China has done away with it completely and some European countries are considering it as well. The U.S. appears indifferent at this point and some countries like Brazil want to actually expand on it and make it more widespread. If the Brazilian government loves it and China hates it, I'm naturally inclined to believe it's probably bad and am probably leaving myself open to hackers on my desktop (despite having a VPN and top notch browser security)) because my anti-virus software will not tolerate it on my machine should I leave it on, but eh, I'm kind of hard up for a bit of cash and my 3090 was just kinda sitting there so I figured I'd let it run through the winter to keep my room warn and to collect a little cash to get me by. Hard times, you know.
  23. Ok so I got my mining rig setup and I make a whopping....10 USD per day, on a 3090, maxed out OC at 122 mh/s ... perhaps there's better mining software out there than Ethermine, and It's some gas money, but it appears all these rumors that you could made at least $35/d were a bit unfounded. It is kind of addicting though watching the hashrate grinding and accumualted Ether go up, albeit slowly so perhaps I'll keep tinkering with different software and see if there's better options. As long as you're having fun, the sky's the limit.
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