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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. Speaking of taxes https://news.yahoo.com/atf-accused-fraud-wasteful-spending-230853413.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall Your seized dollars hard at work.
  2. The average gamer is a sexist white male thriving on nerd intuition rather than reflection so yeah I'd say it's time to clean house and make gaming better.
  3. @Guard Dog Sounds eerily familiar with some circles here
  4. Mexico is our neighbor like Canada, but people like Gromnir would rather get in bed with countries that are lilly white and score well on the white test rather than dig through the facts and deal with the fact that an Eastern country like China could wind up being more consequential than the U.S.A. on the economic stage some day. You can be culturally superior but economically inferior you know, it is possible and actually has been a fact all through the middle ages.
  5. Sure, but it's good to leave it there for knowledge sake in any case To expand on that, I'd say you need 2 out of 3 to be considered the top nation, China leads PPP but U.S. leads GDP and has quite an edge over China in GDP/Capita. Economists are predicting that China could overtake the U.S. in GDP by 2030 or so, so if that becomes a reality, China would in fact be the leading economic power in the world, to the dismay of the far right Westerners.
  6. Probably not. Sequels to almost decades old niche games have quite a bad track record.
  7. Agreed. Workers are now quitting their jobs en masse here due to long hours/low pay with little incentive to stay. Makes sense really, some people make triple digit income staying home sitting on there asses whilst some bust themselves and exhaust their energy for 30k a year, so there's a growing sentiment of wanting a better slice of the pie so to speak. Whilst I can't imagine everyone being well off stay at home lottery winners, I think this nation-wide walkout will certainly incentive companies to beef up wages and benefits. The best things seem to happen by accident and through trends, not by careful design by some kind of higher legislative authority.
  8. GDP: National Wealth GDP/Capita: Citizen Wealth PPP: National prices of stuff (China beats the U.S. here btw, as things from food to housing are cheaper there).
  9. Denmark, Switzerland, and Ireland (to name just a few) also have a higher rate than Americanistan, are they also non-countries??
  10. ....and performance. I mean the latest console GPU's are equivalent to a Geforce 2070 or a 5600 XT. You can buy a mobile laptop with a GTX 3070, Ryzen CPU, good memory and SSD for a reasonable price these days.
  11. Don't forget the lore, some of the best and most ingenious plot puzzle pieces to work together in the entire medium. No joke, the game is already like opium, but it's like opium +P if you carefully follow the story.
  12. Brooklyn Lawyers Plead Guilty in Firebomb Case - The New York Times (nytimes.com) Lawyers gone lawless. I mean yeah keep up the good fight, Lord knows we need less controlling whitey f**** running around However, risking 10 years in prison...yeah that's not for me, call me old fashioned but I'd rather fight on a battlefield than in the streets.
  14. The only games I've seen with a good amount on mods for consoles are Skyrim and Fallout 4, and those are both Bethesda games. Almost all console abandonware games from the days of yore are available for download on PC with the right know-how, and much of them have mods that improve visuals, framerates, and gameplay. Plus most new games come with zero issues with launch errors unless your PC is either defective or cluttered with malware.
  15. They seem to be going out of their way to port every game that isn't Bloodborne to PC.
  16. Whoops I was apparently wrong, U.S. does not have the highest GPD per capita, that honor goes to smaller less populous countries known for smarter wealth management and distribution. Duh, U.S. has a grotesque number of billionaires that inflate score and a whole ton of impoverished people either living on the streets or behind bars, then you got your middle class suburbanites who consider themselves morally superior to both the wealthy and the poor. xD
  17. Since I live in the country with the worlds largest GDP per capita currently, throughout my life I have had spouts of moments where's I've had enough disposable income to blow on consoles AND PC hardware (who needs cars and wives and stuff right?!). Whilst I've had some fun with consoles and some of my greatest franchises started on consoles, I always find myself reverting back to Windows, simply because it feels more independent and there's tons of crap you can download like mods and stuff. I'll probably never buy a console again, especially now that the quality of gaming laptops has grown significantly in recent years, plus more and more PC games like Grim Dawn are integrating controller support fairly well nowadays.
  18. Yup unfortunately PS users get the shaft here. Though if I were a PS user (I'm not, I love my Windows gaming laptops with controller support) I would simply move on with my day and look for other titles to fill my catalogue. Fortunately Avowed and TOW2 look like amazing games on Windows platforms so I'm "inside the algorithm" so to speak. I can live with or without another FO game, getting kinda tired with retro future post Apoc stuff tbh, it's just totally not my thing.
  19. Shared territorial concern, opposition to US intervention prompt Russia’s support to China on Taiwan question - Global Times Russia (somewhat surprisingly) doubling down on support for China regarding the Taiwan question. Moscow calculates two things: 1) Taiwan will cede to China with minimal resistance on its own terms. 2) The U.S. will not intervene unless they go full throttle in their defense of Taiwan aka near total warfare. Moscow doesn't think that the U.S. will. My opinion? If China absorbs Taiwan right now there is a good chance the U.S. will retaliate in force. However, with the serious underlying social issues brewing up in the U.S., there's a good chance they could get away with it sometime in the near future. The current domestic issues in the U.S. are far too severe and dire to simply put them aside and unite against the Red Dragon.
  20. Steven van Zandt Says America Is On the 'Brink of A New Civil War' (msn.com) Every once in a while you get stunned when a celebrity shares an identical overarching opinion on current affairs. Cheers, Steve!
  21. Most of my family are deeply religious (In a deep blue northeastern state no less) so securing a banging education and discussing academic and scientific theory at the dinner table was never really a part of my upbringing unfortunately. "Either work with your brain or work with your back!" was the rationale I received for staying in school. The town I grew up in was pretty hickish and stupid though, so it's not like the public schools offered a strict and advanced educational curriculum ...whoever was the darling who was attractive, good at sports, and was well connected with the community received priority. xD
  22. Obsidian "baddies" knock the Hell out of Far Cry pseudo villains. EDIT: I am playing Path of Exile as a Duelist, which is a class clearly catering to my standards. Let's hope I can actually get through it this time and not get bored 1/3 of the way through due grind fatigue.
  23. I don't know Bruce I don't have the answers but what we're doing now sure isn't working, and I find it disturbing that the Anglosphere as a whole still cucks to the U.S. government when they've clearly been in the wrong since the turn of the century. It's like they have no spine and just let themselves be herded into failure. In other news, the Episcopal Church is near extinct Why is the Episcopal church near collapse - Beliefnet What's funny here is that they were SO SURE that they were the future of the Christian world and would gain memberships in droves because of their liberal views. Whelp, the complete opposite is true. The Christian world and modernity are proving to be quite incompatible it seems. The vast majority of Evangelical Christians are dogged conservatives and Trump supporters. Also, China has loosened up on the Xinjiang province. Why it now suits America to cool the talk of Beijing’s Uighur ‘genocide’ in Xinjiang — RT Op-ed Whilst accusations of 'genocide' were completely inaccurate and far fetched and dangerous propaganda people stupidly swallowed up without a second thought, it did brooch on what you could call "Human Rights infringement", let's hope China improves it counter terrorism methods in the future.
  24. The level of outedtouchedness I see is insane sometimes. Trump IS the GOP, just like Nixon and Reagan WERE the GOP in their respective timeframes. The grassroots majority of the GOP base is all in for Trump, as long as he stays active he will be their messiah. I don't like it either but he seems to be some kind of symptom of a failed system that is broken.
  25. Majority of Americans express dissatisfaction with democracy, and gerrymanderers race to the bottom (msn.com) And so it begins.
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