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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. The Outer Worlds? edit: Whoops Op wanted ROTATABLE CAMERA only so I guess Morrowind?
  2. Yes it's already bad enough that Obsidian is now firmly under Microsoft's yoke and backing stupid Kickstarter projects in dumb Central European countries so let's not add insult to injury and hope that there's a beacon of hope with more TOW stuff.
  3. Can you just like, stop posting? A broken clock is right twice a day but you're still a broken clock.
  4. Copy pasta.
  5. It's called the calm before the storm.
  6. Yeah I loved them when I was a little kid and this looks like a worthy homage but something is stopping me from taking the plunge.
  7. Actually, this doesn't look half bad. I may actually check the reviews upon release and go from there.
  8. It's a dead horse at this point, let the idiots at Bethesda keep it. How about, you know, expanding on The Outer Worlds? Which, imo, is better than Fallout, as Tim Cain, lead designer of both games, agrees.
  9. In a nutshell: It is impossible to create an better environmentally sound society as long as we're living in a billionaire capitalist society. Which has obvious for a very very long time. I hope a significant portion of Americans finally start to get this, and soon.
  10. I've scientifically discovered that this is the greatest scene in movie history.
  11. It seemed cool and hip to play it at the time but now it literally has nothing going for it as times have changed.
  12. What is this crap? I'm just demonstrating the history of my country and offering practical solutions in its historical context to modern times, yet you seem triggered over the fact, for very bizarre reasons....
  13. Putin and Xi are doing a fascinating job at containing the virus in their respective countries so I'm not sure Kwong's angle on this one.
  14. Well we do say it here in Amerika. My intention here is not to go on a PC tirade I'm just stating the fact the U.S. has a long history of immigrants from across the globe coming here and "building up" our country and I think the idea that America has a certain locked in CULTURE that you have to adhere to live here is a bit absurd. In fact, I'm all for opening up the border to Mexico and employing them through the federal government to greatly expand our infrastructure. There is literally tons we could do with them on the national level, and they're more than willing put forth their sweat and blood to effort. The problem here is that boomer Americans can't seem to let go of their love affair with privatization, so they hire all these Mexicans dirt cheap and clog the private sector, which riles up other people.
  15. A little off the point here but recent studies show that genetics can actually determine your political views. Also it wouldn't hurt for what's left of White America TM to absorb Native culture more, it's called a cultural synthesis.
  16. Well, he kinda has a point. I consider myself one of the more intelligent and informed Americans but after thorough examination of my surroundings over the past few years a lot of Americans are....stupid dirt level quality intellectually and morally. I have literally ONE friend and perhaps my brother who I consider a intellectual peer but all-in-all yeah, surrounded by a sea of stupidity. The only way out of this mess is Civil War and shedding bad blood, to paraphrase Clemenza from The Godfather.
  17. Fun fact: The Confederacy actually adopted a party-free system in its short lifetime (As in, before getting roflstomped by the Yankees), and it turned out to be a disaster because the President couldn't count on a broad base of support when his administration came under fire. Also they adopted a 6-year one term system, ensuring each election would have been a lukewarm lameduck session. Unless you're Native American, we are all immigrants. This country was built on the backs of immigrant labor.
  18. The Green Party as seeks to cut the bloated military budget by 50% so reinvesting that money back into society will go a long way. Also, a multipolar world with Russia, China, and the U.S. competing with each other for power and influence is the the geopolitical version of a 3 party system rather than a 1 party system, the dreadful monopoly the U.S. has on world affairs is just as bad as China's 1 party state. Friendly competition is the new cooperative in the 21's century it seems.
  19. In any case, a 3 party system is better than a 2 party system. If one party ****s up, the other two can form coalitions against it. Looks like Ventura is trying to cozy up to Democrats to try to and form against Republicans, which is fine by me because I don't really care for Democrats but the alternative is dreadful, and the reality of living in a democratic society is that you have to make concessions and team up with one to destroy marginalize the other. Should be fun!
  20. I like how the rhetoric has shifted from Conservatives over the past few years. It went from "Build the Wall, Ban Muslims, Drain the Swamp, etc" to "Kill all Communists/socialists/leftists!" Proof that Trumpism was always about neo-fascism combined with typical Republicanism (tax cuts for rich, screw the poor, kill people in leftists countries like Bolivia, Venezuela, etc.) rather than some kind of unique new policy agenda. But perhaps there's light at the end of the tunnel: Not 100% confirmed yet but it's gearing that way. This is going to get insane very quickly!
  21. Sorry to double post but the USSR was the infallable second greatest economy, but it collapsed due to internal contradictions and inability to evolve with the times, as the U.S. shows great evidence of doing the same. Caitlin Johnstone sums it up pretty humorously: https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2020/04/26/hilarious-kim-jong-un-jokes-and-other-notes-from-the-edge-of-the-narrative-matrix/
  22. Well here's a small beacon of hope: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/joint-statement-president-donald-j-trump-president-vladimir-putin-russia-commemorating-75th-anniversary-meeting-elbe/ "April 25, 2020, marks the 75th Anniversary of the historic meeting between American and Soviet troops, who shook hands on the damaged bridge over the Elbe River. This event heralded the decisive defeat of the Nazi regime. The meeting on the Elbe represented a culmination of tremendous efforts by the many countries and peoples that joined forces under the framework of the United Nations Declaration of 1942. This common struggle required enormous sacrifice by millions of soldiers, sailors, and citizens in multiple theaters of war. We also recognize the contributions from millions of men and women on the home front, who forged vast quantities of war materials for use around the world. Workers and manufacturers played a crucial role in supplying the allied forces with the tools necessary for victory. The “Spirit of the Elbe” is an example of how our countries can put aside differences, build trust, and cooperate in pursuit of a greater cause. As we work today to confront the most important challenges of the 21st century, we pay tribute to the valor and courage of all those who fought together to defeat fascism. Their heroic feat will never be forgotten."
  23. I don't trust any government, and the idea that the U.S. has "Free media" is absolutely absurd! Turn on any MSM channel and you'll see the same profit-induced voices ruthlessly trying to uphold the planet destroying money-driven capitalist order at the expense of both the ecosystem and the average citizens who are being crushed beneath the weight. The U.S. is a failed state like it's former rival the U.S.S.R. China's 1-party government does suck but at least they give the impression that there's a method to the madness, the CCP is a slow roasting evolutionary force that's good at adapting to the times, unlike U.S. politicians. I love my country but there's a lot of really stupid people here who don't seem aware of what's going on in the world and seem to be happy to be herded into fascism w/o thinking about what's actually going on, or worse, not caring! (Fascism, in a nutshell, is when corporate interests dictate government policy).
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