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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. Picture doesn't load but yes, LOTRO is the only MMO I've ever hit the level cap on. There's just something deep and infinite of Middle Earths atmosphere which I find intriguing, despite its flaws.
  2. Those horrible evil Chinese fighting fascism.
  3. Yeah I was pleasantly surprised by M1 upon release, I didn't really expect much but a cheap knock off from Goodfella's/Godfather etc etc, but I remember being pretty impressed with the open world, graphics, and physics like bullet ridden enemies crawling on the ground trying to get away. I probably won't buy it because I don't like Mafia stuff anymore (I think The Sopranos ruined it) but it may be worth looking into.
  4. Curious. Every libertarian I know seems to scorn government employees. This is not meant as an attack it's meant as an adult-like analysis on the libertarian psyche. Is it a sign of maturity for them to accept federal/state employment and try to combat what they claim to hate about the Fed and improve things or is it just an massive contradiction?
  5. According to neo-fascists ! !!
  6. https://www.rt.com/news/488471-canada-china-covid-vaccine-candidate/ O' Canada, O'China
  7. My Halfling barbarian whole-heartedly agrees
  8. Yup Spielberg was always bad news. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I kinda knew it by instinct that this man, at the end of the day, will end up siding with the neo-fascists. War is bloody Hell, innit?
  9. Well to be fair, a lot of these "qualified experts" are just doing it for a paycheck. Also, it appears that Trump and co are completely ignoring the vast Soviet contribution to the defeat of the Nazi's on Victory Day (V-Day) and calling it flatly an "American and British victory". The Trump administration is like a shoe-shined version of dumb, historically ignorant, redneck America with a collective IQ of....90?
  10. I think you've spent too much time on Breitbart, there's literally zero point raising the taxes on increased workers wages in a consumerist society where buying things is what fuels the economy, unless that money actually went back to the employers in which case we'd be living in some corrupt crony capitalist Trumpian society *wink* *wink* Tax the rich, tax the super rich more, establish a Maximum Wage for workers, and tax them marginally. I'd say ignoring the government and not holding their feet to the fire is what got us into this mess in the first place. We need max participation fighting the government. Voting differently is a good start.
  11. You'd think people would catch on to the scam of Kickstarter at this point.
  12. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/08/world/canada-essential-workers-raise/ I used to kinda look down on Trudeau because I thought he was too liberal but it looks like he's aging quite well. It's like he's evolving somewhat from a hyper-academia clean-shaven PC liberal to actually growing a beard and turning into a leftist who actually cares about workers conditions. Keep it up, good sir!
  13. Just Cause 4 I never played the others, but as soon as I got into this I quickly became hooked by its sheer size, content, and plot. It was easy to fall spell to to open world, the the personal gadgets you can use to cleverly navigate through the world and dispatch your enemies, the idea of conquering territories and liberating people from corporate tyranny, the vast array of vehicles and weapons at your disposal. But that quickly became the problem, every single mission became repetitive, liberating areas started to feel like a redundant chore, and the world just felt emptier and emptier as you progress, like crunching out numbers, and the fact that the enemy never counterattacks once you seize a territory just adds to the tedium. These types of games have so much potential but developers need to start finding ways to keep the world more dynamic and less static as you progress or else they risk being confined to the dustbin of history.
  14. A real Dahlelama I reckon. I hope their weapons are automated in manufacturing, they are adequately taxed and the money goes back to their consumers or I'll have to call a boycott.
  15. What kind of weapons do you like using? I personally prefer Dahl because of their precision. Look at me shilling for a weapons manufacturer in a video game ahah.
  16. See what I mean? You would conclude that China is the 7th layer of Hell after reading that post, I guess we should give up all of our electronics and commodities because yellow man bad. We are definitely heading towards dangerous levels of aggressive nativism and anti-communism which is basically fascism.
  17. Westerners are claiming that China hiding her true numbers though. According to the staunch Western idealist, China created the virus in a lab, intentionally spread it across the globe, and is doing everything they can to mitigate the reality of crisis in their country, including falsifying numbers.
  18. 80,000 dead in the U.S. so far. Rugged individualism at its finest. Sweden, however, didn't initiate any kind of lockdown and their numbers are respectable so I don't know what the deal is. I guess Swedes are better at Freedom(!) than Americans?
  19. Yup it's snowing like a boss here in New England as well. One ****ed up event always leads to another.
  20. That's what happens when institutions go unchecked, they just evolve and mutate and find clever ways to **** people. The citizens are halfway responsible for not doing anything about it. EDIT: I have thesis on why some may consider European institutions to be a bit better than North American ones, because Europe seems to have more 'Radicals' in their population who actually fight the system sometimes violently, therefore forcing the government institutions and big businesses to reform. Unfortunately the average Joe in America, who probably means well, doesn't seem to have it in him to risk what little he has for change, he figures being peaceful and hardworking and being 'content' is probably the best way to go. ..... Unfortunately, the Germans also felt that way during the Interwar years and did little to stop Hitler's rise to power and the rest is history.
  21. Just beat Alien: Isolation. It was pretty good, but the style was little too retro for my liking, also stealth type games where you can't kill your predator kinda irritate me after a while. Everything else about the game, especially the atmosphere, with suburb. If you love the 'Alien' universe and you love stealth games you couldn't ask for a better title period, I mean I had qualms about and I still beat it so that should say something.
  22. So I quit my 'Blue' job and am looking for a 'Green' job. Luckily with Covid-19 I have tons of dough saved up so I can get more involved in my community (with a face mask of course). I decided that I better live the way I vote, or I risk running into contradictions. Wish me luck, comrades!
  23. Looks like Gov. Ventura is not running on the Green ticket and that's confirmed. Really sucks but I guess it's premature, sort of like forcing birth. My prediction: Trump will again but Greens may pick up a few seats, and will definitely pick up seats in the 2020 midterms and hopefully acquire some governorships and keep the ball rolling, then we have solid grounding for the 2024 election. It would be miraculous if we got 5% this cycle so we can get nation funding, but I'm not holding my breath. I would look to Amish more seriously but he's a filthy Russiagater so it sounds like he may pull more votes off Biden than Trump (lol). Watch as the Democrats blame Amish for losing to Trump, as they are notorious for pointing fingers when things don't go their way, rather than accepting the fact that they're a crappy party who's lost touch with workers.
  24. That's the goal here, I'm not sure how this is all gonna play it but it's looking like the average diehard Trump supporter and the average diehard Biden supporter are just as bad and are splitting the vote among themselves, whilst the greens come in and rolfstomp them both. That's of course the best case scenario but at this point there's looking like no alternative to that. Could get ugly.
  25. Why can't big tech and nature synthesize? And it has nothing to do with "technological solutions to climate change" and everything to do with billionaires unsuccessfully getting their hands on it and botching it.
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