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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. Torchlight 2. Free on EGS, good stuff.
  2. Rough, but should give an idea.
  3. It's like you don't understand political spectrums or ideologies or what I'm talking about and trying to create a strawman.
  4. What. The. Hell. BLM and Antifa are far-to-the-extreme left end of the Democratic Party. I would know, they are my neighbors, being on the far right end of the Green Party. I know lot's of people who identify as BLM and Antifa (w/o actually identifying with them) and they certainly aren't chauvinistic white supremacists like Proud Boys
  5. Wear a damn mask already! 66,786 new cases in one day (July 10th). There's a difference between Freedom and Freedumb. You're putting peoples lives at risk just to try to prove a point.
  6. Death Stranding released on Steam and EGS in two days. Kinda skeptical because I'm one of the probably few people who isn't crazy about Kojima's work but at the same time I haven't really been playing much else besides Path of Exile lately (I swear Diablo clones are for people in their 30's+) so I may look into it.
  7. Howie Hawkins is the Green Party nominee. I mean really? They rigged the primary process to keep Jesse Ventura out because they said he "wasn't a real Green". I mean wtf does that even mean? The GP is supposed to be about Grassroots, transparent democracy as its most sacred value and these elitist insiders are just in it for a job and narrative control. We had a golden opportunity here to grow the party and actually win an election and they blew it because of DNC infiltrators and their desire to keep the party small and cultish. Our country is doomed. Racism and corporatism will remain the de-facto ideologies as the whole country/world falls apart. Screwed, no escape, the Green Party is the only party with the values and principles to heal democracy, the people, and the globe and the insiders blew it.
  8. Wow the Libertarian Party doesn't even try to hide their ignorance anymore. It's literally the same as displaying a Nazi flag aka enemies the U.S. government destroyed or helped destroy. They probably should have went with Vermin Supreme or John McAfee, at least those candidates actually had a shot (Americans vote for celebrity in equal parts with policy).
  9. Screw cops, they are the countries largest street gang, and they protect the 1% and want to kill anyone who isn't white and wealthy. Reform our current racist economy, and crime rate will go down, just watch. Copologists seriously need to go away.
  10. ALSO You Biden supporters have some serious explaining to do.
  11. I've never made a previous account on here. Just because I may remind you of someone else doesn't make me the same person, in fact it should demonstrate that there's other people out there with different opinions than that of your own. It's such a trend lately for people to psychologically comfort themselves in trying to lump people to as few as possible.
  12. My expression was worth a double dose, apparently.
  13. I just bought three pieces of hardware from Razer in an attempt to update my embarrassing Keyboard/Mouse/Sound configuration. All-in-all I'm satisfied but I'm thinking I should have paid a little extra and gotten a bigger mouse, this Death Adder is quite small. Also, I keep a bottle of sanitizer on top of my case and use it frequently to help slow the process of grime buildup, and I hear it helps prevent Covid-19 so that's two birds with one stone.
  14. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order It's....Ok, the gameplay and plot aren't half bad and the environments are a beauty but it kinda feels sloppily put together, like it was made by an artist and not an engineer. I guess I'll stick with From Software/Bandai Namco when I want games like that, they are very difficult to topple.
  15. Bernie Sanders wouldn't do a damn thing because the Democratic Party machinery would never let him. The Party is lock stock Corporatized. I can see him sitting there just spouting rhetoric while not doing anything. Sort of like Trump! But on the other end of the spectrum.
  16. As long as capitalism remains intact police brutality and racism (from ALL races) will remain, our economic system is fundamentally racist so unless we fix the system it will never go away. People really need to stop focusing on cosmetics and reskins and start focusing on the structure of society.
  17. Covid 19, police brutality, mass protests, now China and India and North Korea and South Korea are about to clash. 2020 is the gift that keeps on giving. I'm rooting for China and North Korea BTW, may be an unorthodox position but India is fascist led and North Korea provides good troll value so meh. The question is, where is the U.S. gonna ultimately position itself in all this? Stay tuned for more 2020!
  18. Our entire structure is bad, recent studies show that even putting a completely average person in authority aka a police officer, can turn them into violent thugs on a whim. Solution: Reorganize our entire economic system that breeds violent class struggle, symptoms like police brutality will shrink tremendously.
  19. "Defund the police" in irony! Also, these protests are proof that you cannot rely on government to change things, you have to actually get out there and scream and yell until you force them to enact legislation, that's just the reality of power, if you don't hold their feet to the fire, they'll get away with anything. Now if only people en masse would start protesting against the economy and rampant imperialism...
  20. Look up Joe Biden's platform, it's clearly center-right. And one could make the argument that both parties are the "Socialist Corporate party", as they both seem to favor socialism among the 1% and also the military. Everyone else, good luck!
  21. Yes Democrats were quick to try to pin the protests on Russians and Republicans are right there trying to pin it on Iran, China, and Venezuela. Truth: The whole system is rotten, racist, and unjust. Regime change, economic overhaul, and a huge transcendence of consciousness is the only solution and that's a monumental task. Put aside your Blade Runner fantasies, that ship has long sailed...
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