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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. Also, all these videos of torture by "Chinese Communism" appear to be fake, but Westerners still seem to eat it right up. No idea why some circles still trust sources from the U.S. Deep State. I guess some people really just have a hard time letting go of the notion of an "exceptional America/West". https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/viral-fake-footage-of-chinese-atrocities-shows-the-power-of-narrative-spin-487587fc6dd7
  2. Marxism is all about reflection and analysis, especially on history.
  3. https://www.aclu.org/issues/national-security/detention/guantanamo-bay-detention-camp *Ahem* https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2011/10/ten-years-later-look-three-scariest-provisions-usa-patriot-act *AHEM*
  4. Resident Evil 1 on Emu Browser lol partying like it's 1996.
  5. Why aren't all Baby Boomers this awesome?
  6. Funny how I live in Maine and the biggest potheads I know are Trump supporters and the leftists are the drunks. True story.
  7. As your local Russia/China guy I beg to differ.
  8. There's only one reason to come to the U.S. - To make money. If you're poor, handicapped, mentally ill, lack educational credentials you are completely **** out of luck unless you find living in trailer parks to be accommodating, and chances are you won't unless you're white and fall into the 80-100 IQ range.
  9. You just described the Green Party, which is why I left it. The only difference here is numbers and while they do struggle to get ballot access every 4 years, they actually have it. Political parties are a joke, I'd just as soon get rid of them altogether and start electing people based on policy and not party. Not sure if that will get much traction but I'm hoping for at least one Independent POTUS in my lifetime.
  10. https://www.thenation.com/article/society/trump-housing-segregation/ Haha who would have thought liberals would devolve to such low only a few years ago? They don't even try to hide their racism. The best thing about Trump is clearly his ability to make people show their true colors.
  11. CCP is Communist not fascist. This is a fascist war against Communism. Western capitalism has always been dependent on raw materials from China. It's like you're trying to institute a hypernationalist West and start WW3 or something and trying to paint China as fascist. Goebbels would be proud of your propaganda efforts.
  12. @Guard Dog Social media leftists seem to be currently attracted to the https://peoplesparty.org/ Personally, I am not endorsing anyone this election cycle because like I said earlier, both parties are bought and paid for lock and stock. If I do manage to get out to the voting booth, I'll probably write in Jesse Ventura because I'm really liking his show on RT.
  13. Yup I used to be squarely in the anti-Trump camp but upon further analysis it appears that people like Biden are what helped lead to Trump in the first place.
  14. https://www.rt.com/usa/497319-gamers-panic-tencent-ban/ "First they came for WeChat".
  15. For small arms yes. Once you start getting into weapons that can destroy large chunks of the environment than no. If the American left is going destroy the MIC, Israel Lobby, the CIA and the ridiculously bloated Intel community, Big Pharma, the US Gulag, the corporate media, Oil, etc. than they need to stock up on weapons. Somebody once said that the American Left is the only left wing group in the world that tries to disarm itself.
  16. Whelp he is right, this was another sloppy Israeli hit job.
  17. Obsidian usually does a good job at balancing xp and material rewards depending on how you completed the quest. I always liked that because that in itself makes the quest interesting as you can complete them in different ways.
  18. I think you're mistaking W3 with Bethesda games, W3's leveling and mutagen system is actually surprisingly well done. It's Bethesda games with the shallow godawful mechanics that they're better off just making 1st person Zelda-type games that focus more on object and scenic value than numerical value. Dark Souls has a solid stat system but that's the meat of the game, there's little to no outside of combat meaning to them. Works well for what it is but all-in-all very combat focused.
  19. Yeah it's not something I feel REAL strongly about or anything I just liked how Witcher 3 did leveling. I'm confident that Avowed will have a solid Char system. In fact, I've never been more sure that I'll be satisfied. TOW exceeded my expectations so I'm a bit high on Obsidian right now. Also nice Mass Effect reference!
  20. I'm reasonably excited for this despite my initial misgivings, however it still says "Early Access" on Steam so any idea when that's gonna go away so I can buy the full game?
  21. Yeah there's definitely some good theses to be had from DE and I hope Obsidian takes note on some of them.
  22. Yes people really need to stop engaging in Wishful Thinking. Everything I read on that list sounds awesome but I certainly didn't get a "party based" impression from it.
  23. Good riddance. I'll take more Tim Cain's and Leonard Boyarsky's anyday. And why not make an alternative to Bethesda's offerings? Some of us think that Elder Scrolls games are 50% awesome but 50% lackluster and who better than Obsidian to fill that gap?
  24. RGB is the best character creation system if done right. It's simple yet complex at the same time. What matters most is the game world and how your character growth interacts with it. Think Witcher 3 but a better more fleshed out Obsidian version. Red Skills Green Skills Blue Skills You pick one on level up and it determines certain attributes and traits. Like picking too much Red and not enough Green or Blue will make your character big and strong but really dumb and poorly resourceful if things get ugly etc. Each color gives subtle augments your character.
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