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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. https://www.newsweek.com/china-wuhan-wet-markets-ban-coronavirus-wild-animals-1505401 Those horrible evil Chinese killing two birds with one stone.
  2. From what I gather that current definition of liberal is economic far right but socially far left, and I take issue with both because it leads to a corporate superstructure that encourages trickle down degeneracy. I'd call myself economic left but socially moderate, but there's no political capital for that here in the U.S. currently.
  3. I dabbled with it for a few minutes but got confused and didn't seem like it had any long term enticement. It was free so meh, perhaps I'll dabble with it again sometime. Thanks EGS! :Shillin' like a villain':
  4. Does anyone really believe this ship can be turned around though? Even if it could, we'll never be as powerful as we once were, imo. Real Edit: It would require a whole new consciousness and a reconstructed perception on how we see the world, and I see very little evidence that Americans are willing to take that challenge at this moment in time.
  5. Getting back into Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I like it, it's like a more hardcore version of Skyrim which is fine by me! Something very charming about games made in east Europe, like American devs focus on making games as smooth and buttery as possible and try to balance things perfectly but games from this region seem to have a certain trade-off, like not as perfect coding and maybe some performance and bug hits but makes it for it tremendously with gameplay and atmosphere.
  6. I've actually been to Quebec and it wasn't so bad. A little different, but no extreme culture shock. Very French.
  7. He's right on that particular issue though, @Volourn How's the weather in Montreal or Berlin? Maybe a better option for someone who doesn't particularly want to go through rigorous cultural retransformation.
  8. They are naught but 2 wings of the same predatory bird
  9. https://www.rt.com/russia/489076-russian-citizenship-foreigners-grow/ Extremely temping at this point. I don't really see much hope for this foul genocidal ultra-expansionist landmass unless we get a regime change (preceded by another Civil War with millions dead). I'm wondering if Conservatives felt this way at this point in Obama's reign, I never cared for Obama but they seemed extremely distraught during his Presidency for what I perceived as bizarre and weird reasons. Obama always just struck me as a do-nothing clown common amongst any politician who runs in either party so perhaps I can take solace in the fact that Trump is probably the Republican version of that. Still, it's alarming how many people here are being infected by his vitriolic stupidity. People watching Fox News and reading Breitbart and taking it as Gospel, therein is the danger here. As rhetoric becomes more toxic (even if policy more or less remains the same), it's just aggregating the polarization and causing more distress and we all know where that can lead.
  10. National debt is not an indicator of a country's strength. GDP + military power is usually the best guess. And considering all these countries who claim to hate the U.S. unless its Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama running it (ultra capitalist-but-socially-liberal), it leaves me wondering why we're still protecting these countries, so maybe I agree with Trump on this particular issue regarding NATO.
  11. I'm really starting to despise this whole NATO thing. How about China can have Europe and we can have Russia? Time for a massive geopolitical realignment methinks.
  12. Seems to be a common trend among Kickstarter junkies to be as turbo-minimalistic and idiotic as possible.
  13. Cuz I'm such a badass mother****in' Westerner
  14. It's just more "sexy" to be from the States but other than that we're kinda run dry at the moment.
  15. Would you attack the Soviet police if this were still the Soviet era? I'm wondering if people attack authority based on the society they govern rather than attacking guardsman just for the sake of attacking guardsman. It makes no sense to attack a tin suit wielding a halberd just for the sake of it.
  16. Well, there's always a quota, but there's literally nothing wrong with offering state jobs for whoever wants one. More options is always better. It keeps everyone honest and everyone benefits in the end. The best economies are 2/3 private and 1/3 public, each 1/3 with it's own flavor. You got Coke Red, Pepsi Blue, why not add a *insert state manufactured* Green Cola into the mix as well?
  17. I don't even think Unions are necessary anymore. All we have to do is open up a "Green" public sector with guaranteed employment with decent wages and benefits and that would force the private sector to compete. Welcome to the 21st century, where friendly competition is the new egalitarian cooperation.
  18. GOG, Steam, EGS Can we all agree that nobody is worse Than this man?
  19. I have not eaten meat in over a week! I could never go full vegan but vegetarianism isn't so bad.
  20. But that's exactly my point! Any monopoly, private or public, is bad. Unfortunately, westerners are still of this mindset that it has to be all one or all the other, rather than a mixed bag.
  21. That's how life works, irregardless of economic model. Hell, I'd gladly pay taxes for a state sponsored Game Store if it means yet another entity to compete with.
  22. I would invite GOG to join the fray but they strike me as very European and lack that American fierce "Clash of the Titans" competitiveness and are probably content being a smaller tertiary player with a carved out niche.
  23. Yeah Epic Games Store is like a godsend, I never even bothered to play/buy GTAV and now it's free to try out. Same thing happened with Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Just Cause 4 among others, games I never bothered to apply cash to that turn out to actually be fun to tinker around on. Look at it like this, Tim Sweeney and GabeN are both billionaires with way more money then they'll ever need, so them duking it out among themselves generates better things for us plebs because they're too busy trying to make themselves look better than the other. Epic does need to catch up on features like Achievements though.
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