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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-08-06-blizzard-employees-reportedly-preparing-demands-for-fair-pay You get in bed with Activision-Blizzard you better believe you're going to be given a raw deal. I just don't get these developers that sign on to work with these filth and think they got it made only to be surprised soon after that they're working for the Devil. It's like they don't understand the inherent evil of hyper capitalism.
  2. Ha. This guy is pretty good.
  3. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-07-31-conflict-minerals-and-gaming-which-companies-may-have-funded-human-rights-abuses-in-2019 Western capitalism is changing. What's next, corporations will start funding social services? Oh please.
  5. Damn Yankees. Oh wait... (Also you should re-evalute your position on North America because there's probably more racism and white supremacy here than anywhere else, even if it's characterized in different shades of subtly. I mean just look at our 2 major political parties ffs the genocide of the Native population, the enslavement of blacks, police officers murdering blacks to this day, the extermination of 1,000,000 filipinos in the Philippine-American War, and the ongoing murder and occupation of Arab countries and the very same government responsible for it still resides in Washington! So please, spare me the "derogatory" crap! I have never killed or discriminated anyone based on race and never intend to!) Anyway it looks like 'Elden Ring' has been delayed until God Knows When. One good thing about Covid-19 -hopefully- is that these delays actually in hardware and software mean taking the time to refine and enhance them before being released. I mean with every bad there's a good, right?
  6. To me this is a good thing, though. AAA games that I actually like are a huge breath of fresh air. I'd rather be on board with a large consensus that's worthy than a large consensus that's idiot-approved. However, as soon as they release a title that deliberately feels stupid and artificially handicapped, I will jump off the train and go back to being a niche-game hunting douche.
  7. Uhg *grumbling ogre*
  8. Old News now but I missed this, looks like GOG has integrated with EGS? What the Hell is this there goes my vision of a multipolar storefront world. It's all a joke now. This is certainly a development that's tilting me towards just getting a Series X and a decent TV and calling it good. PC gaming is becoming a cluster****.
  9. It's OK though, I think a synthesis is being achieved, publishers I think are starting to look at why people turned to Scamstarter in the first place and are focusing on curating better quality but maybe perhaps smaller budget titles. Like TOW for instance. A high quality game with a modern atmosphere. As for working conditions in gaming studios, I've heard horror stories in the past but I'm not sure if they've improved over past few years, may have to look into it. But back on topic, I'm not sure why they couldn't call Avowed 'Pillars 3', but then again it is a complete overhaul of the series by the looks of it unlike Daggerfall to Morrowind so I guess 'Re-imagining" may be a better term than a sequel.
  10. A completely risk free crowd funded project paid for by fans who received zero of the post-release profits could very well be considered a cash grab if you want to get down to it. Which is why so many studios found Kickstarter absolutely seductive and started using it, no risk attached whatsoever.
  11. Pillars 1 and 2 were cash grabs trying to cash in the on the Baldur's Gate name. Pillars has about as big a name as Elder Scrolls did before Morrowind/Oblivion
  12. Allow me to be more specific: What separates Obsidian from Bethesda or Bioware games, usually, is that they have a certain design that's more appealing to me, because they chew out a lot of fat/fluff that I don't like from those studios and focus more on things I do like. This is a major relief to me because I've grown massively disillusioned with a large slice of the gaming community lately so studios like From Software and Obsidian are actually the only reason I still consider myself a gamer.
  13. It was designed with tunnel vision Westerners in mind. What do you expect? However, the game did excel at fleshing out characters and imo had a really good character building system. Alchemy was a bit "dumbed down" sure (any alcohol with no ingredients can refill your entire alchemy arsenal magically) but there's definitely no lack of content here.
  14. How I feel during these collapsey and ideologically polarizing times.
  15. But it's exactly what I meant. I'm not a Witcher fanboi by any means but if it comes close to the formula, chances are it's a trilogy done right.
  16. This is how a No. 2 should always be. The best trilogies have that super high quality original, the dark oddball sequel and that number 3 that takes the number 1 and injects it with steroids aka a quantum masterpiece but not quite as charming as the original.
  17. There's some things I liked better about 2 and even 1 but all-in-all 3 is the most revered both from a capitalist perspective and as an an acclaimed title and I doubt that they'll ever achieve a higher mark in that regard.
  18. "Precious character customization" I like how Obsi usually focuses more on solid mechanics and charm and would like to keep it that way.
  19. I like 1st person only. Keeps the mystique alive. What bothers me is wasting time and money on character customization when there doesn't need to be one.
  20. After The Outer Worlds, I am confident that Obsidian can do Skyrim better than Bethesda can so I'm excited.
  21. I got a feeling that The Witcher 3 was the pinnacle of CDPR and I doubt their future games will live up to it.
  22. Implying Trump and Biden are any different. A conservative vs. an alt-rightey type gee let's compare dung to dung shall we?
  23. The 2TB SATA SSD I bought wasn't too pricey, it's not as blazing fast as M.2 or anything but I prefer raw storage over killer efficiency on this issue.
  24. I can proudly say that I never believed in the WMD crap and was opposed to the invasion from the getgo. Of course I was rather shocked to see that most of my American "Kin" were stupid and went along with it. I've been anti-American ever since. Trump's election is the culmination that "Freedom" is the new fascism. Ask any Republican what they think of Communist China and you'll get nothing but knee jerk uncontrollable hatred and probably spit on, or any liberal of Russia and you'll get a similar response.
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