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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. If you think Iran's government is bad, check out the horrors of the Saudi government -our #2 ally in the middle east- and report back.
  2. Iran is only considered "Bad" here in the U.S. because they are the arch enemy of Israel. The United States is Israel's warhammer and Trump is by far the most pro-Israel POTUS we've ever had since Reagan. The Zionification of the U.S. government is going well, unfortunately, and apparently there's no shortage of sheep who seem ok with it.
  3. Yes as an Amerikkan, this is the only type of console gamer I have an impression of, so let's call it the Redneck TrashBox.
  4. https://latinamericanpost.com/28492-the-gaming-consoles-war-who-won-in-this-generation *Gulp* I stand corrected....again. Playstation utterly demolished SexBoks this current gen...due to exclusives. I was under the impression that they were sort of neck-and-neck (I don't regularly keep tabs on consoles) and Sony will probably win again next gen because all these studios Microsoft are acquiring aren't gonna tremendously tip their scales.
  5. https://www.inverse.com/gaming/xbox-series-x-launch-titles-halo-infinite-cyberpunk-2077-gears-5 Not a very impressive list of launch titles so they've already lost the first impression element, which is crucial. Fortnite, on the other hand, is one of the most played games around so EGS was off to a great start, despite Metro: Exodus not doing well in the West (Gommie Russians).
  6. Exclusives are becoming rarer and rarer so I don't believe that will change much. It's all boiled to either brand loyalty or I-Don't-Care-I-Just-Wanna-Game in modern console world. The battle of exclusives is currently raging in PC world, with Epic Games Store ruthlessly disrupting Steam's model, as Sweeney is clearly playing to win here.
  7. The United States of America is a 1 party corporate fascist state disguised as a democracy. If I had to chose I would go left extreme rather than right extreme (The U.S.). Personally, I'd rather fix American Democracy and devote resources on cleaning this whole thing up globally and let China do it's thing but the feeling of being backed into a corner is strong in this one.
  8. Wow Twitter is going absolutely insane right now! Reactionary lunatics and China bashers everywhere! Not to mention Trump tilting towards the left with government handouts whilst calling COVID-19 the "China Virus" at the same time. We are SO DOOMED. I can hear the Goosesteps already.
  9. NVMe is kinda overkill though. SATA SSD-types are more than sufficient on current gaming loads. Were I a console user, I would probably go with the XxXbawks for smooth 60fps with slightly better visuals. Both rigs seem fine though and console gamers should be happy -they are notoriously not hard to please!-.
  10. Mother Jones is to the right of Trump now, protesting the $1000 checks xD
  11. AMD should be happy that they got their hardware on BOTH major consoles. I mean what the Hell else could they ask for market wise? Sure Intel provides better clock speeds and Nvidia provides the best performance making them ideal for people who want to squeeze out as much frames as possible, but the market for that is relatively small. Westerners currently remain happy playing fascist games like CoD and Battlefield on their big screens.
  12. Yes I know that, just me being sarcastic You need state enterprises and private enterprises. The best economies are 1/3 state owned and 2/3 private owned. The state sector should serve as the ultimate safety net for the poor and impoverished to gain employment and benefits (proper medical, housing, etc.) whilst the private sector is there for everyone who considers themselves too good for that. The Green Party is the only Party here that offers "Green Jobs" for those who want one, but we have literally no power in the U.S., so...
  13. Ok let's cut all government spending and let the free market dictate everything. What's the point of government, anyway? All you need is entrepreneurs with firm handshakes and everything will fall into proper cohesion.
  14. I honestly think people overblow the national debt issue. Not saying it isn't alarming, it is, but I don't think that in itself is the powder keg.
  15. Upon further study, it looks like the seeds of "small government Republicanism" really took root in the 1964 Republican primary when Barry Goldwater was chosen as the nominee in a contested convention. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/johnson-defeats-goldwater-for-presidency A tactical pummel but a strategic victory as similar reactionary policies have taken root in American political life ever since, Trump appears to be the lasp gasp of that, at least as far as rhetoric goes.
  16. From my understanding the Red Party was always the party of Wall Street and Big Money, even since Lincoln's day. It was only until the 70'-80's or so when they started adopting "Limited Government and fiscal responsibility" line but it always seemed to be illusory at best because I can't think of any Republican president who actually managed effectively enact such policies, just paid lip service to it.
  17. And yet he turned into a typical Republican once he got in there, campaign promises don't mean anything when both parties are controlled by the military industrial complex and government agencies and corporations and banks Oh My. I don't support Biden for same reasons I don't support Trump: Forever wars and unhinged capitalism and imperialism and greed.
  18. You can't vote unless you're a citizen of the U.S.
  19. I will be sitting out from further elections until a strong 3rd party candidate shows up. I may vote Lisa Savage for Senator but that's about it. Will never vote D or R nationally ever again.
  20. My job shut down for two weeks, and we all get regular pay during that time. Now what the Hell to do in the meantime.
  21. https://historicly.substack.com/p/the-economy-of-evil Hmmm...
  22. I love how they brag about triple digit fps in multiplayer games, yet the funny part here is that most Ultra HD TV's are still 60 Hz, effectively nullifying the advantage and let's be honest: most console players are too dumb to think or notice such things. Ignorance is bliss. However yes, it's a huge step up from current gen consoles, the most significant aspect IMO being the jump to SSD drives and bringing fast loading times to consoles. Current AMD hardware (on paper) is perfect for consoles so I guess the jokes on us Intel/Nvidia guys because consoles have the lions share of the gaming market.
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