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Everything posted by ComradeYellow

  1. I would say that "Real Socialism" tm is a 19th century concept sort of like protective tariffs and is largely irrelevant in the 21st century just as it was in the 20th century... There are other ways to institute social and economic justice without resorting to digging up dead concepts.
  2. Whelp I guess it's four more years of Trumpo. The Green Party primaries and caucuses have already started and My Guy isn't part of them so I guess the libertarian left will have to endure Four more years of Zionist puppet Trump until his tax cuts and deregulations and rampant military spending augmented with coronavirus panic finally tank the economy. I don't think Biden will win because he's too normal to beat an incumbant, and the normal Democrats are still infected with conspiracy theories and delusions of Russians taking over the U.S. and Trump (lol), plus liberal progressives (Bernie/Warren) need a dose of reality. So what the Hell do we do these next four years? I guess get out and get involved on ecological and socio-economic justice and shed this ridiculous obsession with identity politics and other empty platitudes that have gutted the liberal lefts credibility for quite some time. Depressing but four more years of Trump (Or Hell, even Biden!) is a reality I'm gonna have to prepare for.
  3. First of all, recent studies show that it's a sign of high intelligence to believe in conspiracy theories. Second of all, stirring the pot is healthy for discussion and a mental excercise. These Euro-centric liberals just don't understand that.
  4. Governments creating jobs that ensures employees prosper and forcing private companies to compete = best.
  5. I believe the Coronavirus was created by the U.S. government to try to wreck China's economy. But China is a tough beast and is recovering well. The U.S., on the other hand has absolutely no idea how to deal with it so it's looking like it's ironically doing a much better job wrecking the U.S. economy! So until we obtain solid leadership this thing will have to run its course.
  6. Nice counter argument to the contents of my post. Your college educatedness is showing!
  7. Oh great another RPG elitist. Funny how Tim Cain did Fallout 1 AND The Outer Worlds but there's still a significant sector of the gaming community who are agents of concepts rather than gravitating from concepts, as Tim Cain has done. What the Hell.
  8. The Mainstream Media did a fantastic job playing into that narrative during the 2016 Trump campaign. "If you support Trump you're a dumb dumb with no college degree". I largely blame them for Trump winning, as they are probably worse than he is.
  9. Looks like Marx Karl was right again
  10. Dishonored is a fairly old game. If your PC can't run it than it shouldn't be that expensive for a significant upgrade lmao.
  11. https://www.ccn.com/chinas-insane-fortnite-limits-take-nanny-state-to-ridiculous-new-levels/ Way to go China, you're doing a fantastic job convincing people that your system is better. I mean in some ways it is but this kind of censorship is totally horrifying to westerners, even disillusioned ones.
  12. Unfortunately it would probably take some kind of Civil War to update the system, as both ends of the spectrum would want it completely different. I don't like Biden at all, he's about on par with John McCain on foreign policy, suffering from mad dementia, plus the alt right and the Hillbilly Democrats seem to like him so he can go to Hell. He may even be worse than Trump. At least Trump occaisionally tweets something that's contrary to "Official U.S. policy" and funny but Biden is like the robot corporate establishment shill.
  13. But then again I'm reminded of Elex and that didn't turn out so hot.... Witcher 3 carries the RGB leveling system, which is perfect for the modern age, provided it's done right. Colors have spiritual meanings that define you. Say you want to invest in nothing but Green skills. https://www.bourncreative.com/meaning-of-the-color-green/ Or perhaps an equal mix of Green and Red skills (Yellow): https://www.bourncreative.com/meaning-of-the-color-yellow/
  14. Probably the perfect game would be a cross between The Witcher 3 and The Outer Worlds. The Witcher 3 leveling and scope combined with the atmosphere and plot elements of TOW. Also what TOW suffers from is lack of meaningful endings, there's clearly a "right option" in every scenario (get rid of Reed Tobson and replace him with Adelaide McDevitt etc etc etc), this "perfect game" would have to vastly diversify the options.
  15. As it should be. Democrats should remain the staunchly centrist party, not the "progressive liberal" party that it was in the 1930's. To me, Bernie just seems like the equivalent as someone running as a ghost of Abraham Lincoln in the 1932 Republican primary, how silly would that have been? Neo-progressives are more libertarian than liberal, and that's how it should be for the foreseeable future. I can't even read my Twitter feed because the meltdowns are so ridiculous. I feel like I'm the only online person who has it figured out and it's kinda frustrating.
  16. I think we tried Social Democracy from around 1932-1980 or so but it led to stagflation and annoyance which brought us brain dead idiots like Ronald Reagan. Not sure I want to repeat that cycle again, the United States is too massive and diverse for a strong central policy. Again, our best bet is to simply offer more regional opportunites where the Fed serves as merely a buffer for funds to local projects. Controlled and operated locally. Living in a country like Finland it's easy to champion Social Democracy but here it's a tough sell due to the sheer geographic size and wide range of backgrounds.
  17. I'd prefer something original rather than digging up decades old themes but I guess we can't hope for that in these very culturally unoriginal times, now, can we?
  18. The only time the U.S. has ever gone "authoritarian" was during times of crisis (Civil War, WW2, ect). Sometimes you have you crack the boot down and do ugly things to establish a new way of things, which I agree with, but militarization during peace time is about as anti-American as you can get, and it's already quite bad here, and it's especially targetted at the poor and disenfranchised, which makes it even worse. I don't really advocate for "welfare states" as much as I do "more options", and I think establishing more state enterprises with near guaranteed employment and package benefits (housing, medical, schooling, ect) is probably our best bet.
  19. Well OK I loved New Vegas back in the day but literally nothing compels me to play it in *current era*. So much has happened since then!
  20. But there's a lot of stupid mother****ers here who support him, which leaves me no choice but to brand him. Then there's liberal idiots who try to claim he's a puppet of Putin or Kim, which makes them look JUST as bad as he is. Which leaves me stuck between a rock and a hard place. Progressives want cozier relations with eastern countries but at the same time we have to battle right wing lunatics and liberal centrists don't make it easy when they label Trump as something he isn't.
  21. All Fallout games suck. There I said it.
  22. Another misconception: If you are vehemently against Trumpism that means you are a Bernie supporter. I've never been a Bernie supporter, he doesn't have the clout or the vision to take on Trump or the 2 party corporate dictatorship.
  23. Yes it's gotten so bad here in America especially amongst Trump supporters that they think that anything, literally anything the government does = Socialism. If the government does something, it is Socialism. Which is strange because the government did a lot of stuff in the 1950's when the Red Scare was fever pitch, but nobody ever called that Socialism... What the bloody green Hell is going on in this country? It's enough to drive you insane. Makes me literally wanna Storm Berlin or something.
  24. FYI some progressives are calling for some kind of rollback to a resource based economy and getting rid of the Dollar completely. See Peter Joseph for more information, he's an economic leftist who's not a Marxist and is advocating for such a system. You might dig him.
  25. Classes and Races are what makes an RPG fantastic. As a white male of the working class I would know.
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