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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. I don't want to see dialog trees in Diablo, that just doesn't fit in. Diablo is all about fast-paced hack&slash, dialogs would just slow the experience down. OTOH I wouldn't mind a real RPG from Blizzard, with dialog trees of course.
  2. I wouldn't mind seeing Valve doing a MMO one day. They're very competent, and probably one of the most successful developer besides Bioware and Blizzard, so I really would love them to do something different than Half Life and TF.
  3. Site is slow as hell, same for the downloads. Dammit!
  4. http://www.diablo3.com/ doesn't work. Me wants seeing screenshots, cinematic trailer and gameplay footage. Like now?
  5. Honestly I don't think they're gonna announce Diablo 3 today. I think today's all about SC2 and Lich King. I could imagine they're gonna let the cat out of the sack tomorrow though.
  6. Looks more like this....
  7. Can't say I hate McDonalds but there are better (and cheaper) alternatives. Living in Austria gives you access to a wide range of delicious food, so McDonalds never really had that appeal to me.
  8. Only if you're brainless.
  9. Well, she does look a bit like a Nosferatu.
  10. I just saw that Drakensang gets released on August 1th. German version, that is. I don't know what to think about it. Looks a bit old fashioned, and not necessarily in a good way. But maybe it turns out to be a sleeper hit. Or not.
  11. Won't change my appraisal towards Bioware, even if they tag ME2 as an Asari-dressing adventure.
  12. Mass Effect, 3rd playthrough. Now playing a real arse. And I yet have to lay Ash.
  13. Its kind of a duality thing with those. Theyre all the same and you get tired of them real fast, but without them, space wouldnt feel quite as big and spacey. But we can almost count on ME2 having more actual content, since BioWare now have a working pipeline. ..on the other hand, its EA holding the money, so they might opt to release the game sooner with less content. They should have concentrated on making the Citadel a bit more elaborated, with more quests, more areas, just more "stuff" going on on the Citadel. I think that would have helped tremendously to convey a greater feel and importance to galaxy.
  14. Mass Effect, 2nd run-through. After that, I thought I wanna check out Assassins Creed. But I heard a lot of mixed feelings about it...
  15. The game is a bit short too. I'm currently on my second run-through, and only do the story-missions and side quests on the citadel. Should take me only 10 hours to beat it. Exploring the uncharted worlds is imo boring and just an artificial way to extend the play time. They better should have skipped that and include an other story planet instead.
  16. Without reading through the ten pages, I just wanted to add that I find it cruel how kids and youth get treated, mocked and ignored these days. Back then when I was raised as a kid (and that's not too long back), there was something like moral standards, and a certain level of security and decent behaviour you could expect from adults. This is utmost important for society to remember, otherwise it all fires back, like we now can see with continuing moral decline and increasing violence (i.e. stabbings, bulling etc.).
  17. I just finished it an hour ago. Good game. I wasn't disappointed, but wasn't blew away either. Still, I'm looking forward to ME2.
  18. What a nonsense. And for that Wright gets praised as a gaming god? That's even worse than Peter Molyneux.
  19. You quote Wikipedia as a source? Please tell me you're not a history major. No, but maybe you're just a snobby smartass here? After all, Britains only real reason to join the Entente was because she felt threatened by Germany's growing economic power, and consequently by Germany's growing fleet. I feel that was a pretty lame and opportunistic attempt to jump into the war, and then just drag the whole colonies with it.
  20. New cinematic trailer: Click And the flash-based website is also online: Click
  21. Vastic is ours Hehehehehe kidding....Austria deserved a draw but it shouldn't have come from that questionable penalty in my opinion although my country now directly qualifies to the quarterfinals. Questionable? That guy dragged the other violently down. I rather think this aloofly-goal from Poland was questionable, but the referee didn't see it!
  22. 1:1 Our Vastic saved the day. Still, it's a shame that Austria missed in the first 20 min very often, when they played so agressive and precise at the beginning, but jaded out later.
  23. Moron. Haven't hit the Goal. Saub
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