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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. I never wanted to have this game, so any glitches in melee combat doesn't matter to me at all.
  2. Well, ANY game could be hundreds of hours long if I only run around in circles. Or collecting mushrooms, like Gothic 3. But I doubt that a story-driven, movie-inspired game like Heavy Rain will have a narrative that supports hundreds of hours gameplay. More like 10-15 hours, if we're lucky.
  3. Gothic 3. ...from which I got bored after 5 hours. Next.
  4. How do I get online with a Playstation 3 when I only have an USB ADSL Modem? Can I just put a LAN cable (RJ45) from the PS3 into the LAN Card of my PC and then go online with it? If yes, what would I need to configure on Vista in order to "hook up" the LAN Card on my Modem? I'm not in the mood to buy either a Ethernet Modem, nor a Router. Thanks!
  5. Here's a Heavy Rain - Behind the Scenes movie (in French though). Click
  6. Another fackeen Diablo clone in the works. No thanks, I rather look forward to the real deal.
  7. Tell me a game these days that is "100's of hours" long.
  8. Combat is like what you'd expect from a PnP to game translation: Clunky. But then again, that didn't stop me enjoying the BGs, NWNs etc. Just don't expect any innovations on that side.
  9. Hardcore RPG fans who like shallow medieval settings (with the typical big-b00bed waitress, the grumpy dwarfs and the silly heroic knights) and like doing fedex quests while covering long distances through boring landscapes certainly will find the game charming. I, however, moved on. And so do my RPG standards.
  10. Heavy Rain is a PS3 exclusive.
  11. This looks very neat. Perhaps I'm gonna grab a PS3 sometime in the future if there are more exclusives titles I'd be interested in.
  12. Rumors say that Eidos will publish the English version.
  13. 10Tacle Belgium shuts down. Totems gone? http://planet-adelpha.net/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=75 This sucks. First Outcast 2, then Symbiosis, now Totems.
  14. Click Played it for a little bit, and it seems to be very solid. The GUI especially is very ordered. But it gets boring very fast, because it's so generic and mainly made for teens that have too much time on their hands. Anyway, make your own opinion.
  15. The good thing is there won't be any elves, orcs or dwarves, but only new races. Exciting!
  16. What a bunch of sickos these Brits. This entire nation needs to ask what is fundamentally wrong with her?
  17. EA also needs to bring back System Shock 3.
  18. Played it for 3 mins, then uninstalled it.
  19. http://rpb.deepsilver.com/ Seems like they have an announcemnent in a week. Rumors say the name of the game will be "Risen". Anyway, even after the catastrophe that was Gothic 3, I'm curiously looking forward to this new RPG. Once a fanboy, always a fanboy!
  20. This is the part that I worry about as it could just mean that they're going the easy route of bad horror movies where stuff jump out from around corners making a lot of noise, it scares me, but not in the good and fun way. I hear you. After watching some gameplay movies, I'm a bit worried. The game seems to be heavily scripted, plus the monster design is uncreative. One charms that System Shock 2 had with it's spawning points was this certain unpredictability. You never were save, every time some zombie could pop up in those tight corridors. Another thing that made Shock2 so scary was simply the remaining human being part inside the zombies. In Dead Space, they're just silly "The Thing" monsters, men with tentacles. Meh. Oh yeah and then there's the 3rd person view. I like FPV more, the cam is closer to the event. Always better that way. Anyway, I'll keep an eye on it. If the demo convinces me, it's gonna be a must buy.
  21. Age of Conan.
  22. I liked Obama's charismatic speech in Berlin, even though I don't think he's genuie about that "only together we can succeed" stuff. More like "give us troops for Afghanistan and Iraq". Anyway, he's the right guy. McCain is disgusting, Bush just clumsy.
  23. It's from Gas Powered Games, makers of Screen Savers and boring Robot games. Therefor, this game will suck as well.
  24. Well, in your world maybe....
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