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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Preview @Eurogamer
  2. After playing the demo to Star Wars Force Unleashed, this one is on my buying list as well. Awesome graphics, cool gameplay...and well, let's gonna wait how the story turns out. Still, very impressive work.
  3. This video didn't really demonstrate actual gameplay, as opposed to what was shown to journalists in Leipzig. You actually can have full control of your character, turning your head independently and walk into the direction where you're looking at. Basically, everything you can look at can also be interacted with (whatever that may be). The actual demo demonstrated didn't even have anything to do with the actual game, is it was specifically made for the Leipzig announcement. So who knows how's HR gameplay turns really out.
  4. That CG trailer was lame und unnecessary (as all CG trailers for games are). They better come up with a proper website, screenshots and lore infos.
  5. Downloading Star Wars: The Force Unleashed demo now.
  6. And here's a preview from IGN. Click Guess it makes sense to have more playable protagonists. But what if all die? Do we get a nice "Game Over" screen then? Anyway, this is gonna be a must-buy, no question.
  7. Lolz!
  8. Now we only need games utilizing Image Metrics!
  9. Heavy Rain trailer and screenshots released. Click Not bad, but it doesn't show much.
  10. They suddenly postponed the counter another day. Lame.
  11. 02:29:00 left. Oh my! Just when I'm at lunch!
  12. Condemned 2 on my shiny new PS3.
  13. Thanks Morgoth!
  14. Yes this works Morgoth.
  15. Saakashvily trying to devour his tie. Click That tells everything about that psychopath.
  16. The US armed and trained Georgian troops. I wonder why? Prtotecting Saakvillain though definitely discredits US foreign politics for me. Russia, after all, had peacekeeping responsibilities in Soutossetia, but that doesn't change the fact that the US plays a dirty propaganda war now, protecting the georgina government and pushing all faults to Russia. I cross my fingers how this conflict will continue.
  17. I guess it should keep me entertained for 1-2 weeks, like any other MMO.
  18. Russia invaded Georgia (not South Ossetia to protect the Russian citizens from that madman Saakhvillain) because Georgia pronouned martial law, silly. The only way to get rid of Russia now is a) defeat them (haha) or b) surrender. They certainly won't (and don't have to) pull out for good will. This madness is all Saakhvilles and his corrupt (and US supported) government faults, bombing Zchinwali out of the blue sky with 2000 civilian casualties. And Mrs Rice even shakes the hand with that bastard. Off to the Hague with him! Edit: Here's a girls tale that supposedly was there during the Georgian bombing. Click
  19. "Put up"? From whom was Georgia "put up" anyway? Right, the USA. And Sakkvhille (or whatever) started to bomb South Ossetia, so he should stop playing the victim there. To the Hague with him!
  20. Morgoth


    I don't believe into this Bigfoot phenomena before I don't see one dancing in TV.
  21. No wonder Russia feels threatened and therefor took the initiative in the caucasus. After all, the west (USA, NATO) has shamelessly expanded into east, including former SU countries and setting up missile shields against Russia. I'd feel pretty pissed about that. Russia or China are the only countries that can offer a counter-weight to the (arrogant) West in order to create balance in the world order again.
  22. I can imagine it's "easy" to find a new job in a hotspot like Austin, Bay Area, Irvine, Montreal, UK and other hotspots. However, if you happen to work at some other place, it's either time to move, or to find a job in a different industry...which is always a hard decision.
  23. Poland, another pawn of the US of A. Like the rest of the EU-Brussels-dwarfs.
  24. Morgoth


    No, actually not that Georgia for a change. I'm talking about the US state of Georgia this time. Anyway, seems like they got one of these furries and now keeping him in a freezer. Click Wouldn't be surprised though if it turns out to be a bad hoax.
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