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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Well I just finished Condemned 2. What a weird and unsatisfying end. Well, guess that means Condemned 3 is coming?
  2. Except that F3 isn't really comparable with poop. Nice try though.
  3. Well thanks, but as I said, I already got connected with my PS3.
  4. Doesn't look like Oblivion at all. Oblivion was greenish, F3 is brownish. Huge difference!
  5. After watching these 5 gameplay videos, I'm now actually looking forward to F3. The magnet fists were hilarious as hell! Also, I kinda liked the Deus Ex-like gameplay.
  6. Did anyone hear something new about Br
  7. Apart from the cutscenes, how's the actual game? your standard fare hack and slash for the Nariko parts. I personally liked the other bits better as you were able to do some... interesting things with that crossbow bolt. Uhh no thanks. Still gotta finish Condemned 2. The SCU Building Level definitely made me feel something wet in my pants.
  8. Apart from the cutscenes, how's the actual game?
  9. Each company handles their creative processes the way they think fits to the kind of game they're trying to make. With a typical Bioware RPG, it's clear you need a lot people with certain expertise and disciplines to put everything together. A movie-director hirachy could possibly be contraproductive and sluggish. However, a filmic-sytle "game" like Fahrenheit or Heavy Rain certainly benefits from a movie-like team structure, having a director with a clear vision that is responsible for story, character design and cutscenes.
  10. I just finished Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. Pretty cool game, but I missed a hefty smooching-scene at the end.
  11. Interview with Monsieur Cage Motion capture sessions are done, about 80 characters in the game, game release towards the end of 2009. Me wants have it now!
  12. You can't really screw up the Far Cry license, as the game was basically just an engine with lots of jungles, mutants, good AI badasses and a cursing protagonist. No big deal, even I could come up with such a franchise during a morning shathouse-session. In fact, I even think Ubisoft might give FC2 an actual soul. That's win-win, if you're a fan. However, Piranha are good and competent developers, even if they couldn't handle their technology, which eventually led to a horrible game. But I forgive them - may they learn from their mistakes, and may Risen become an awesome game. But we're talking about some fackeen Indian company here, for gods sake. That's like outsourcing the Fallout license to... wait. I guess everything's possible these days.
  13. Well there're a lot of dumpsters, and I haven't seen a bum. Hopefully I haven't ate him accidentally. Well I'm looking into this later. Thanks.
  14. If they're making a worthy Shock sequel, I'm gonna lick their di... Well yes, where am I stuck? Whitefish something? Where I have to find a Dutch whatever guy? It's just I'm supposed to go to some alley, but I searched the whole area and there's nothing.
  15. NoGood has revealed btw that the standalone-addon "Forsaken Gods" will be developed by some Indian studio called Trine Games, makers of games like "Legends of great India" and "Trash". It's good to hear that the franchise is in good hands.
  16. http://www.edge-online.com/news/starbreeze...ic-ea-franchise Noone knows. But with a little luck it's.. uh.. what the hell does EA have that I would want to play? Ultima perhaps? I must have missed that. Ultima? Doubt that. More like...uh... System Shock? Or Wing Commander.... or what else is a classic EA franchise? Project RedLime. Red+Lime= Red lime. Okay, I'm really clueless.
  17. Playing a bit "The Darkness", but I'm stuck currently. It's an overall pretty cool game, a bit repetitive, but very enjoyable nonetheless. But with the weak marketing campaign and non-existing buzz the game was encompassed with, I wouln't be surprised if the game sold like s.hit and there won't be any sequel made. What are the Swedos at Starbreeze currently up to anyway?
  18. The gun-toting woman? She isn't unrealistic, modern women dress like that and carry guns like that all the time in an attempt to please the males that they exist for. It's true. I believe you.
  19. No doubt for me that DA will be good. Not necessarily a classic a'la BG2 (but hope never dies), but certainly worth the money. Bio never disappointed me, and they won't do that in the future, for certain.
  20. I didn't. I just needed an excuse to post this picture. But really, how unrealistically is that?
  21. But Russia had a protection mandate to the Southossis. Should they just had these people plus the peacekeeper troops watch getting slained without intervening?
  22. Ahhh... Battle-proven Oktoberfest waitresses. How could this possibly fail?
  23. When was the last time LA developed something internally anyway? I wouldn't mind using that engine with Mass Effect's facial system to make a Kotor3, really. This would mean mind-blowingly awesomesauce.
  24. You want realism, how about that? "Chick with skinny hand holding big ass fat gun and ready to kick arse"
  25. I'm okay with the girls, but unlimited ammo is unforgiving indeed. Heavy Rain 1:0 Alpha Protocol.
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