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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. I hope the public finally gets a chance to see some actual gameplay footage.
  2. Hey, we're not the only ones to blame here. Every single aspect of game development has become more complex and time consuming. Nowadays you have like one guy doing nothing but work on a water shader for 3 years straight, that was unheard of ten years ago. But it might quiet down a bit because the tools required to make game assets are becomming more and more advanced and easier to use aswell. For example; today, an artist will easily spend a week laying out the UV's for a main character, and another guy 2 weeks for rigging him and preparing him for animation(a process that has to be redone for every single change in the characers design). In the future, we will have programs who will do all that automaticly in 5-10min. I don't need a week to lay out UV's for a main next-gen character (lets say 10k polys), more like 5-8 hours, or less. Can't comment on the rigging though, as mine are only primitive ones with a single idle animation (for test purposes only). Anyway, you'll always need artists, no matter how many processes will become automated.
  3. Little Big Planet looks interesting, though I'm not so sure this is "Kids only" stuff.
  4. Whatever. Maybe they could make it look better in HR, but prolly on the expense of performance. After all, it's always nice to show a demo and max everything out, but in an actual game you've a lot more going around, so the devs have to allocate ressources accordingly to mantain a playable framerate. That's my guess at least.
  5. With AGEIA physics you now can simulate hair. Heavy Rain for example is supposed to utilize this. That perfectly? With those strands of disheveled hair? I want to direct you to the leaked Heavy Rain screenshots, a game that utilizes AGEIA Physics for hair, fluids and other stuff. Click Looks pretty convincing to me, so yeah, why not? Whatever you can do in CG movies, you can also do in realtime, provided the right hardware is available.
  6. With AGEIA physics you now can simulate hair. Heavy Rain for example is supposed to utilize this.
  7. The question is, how many good MMOs are actually around? I'll still keep an eye on Bios MMO, and Secret World from Funcom.
  8. I said games that aren't available on PC, jerk!
  9. Ah yes I read that a while ago. I'm glad the guy takes it so easy.
  10. I'm too great of a Monolith fanboy to reject any game they make.
  11. Pssst don't tell her or she's gonna hate me even more. By the way, can DR even love? @Llyr My store already informed me that Condemned2 and Darkness shipped out today. But I doubt I'm gonna regret it. Yes....
  12. Well, again, I'm not writing GTA4 or Uncharted completely off, it's just that I'm currently not interested in playing these games. But there certainly will be a dry time period where nothing is to play, and then I might reconsider.
  13. I think what they wanted to demonstrate there is that you just put a real person into this spherical room and then make a 3D scan and performance capture, with the result seeing in the picture below.
  14. I'm neither buying any of the above mentioned games, because I don't fork out money for average action games. Never liked Rockstar games, too. But I seriously hope that Star Wars Force Unleashed is gonna rock. The technology and gameplay certainly looks exciting, I hope the story will be decent as well.
  15. I doubt Obsidian will ever do a MMO. Why would a company, whom's mission is to tell compelling stories, make games that are all about grinding and the phat l00t? A total waste of talent. Let the Mythics and Blizzards and Funcoms do that job!
  16. Llyr is just cynical and angry as always. He can't stomach that I'm now both A PC AND PS3 ELITIST!
  17. Oh yes, I forgot GTA4 completely. Maybe later for the bargain bin. The Darkness looks pretty cool, I wonder why there was no marketing buzz around release.
  18. Thanks for the tip, Llyr! But the question is, can I also smash buttons while eating potato chips?
  19. I wonder how many games actually will utilize such complex scenes/characters? Maybe 1 of 1000?
  20. Yeah, prolly will pick up Darkness, since it only costs 20
  21. Volologic strikes again! Either you're the best, or you have to die. I guess you never learned something about Christian values.
  22. Since I acquired a completely new Playstation 3 for a *relatively* cheap 320
  23. Go on! Everything that weakens the USA is good for me as an European!
  24. Not worth to start WW3 because of some marionette state like Georgia.
  25. Hit lvl 25 while killing Scorpions in Stygia, but now I lost all interest so I canceled my subscription. I guess MMOs just aren't my cup of tea. Still, AoC definitely crushes WoW, and is thus the best MMO avalibale on the market right now.
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