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Mamoulian War

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Everything posted by Mamoulian War

  1. I actually liked the Renegade multiplayer, so this news is pretty nice to hear...
  2. And I dream about Pathfinder game from Obsidian, but unfortunately our dreams will very unlikely come true
  3. the more you post, the more I love you *hugs*
  4. Oh noes, I think I should go now kill myself, coz I got insulted on the internet by some nameless jerk... Bubye!!!
  5. Are you poor or something? You know I rather pay flight ticket to HK for a date, than to throw out money out of the window and buy something, I would not use for more than 3 years... That's how long I did not play any PC game, coz of the suckfest, that got published last few years... And I rather take something big and purple up my ass than to install sometihing like Steam, uPlay or Origin on my PC
  6. I am sorry, but I was not paying a lot of attention to this forum, sooo: Any news about possibility of organizing tea parties at the stronghold? Preferably at player defined time each day... Nothing better than a cup of Earl Gray with a drop of milk at 5pm, before kicking some serious butt at the Infinite Dungeon...
  7. I can only recommend you the idea about ToX
  8. Because EA killed off Origin
  9. Actually BG3 in upgraded infinity Engine might be for me worthy to give them some money in contrast with EEs... I just want to see writing in their original DLCs first...
  10. Any CPU is faster than my current PC, I still have a single core machine, which I bought when NWN2 was released, after that, not a single PC game was worth of upgrade, but with PE, Torment, and mostly Squadron 42, I am thinking about finally upgrading it... And the offered price is kind of tempting... Will need to check various specs and the possibility of tinkering with the machine over the course of time...
  11. That's actually a really reasonable price. Same price as a XBone and significantly more raw horsepower, granted it doesn't have a camera to look at your pen1s. If this piece of hardware allows you to install other operating systems, it is hell of a good price...
  12. A development even after starting the project might change its focus and pace in the timeline, and it is not a rare circumstance, that there are at some point implemented some minor and major changes, such is the reality in almost every software project put on table, and on which I have in the past worked... What is honoring inXile, that they are consulting these changes with their customers... Not many companies do that...
  13. Of course, they should just give back all the moenyz back to backers and disband the team... Who needs games like Torment or PE, when we can play Clamor of Obligation: Specter Chihuahuas!!!
  14. I installed set up BG1 and BG2 trilogy in one and half hour with discswapping... Still faster than downloading both games from any DD vendor... Patching up and getting mods was done in half hour for me... PS. I am not trying to tell anyone that they should run away from BG1EE and BG2EE, just telling you, why for me the added value is not high enough to justify the current price... And unfortunately I do not have portuguese maid to make up my home, so I can not compare this view to the value of the game
  15. Ehm, with full install you do not need to swap discs...
  16. Looks like Volo is high again...
  17. Now I am in the period of not able to pick up anything I want to play, despite still having few games on backlog... eew So I am only turning on my PS3 for hour or less in a day and trying to farm Arumat's battle trophy for 30k kills... 1000 encounters to go... I should be finished in about month with my current "speed"... I really need to get over this stupid distaste for gaming as soon as possible... else I have to start to date again... what a horrible outcome out of this situation!!!
  18. "with jobs" and "play the game enough" kinda contradict each other, no? at least, for me to justify tossing $15 out the window every month I have to play the game at least 20 hours a week. and even now, while I'm a student, I can't dedicate more than 4-5 hours a week to games, let alone one game. Most of the people I play MMO's with have full on careers. The key is that all they really do is work and play the game, and they play that one game exclusively. When you work and 8-10 hour day, you still have time to come home and play for 4-5 hours. Cut back on the sleep a bit and you can get even more. I did join a guild once where it seemed like quite a few of the people were on disability, that scared me off pretty fast. I go through spurts like that, maybe a week or two where I'm really enjoying the game and putting in a lot of hours. But I get burnt out quick, and I like to play a variety of games. and that is the reason why I stopped to play MMOs, to dedicate at one game only is just waste of fun and I need enough variety to have fun the second reason is, that most of them play the same... so after playing 4 or 5 years of wow, i get bored with every single MMO in under 1 hour... including WoW...
  19. Ooooh, that would be soooooo romantic!!!!
  20. Inflatable dolss are so 2009... You should exchange it for the Latex version!!!
  21. But I need my QTE and I win button!!! Else Ze immershun iz brokn!!!
  22. I do not want Baldur's Gate style combat. I want Numenera PnP style combat... does that count?
  23. Like twice as lame? Good that I voted TB few hours ago, else I would be now staying in shame in the corner of my living room...
  24. Why a backer who does wnat turn-based combat would not want to vote? I was indifferent, but after reading this: I decided to go for Turn-Based, because I am big fun of PnP gaming, and I prefer combat style introduced in games like ToEE over BG, though I love both games, and would not want PE to go TB...
  25. New interview with Richard Garriot and his new MMO http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/129744-Richard-Garriot-Theme-Park-MMOs-are-Dead
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